Many ancient cultures spoke of being visited by beings "the gods" from the stars and being given advanced technology and knowledge by them. Prior to aliens spiritualist believed they could contact higher intelligences called Ascended Masters who have the appearance of later Nordic aliens. The first image of a creature that looks like a grey was that of Lam, an image of creature Alastair Crowley claimed to have channeled contact with. Others such as the US government and CIA used techniques developed to contact either extra terrestrial or dimensional beings. This was in order to gain secret and hopefully advanced technology and knowledge. It has long been rumored that the Nazis had direct, as well as the channeled, contact with non-terrestrial beings to achieve their technological advancements. One theory asserts that the mystical Aryan race the Nazis were attempting to revive were the alien race of the Pleiadan Nordics. One theory asserts they closely resemble the race of the Nephilim (meaning giants and/or fallen ones). Those coming from the highest echelon of occultism known as the illuminati, believe the original people who inhabited the earth descended from Mars. They believe the first civilization was Atlantis.
This is similar to legends of King Solomon receiving a ring from a demon which gave him power to summon demons and gain wisdom from them. Just as King Solomon was supposedly contacting demons, scientists quickly began to realize the entities they were contacting were evil and demonic beings and not aliens. These ascended Masters and interdimensional entities are in fact the fallen Angels and disembodied evil spirits confined the fourth realm. Posing as usual as being good, very knowledgeable, and interested in helping us.
It is said that the first physical contact with aliens was with those of Nordic appearance (Angels?). They offered us technology but on the condition that we changed our ways. They wanted us to be less violent and less destructive, and use the technology to benefit all. Apparently we did not agree and they left us. The second contact we had was with the Grays and Reptilians (fallen Angels?). They were willing to give us technologically in exchange for being allowed to abduct some humans for research. They claim to be close to extinction because of problems on their own planets and their genes. Evidence suggests they are malevolent, interested in taking over the planet and enslaving us, and using us for nourishment.
Aleister Crowley
The Englishman Aleister Crowley (1875 - 1947) was one of the most notorious occultists of his day, and perhaps of modern times. Self-styled as "The Beast 666," he went out of his way to live up to it. He wrote a number of textbooks on ceremonial magick. He also founded and was head of a number of occult fraternities.
In January through March of 1918 Crowley began a series of magickal workings called the Amalantrah Workings in New York City. These were performed via Sexual & Ceremonial Magick (black magic) with the intent to invoke certain "intelligences" to physical manifestation. Another British occultist who would regularly summon alien like entities was Dr. John Dee, court astrologer for Queen Elizabeth I. The workings typically manifested as a series of visions and communications received through the mediumship of his partner, Roddie Minor. Be that as it may, at least one such "intelligence" was brought into physical manifestation via the Magickal Portal they created. (A portal in this context is a "magickally" created rent (tear) in the fabric of time and space.) The entity that came through is the one pictured above left. Crowley maintained the picture is actually a portrait and drawn from real life. This entity either called itself "Lam," or was named "Lam" by Crowley. Either way, he considered it to be of interdimensional origin, which was the term then for extraterrestrial. In communications with Lam, the symbolism of the egg featured prominently.
Crowley included the portrait of Lam in his Dead Souls exhibition held in Greenwich Village, New York, in 1919. Beneath the picture was the following inscription: "LAM is the Tibetan word for Way or Path, and LAMA is He who Goeth, the specific title of the Gods of Egypt, the Treader of the Path, in Buddhistic phraseology. Its numerical value is 71, the number of this book."
Scan of Frontispiece
Since Crowley's time, in occult terms at least, Lam is considered a class of entity rather than an individual being. When one invokes Lam, they are invoking an entity of that type, rather than a specific being. For occultists operating along O.T.O. lines, the idea is to invoke these Lam entities through Magickal Portals (intentionally created rents in time and space) into physical manifestation on planet earth.
Several occult groups and individuals following in his footsteps have claimed to have intentionally and successfully contacted "Lam." Most notably, Michael Bertiaux in the 1960's followed by a group of O.T.O initiates in the 1970's. (The O.T.O. is the Ordo Templi Orientis, a Magickal order run by Crowley at one time.) These individuals consider "Lam" to be a trans-mundane or extraterrestrial entity and claimed remarkable success in their invocations. Cowley termed the intentional cultivation of spiritual growth the "Great Work." Which precisely involved the establishment of contact with non-human intelligences." Intelligences such as Lam. Michael Bertiaux, a Lam contactee and invoker of note, viewed Lam as the "subterranean burgeoning of Lucifer-Gnosis." Considering that Gnosis means an intuitive knowing, this would mean that knowing Lam is to know a "welling-up from the unconscious of an inner knowing of Lucifer." (bear in mind that occultists at least may not necessarily see Lucifer as the devil, but rather as a "light bringer" who fell to earth). Bertiaux goes on to say that this Lucifer-Gnosis is the appropriate path of human spiritual growth at this time.
Following the success of these contacts, interest in occult circles gathered considerable steam. In 1987, Kenneth Grant, the generally acknowledged successor to Crowley, went so far as to formalize the Lam Workings into something called the Cult of Lam. There aim is to obtain some insight not only into the nature of Lam, but also into the possibilities of using the "Egg" as an astral space-capsule for travelling to Lam's domain, or for exploring extra-terrestrial spaces.
It is generally agreed within occult circles that Crowley intentionally opened a portal of entry via magick ritual in the Amalantrah Workings which allowed the likes of Lam and other similar entities onto the earth-world. The rift "in-between the spaces of the stars," created a gateway through which they could enter the known universe, and most particularly, our earth-world. According to occultists involved in such things, the Portal has since widened. It was further enlarged by a Jet Propulsion Laboratory founder and rocket fuel scientist named Jack Parsons, and Scientology and Dianetics founder and former naval intelligence officer L. Ron Hubbard in 1945, facilitating, so it is said, a monumental paradigm shift in human consciousness. They were two of those involved in a special project carried out in the California desert. The Mojave Desert has its share of military bases, like Area 51, involved in "black projects" such as advanced aircraft, mind control, and contact with interdimensional entities. There appears to be a magnetic spiritual vortex that draws "New Agers" to the area. Coincidentally, it was the area Charles Manson and his "family" resided in the late 60s.
This Magickal working was called the Babylon Working, and like the Amalantrah Working on which its ritual was patterned, it was based on ceremonial sex magick. The gist of it was that Parsons desired to take the spirit of Babylon, the "Whore of Babylon," and invest it in a human being. The idea was to create a child in the spiritual world, and then call down the spiritual baby and direct it into a human womb. When born, this child would incarnate the forces of Babylon, which they considered to be a good thing. (Crowley had written a book Moonchild concerning a similar experiment.)
The rites were performed as written from January 4th to 15th of that year. It is not known if a spiritual child was enwombed from them. What is known is that the Magickal Portal first created by Crowley was reestablished with considerable intensity by Parsons and Hubbard. From the diaries of the participants they were not as adept as Crowley in the closings of portals. They seemed to have accomplished was the drastic enlargement and ripping of an existing Magickal Portal and the subsequent non-closure of it. Perhaps the rip they created was not possible to close. It has remained open to all manner of interdimensional entities ever since. They carried out black magic ceremonies throughout 1945 and 46. The rituals were reported to have been successful, resulting in the establishment of extra-terrestrial contact.
A strong relationship exists between occult sites, top secret military installations, and UFO/alien sightings and abductions. One prime example is the area near Dulce, NM, where the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has a highly secured underground complex beneath the jicareila Indian reservation. The facility is said to be used for genetic engineering, including cloning. Several witnesses who were employed there reported seeing different breeds of aliens. Several abductees call up psychics, and former employees reported seeing large vats, full of blood and body parts. Their understanding is that particularly varieties of aliens they bathe in these to absorb nutrients through their skin. They crave adrenaline which is produced in great quantity when one is tortured or traumatized at the moment of death. Some who witnessed aliens recall distinct insignia or embolus on their uniforms. To no surprise alien symbology is identical to that of the Mystery Religions.
In any event, the modern UFO era began exactly a year and a half later on June 24th, 1947, with Kenneth Arnold's sighting over the Cascade Mountains in WA. The Roswell NM incident was early July 1947. Alastair Crowley died December 1, 1947 at the age of 72. This was also the year that the National Security Act was implemented.
Grey Aliens
The "grey aliens," slight-bodied, big-headed, large-dark-eyed manikin creatures are primarily an American phenomena. And, it is interesting to note that all the Lam workings were done in America. The "greys" appear eerily similar to Lam, with the exception of Lam not having the large insectoid wraparound eyes reported of the "greys." However, there are variations that very much resemble a Lam. Also and perhaps most significantly, Kenneth Grant, head of the current O.T.O., states that: "Lam is a Great Old One whose archetype is recognizable in accounts of UFO occupants." It would seem from this official Typhonian statement that the current invokers of Lam are absolutely clear that Lam and the grey-aliens are one.
Based on face value of the evidence, a theory could be constructed that not only are the Lams "grey aliens," but that the arrival of the "grey aliens" in American UFO culture was facilitated solely by the magical workings of Aleister Crowley and later disciples working in his footsteps. There are official O.T.O. groups today, such as the Cult of Lam, that are dedicated to invoking the Lam entities into the earth-world. According to their literature, not only is contact with non-human entities an integral castle for component of spiritual growth.
Lam Lore
According to O.T.O. chief Kenneth Grant:
• Lam is known to be a link between the star systems of Sirius and Andromeda.
• Lam is the gateway to the Void. Its number, 71, is that of "NoThing", an apparition.
• Lam, as a Great Old One, whose archetype is recognizable in accounts of UFO occupants.
• Lam has been invoked to fulfill the work set afoot by Aiwass; as a reflex of Aiwass.
• Lam as the transmitter to AL of the vibrations of LA via MA, the key to the Aeon of Maat.
• Lam is the occult energy beaming the vibrations of Maat and may proceed from that future aeon.
Some skeptics have taken the position that the UFO/alien phenomenon can be best explained as a form of psychosis or hysteria as conceptualized within the journey in psychology. Others view it as an elaborate government hoax designed to further confuse the populace. Yet another explanation is that it's a smokescreen perpetrated by government/military psy-ops in order to escalate induced paranoia. All exhalations may be right in order to manipulate one's perception of reality. Putting out several different scenarios, making it difficult to ascertain a pattern that would lead to finding the "truth".
Many of the ancient cultures revered and feared agencies which were described as looking like winged reptili is a dragons. Similarly, Satan and his minions were depicted in an identical way. In Genesis 3 we read about the Nachash, the Hebrew word for serpent. The original was not actually a snake but have extremely intelligent, beautiful, cunning creature, possessed with the ability to speak and reason.
There is no way to know if there are "aliens", or that some people (occultists) have "magickal powers." What is known is that there are people who believe that there are such beings and believe that they have such powers. There is a strong possibility of a connection between the "grey aliens" of popular UFO culture and the activities of certain occultists/Satanists.