Thursday, June 2, 2011


In my previous entry I spoke of a certain buzz you can experience at events with substantial crowds or certain atmosphere. The unique energy and vibrational frequency, the noises both quiet and loud, the infatuating excitement of others, Besides cultural events you can also greatly experience the feeling at sporting events, concerts, clubs, parties, and celebrations such as parades. Also at movies, conventions and lectures, and even the mall. It can also be experienced at protests and expressed destructively in riots. Of course it can also be a more subdued event or atmosphere that can create that feeling inside created by collective experiences. Places such as in a church, a quiet garden, and even a wedding or funeral. It can sometimes even be felt after a community comes together to overcome a tragedy. Perhaps a group experience is more meaningful to the human experience, what we really crave and need from time to time. Some people claim they do not like the feeling they experience in crowds, commenting that it makes them feel weird or strange. Not recognizing it and being frightened by its pull. It is curious why the feeling is pleasant to others, could it be the ability to embrace the energy and letting it flow through you. The concept of a psychic vampire comes to mind. The idea that some people can "feed" off the energy of others and especially in large crowds. Whether it be a conscious or unconscious act. I myself have always enjoyed the energized feeling you get.

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