Sunday, June 26, 2011

Bad Reversal

The supreme eternal God created everything, both spiritual and physical. Both good and evil with everything in balance. Just as negative things that could be considered evil are necessary for the physical world to function, it makes sense that evil would also be found in spiritual realms. In the physical world the negative or evil is in the form of natural principles and mechanics. In the spiritual world the negative or evil has to take on a persona. It came about in some of the Angels due to their envy, greed, ego, and lust. They could not dwell among the pure righteousness and were cast out. This was all in God's will because the principle of balance was necessary for a creation to exist.

Those who fell were refined to the lower realms and the physical space of the universe. Becoming the adversary and their evil growing to include anger, treachery, deceit, vengeance, and destruction. They decided to try to ruin the creation and get rid of God. Humanity, as God's greatest expression of love and the ultimate eventual source of their destruction, became the target. They presented themselves to us as our creators, great Gods that created all and were here to help us. They taught deceptively and falsely so that we would deny God and feel he was not good. Everything was reversed. They corrupted the human race and brought forward our iniquity.

They made evil greatly expand and created as many things as possible that could harm and destroy us. They were so consumed by evil that they had no control and did everything they desired. Loving the chaos and destruction. They mixed with us and created greater monsters and abominations to destroy us both directly and through corruption of the human makeup and blood. Mankind slowly became just as they were and we were on the path to destruction.

It was not to be though and God had to take drastic and anguishing steps. Everything on the earth had to be all but destroyed to rebalance the scales. This was to be used against God by the dark forces. Evil and the fallen were not destroyed and it wasn't long before their influence was once again felt. The earth was also now filled with earth bound evil spirits to continuously harass us. Mankind angry about the flood greatly turned away from God returning to the worship of false gods and the fallen ones.

Eventually mankind forgot about the belief of Gods and the idea they were here to help us. The Fallen ones began to appear to us in the form of aliens and UFOs, using the similar tactics in a new guise. Seeming to want to regain their status from the humans who have greatly done their work for and with them a long while now.

This is the grand deception. That bad is good and good is bad.

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