Beware the Beastman

Deep within all of us is a beast. A beast that longs to be released into the world. There are many perils in today's society to lead people away from righteousness and properness. Plenty of opportunity to be tempted into committing sin. Also a growing number of people are not being taught as youths or have become jaded and cynical. Which isn't hard when you see the corruption and lack of integrity in business, politics, and religion. There is an increase in the level of paranoia, fear, and anger of society. We are also seeing an increase in violence and rage, in fact recently rediscovered what they call the warrior gene which is responsible for uncontrollable rage. On a level where the person affected becomes out of control, violent, unpredictable and beyond thinking when they loose their temper which they loose rather easily. Much more often we are seeing almost everybody reverting to or only using the primal reptilian part of the brain much more often. This central part of the brain is primarily reactive and compulsive, more analyst. It is hard to say what is the cause but it is mostly likely a complex combination of things. Genetics, polluted environment, bad diet, worsening education, subliminal messaging, social programming, and possibly something spiritual. People are becoming more bestial in daily life. The definition of bestial is of or relating to beasts, to resemble a beast, lacking intelligence or reason marked by base or inhuman instincts or desires. Synonyms are animalistic, beastly, brutal, brute, brutish, feral, ferine, subhuman, swinish. The best example of a beast man is that of the werewolf, which was a literary and film example of how mankind can sometimes act. Other creatures similar to the werewolf are the wendigo, banshee, and hell hound. Even zombies although undead are a good example of bestial activity.

Lycanthropy is but one form of therianthropy, the ability to metamorphose into animals. The term therianthropy literally means "beast-man." The word has also been linked to the original werewolf of mythology, Lycaon. According to Ovid's Metamorphoses he was a king of Arcadia who was turned into a ravenous wolf in retribution for attempting to serve his own son to visiting Zeus in an attempt to disprove the god's divinity. The term lycanthropy, referring both to the ability to transform oneself into a wolf and to the act of so doing, comes from Ancient Greek lykanthropos: lykos "wolf" and onthropos "human". Of which "lyco" derives from the Proto-Indo-European root Step*wlkwo-, meaning "wolf", formally denotes the "wolf - man" transformation.
Lycanthropy is now also the name of a mental illness in which a patient believes he or she is, or has transformed into, an animal and behaves accordingly. This is sometimes referred to as clinical lycanthropy to distinguish it from its use in legends. Despite its origin as a term for man-wolf transformations only, lycanthropy is used in this sense for animals of any type. The ancient term for shape shifting to any animal form is versipellis, from which the English words turnskin and turncoat are derived. This Latin word is similar in meaning as words used for werewolves and other shape shifters in Russian (oboroten) and Old Norse (hamrammr).
There is a historical representation of people who were like werewolves. In Scandinavian culture there were several types of warrior who would take on a bestial persona entering battle. One type of warrior called Ulfhednar wore wolf skins into battle. It was believed to imbue them with the powers and attributes of a wolf. They were the equivalent of Berserker who wore bearskins for the same purposes. They fought in a nearly uncontrollable trance like fury. It is unclear if herbal drugs played a part in assisting gathering into a fury.

Perhaps the most famous beast like person is the Antichrist of the Bible who is in effect called the beast. Following we will look at the attributes of an Antichrist and most in his society. Here is the relevant Bible verse from the book of Revelation which gives us some information to understand how to identify the beast;
(Rev 13:15) And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. (Rev 13:16) And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: (Rev 13:17) And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. (Rev 13:18) Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

The beast forced all the people, small and great, rich and poor, slave and free, to have a mark placed on their right hands or on their foreheads. No one could buy or sell without this mark, that is, the beast's name or the number that stands for the name. This calls for wisdom. Whoever is wise can figure out the meaning of the number of the beast, because the number stands for the name of someone. Its number is 666.

There are two beasts described in Revelation 13; the First Beast arises out of the sea, having seven heads and 10 horns. Biblically the sea represents multitudes of people or large populations. The "beast" is description both of a human, and the great superpower that he will lead. This superpower will be a new world political/religious economic and military superpower that will represent a prophesied revival of the ancient "Holy Roman Empire" (Daniel 2:31-45, Revelation 13:1-3, 17:9-14). The leader known as The Antichrist will be a Satan-possessed human who will eventually become its absolute ruler, while claiming divine status (Revelation 13:4-6). The beast has many names. Among others he is called the anti-Christ, the dragon, Satan, and the Devil. He will be supremely evil but he won’t appear to be evil at first. He will be very deceptive. He will have a supernatural and glorious arrival on earth. The Antichrist could be anybody of a certain way of being. Whoever would best fit Satan's purpose. The Bible tells us have been, are and will be many Antichrist's which seems to indicate all humans have the potential to be one. Nostradamus spoke of three different antichrists, two of which have come and gone. Experts believe that the people who match the descriptions of the first two were Napoleon I and Hitler.

A Second (Lamb-like) Beast arises out of the earth, having the appearance of a lamb while speaking like a dragon. Biblically the earth represents society. This beast is later called “the false prophet". This Beast exercises authority on behalf of the first beast, causing the Earth-dwellers to make image of the First Beast and worship him. It is able to give life to this image so that it could speak and kill anyone who does not worship the First Beast (Rev. 16:13; Rev. 19:20; Rev. 20:10). He will be a great religious leader who will support the beast. He will perform spectacular "miracles" that will deceive a majority of the citizens of Earth into obeying and actually worshiping the "beast." (Revelation 13:4, 7-8, 12-14). The deceived masses will think that they serving God while they are actually martyring His people (e.g. John 16:2-3, Revelation 13:7).

The Mark
In this superpower people will be made to take a mark in the order to have the right and ability to buy, sell and work (Revelation 13:17). Those who reject the mark of the beast will be persecuted by the beast and his deceived followers (Revelation 13:7,10,15 and 17:6). Those who accept the mark face the wrath of God that will come (Revelation 16:2). It will be a deliberate, knowing choice, and at that time there will be no doubt what it means.

The mark of the beast is either his name or the number 666 which represents his name. This could mean some people intentionally take the mark while others take it through their thoughts and actions. 666 representing that type of person or system which promotes getting the mark. The mark on the forehead represents a state of mind, while a mark on the hand represents actions. What is in one's heart is thought to dictate the state of the mind and therefore what you speak, how you act, and things you do. Acting beastly and improper may be required to participate in society, to buy and sell things necessary to daily life. Those who are righteous having to minimize participation and stay proper.

Throughout Scripture there is a conflict between those who follow man's thinking and those who follow God's thinking. We see that both followers of God and the beast will all have something on their foreheads. There are two very different marks associated with the different groups of people.
Those who worship the beast and his image and receive a mark of his name will have torment forever and not receive rest day or night. Jesus said that those who receive a mark of the beast are deceived and that the beast would deceive the whole world.
God also places a mark upon our forehead with his seal which indicates the fact that we are sealed with his law. The law is to be a sign upon our hands and foreheads. In Hebrews 10:60 God says as a covenant he will put his laws into our hearts and make them happen through our hands. Deuteronomy 11:18 says to fix the words of God's 10 Commandments, the law, in our hearts and minds as a sign upon our actions and foremost in our thoughts. The first being to love God with all your heart, soul, and strength. How you follow the commandments demonstrating that devotion.
So the two groups have either the name of God or the name of the beast upon their foreheads as a mark designating who may follow. The mark of God is always referred to as a seal differentiating it from a simple mark. A seal was used on lette|s and official documents to show that they were genuine through an identifying impression in the wax. While the Greek word for mark sometimes referred to branding. This tells us that the mark the followers of God receive is a sign of genuineness, while those who don't receive a mark that is a sign of slavery and servitude.

Several passages in the old testament talk about remembering the words of God, recalling them, and recounting them to following generations. The commandments were part of everyday life and a pattern of thought that affected everything that the Israelites did. Those who were rebellious and sinful received marks which declared it.

If we are seeking to be followers of Christ, we should be trying to develop this mind and attitude within us. The sealing of God's name on his followers foreheads should not be seen as literally physical but as the influence of the things of God on our minds. We have to recognize that his name is about the character of his mind, the qualities of mercy and grace, goodness and truth, patients and justice. If we are to have his name on our foreheads we must have those qualities in our minds. Just like the wax of a seal must be warmed up to be pliable we must be transformed to the image of Jesus through being gently conformed and not seared with a brand.

There are also two individuals in the Bible with a mark upon them are Cain and the symbolic vision of the whore of Babylon who rides interestingly upon the beast. She represents a church that follows false doctrines and the way of man. While the mark on Cain is symbolic of his guilt and that judgment is reserved for God.

There has been plenty of speculation about the number 666. Although it's not entirely clear, just yet, what the "666" means, the Bible does provide many Scriptures relating to the "beast" that the number represents. Using various methods of equating numbers with letters of words or names, a wide variety of interpretations have been made for 666. A few are reasonable guesses such as Nero Caesar, Romulus, Lateinos, Vicarius Filii Dei.

Six is the number of man. The number six six six means man man man, a system that is totally mancentred and mandominated. Everything is based on man's thoughts and plans and schemes. There is no room for God in it. So the number six also represents man without God. An animal (a beast) can have no idea of God. Spiritual and moral values are of no meaning to it.

The Symbolic or Spiritual Interpretation of the number 6 in the Bible is the number of imperfection, so, the Antichrist would have the triple total imperfection, in his religious, political and social dimensions, symbolizing the climax of man's failure and wickedness. Number "7" is the number of perfection in the Bible, therefore "6" does not reach perfection. The number six, and the number thirty-six, both allude to the incomplete state of creation that mankind is expected to rectify and bring to fruition.

Commentary on the Zohar that "the number 666 contains hidden within it exalted and lofty messianic potential." 666 is six repeated three times. Repeating a concept three times represents the affirmation and strength of that concept. The number 666 could thus represent the strength and perfection of the physical world, which Judaism teaches will occur in the messianic era, when the physical world will reach its ultimate purpose, to be a vehicle through which the created experience the Creator. It could also represent how completely and strongly evil and deceptive the Antichrist will be, and the success he will see. Six also represents connection between spiritual upper world and physical lower world. Which shows the spiritual aspect to the Antichrist.

Six things preceded the creation; some of them were actually created, while the creation of the others was already contemplated. It also represents creation of the physical world, creation of universe as six part, six day, process. The six days of creation. The first word in the Torah is Bereshit (In the beginning) which itself is composed of six letters in. There are also six alefs in the first verse of the Torah. God created six days on the sixth day, six things were created: Adam, Eve, creeping things, cattle, beasts, and demons. It was the focus of creation because on this day man was created. The creation was finished with the creation of man on the sixth day. On the sixth day Adam and Eve left Gan Eden. They no longer had a connection to this special world. They had damaged the unity they had with God. So creation is connected to the number six. The sixth day of creation was yesod, which means both building a foundation and bonding. God first fashioned the entire world and then brought man into it. From this we learn that it is man’s obligation to form a connection between the physical and the spiritual realms .

The number six connotes being one in the sense of being whole and all encompassing, rather than being part of something else. illustrated by the six sides of an object (right, left, front, back, top, and bottom) that fully encompasses it: sources describe the universe as emanating in six directions: north, south, east.

The sixth Commandment is do not murder. This is a fundamental commandment that entails the respect for humanity. However, the principle of murder is not limited to physical murdering of another’s physical body. We are commanded not to embarrass or shame our neighbor in any way. From a verse in the Torah, the rabbis proclaimed that gossip or any means of publicly embarrassing someone else is likened to murder.

It was prophesied that there would be righteous men that would come from the tribe of Judah. The combined attributes they were supposed to have were; skillful in playing, a man of valor, a man of war, prudent in affairs, a comely person, fair to look on, skillful in all wisdom, skillful in knowledge, discerning in thought, a surpassing spirit, and knowledge, and understanding, interpreting of dreams, the spirit of counsel and might. Was called Wonderful, Counselor, Prince, Mighty, Everlasting father, Prince of peace.
King Solomon was also had similar skills and attributes. The number 666 is mentioned in association with him. He was said to collect 600 and 66 gold shekels a year which is around 300,000 ounces troy. Around $300 million in today's currency.

From the above information we can gather the following behind the meaning of 666. It tells us that the Antichrist will definitely be a man, with a system created disconnected from and without God, no spiritual or moral values. He will be like an animal. The system and him will be imperfect. There will be spiritual aspect behind what he creates and brings to fruition. His deception and control will be complete and all encompassing as well as strong. The Antichrist and those at the top will be greedy and very rich. He will appear to have the same attributes as the most righteous from Jewish history.

End Times
Several authors from the Bible who wrote in the late first century A.D. considered themselves to be living in the end times. They expected the return of Jesus very shortly and spoke of the conditions of their day. The rampant spirit of opposition to Jesus and of the sinfulness of the people. It wasn't the end times but what they wrote gives us a good description of what it will be like.

Many Antichrists
John never spoke exclusively of "the Antichrist," but of Antichrist as an opposing attitude toward the true Messiah. John's first reference to Antichrist speaks of people who had fallen away from the church and became Antichrist by their rejection of the Truth. It was used by the apostle John only in two of his Epistles to the church in which he was speaking of people who had fallen away from true Christianity because they had been led astray by the "spirit of Antichrist" They alone were not Antichrist, but by their apostasy had become among those who were also Antichrist Antichrist was a hostile force, not a specific person: "Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that Antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time. They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us." (1 John 2:18-19 KJV)

John states that the Antichrist is, "he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ." John pleaded with the Christian recipients of his letters to continue in the Truth, so as to not become Antichrist: "Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is Antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: but he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also. Let that therefore abide in you, which ye have heard from the beginning. If that which ye have heard from the beginning shall remain in you, ye also shall continue in the Son, and in the Father." (1 John 2:22-24 KJV)

Here John plainly contrasts the Holy Spirit of God with "that spirit of Antichrist," an attitude of opposing the reality of Christ: "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of Antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world. Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world" (1 John 4:1-4 KJV)
Again and again, John speaks of "Antichrist" as a falling away: "And this is love, that we walk after His Commandments. This is the Commandment, that, as ye have heard from the beginning, ye should walk in it. For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an Antichrist Look to yourselves, that we lose not those things which we have wrought, but that we receive a full reward." (2 John 1:6-8 KJV)

The "Antichrist" is described as a product of "a falling away," not a heresy (i.e. "any opinion or doctrine at variance with the official or orthodox position"), but an outright apostasy (i.e. a state of having rejected and abandoned a religious belief"). In the end, upon Christ's return, he will be "cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone" (Revelation 19:20 KJV).
He won't be a life-long pagan, he will be someone who was once a brother, who through a "falling away" will become a wicked traitor to the Truth. He will commit treason, not to a country, but to God. And there is nothing more politically or religiously despicable than a traitor, a man who turns on his own people.

The The Peril of Sin
The perilous times are composed of these things: "But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away! For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts, always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth." (2 Timothy 3:1-7)

Then, in verses 6 & 7, Paul goes further to describe the kind of people who live in personal peril: "For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts, always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth." Unable to come to the knowledge of the truth, because of their corrupt, self-centered heart.

These conditions continue to be the perils of our society, and each one represents the personal peril of sin every individual needs to recognize (for repentance and forgiveness to become reality). These are the sins you need to avoid in your own behavior. And these are the people you need to guard against and turn away from (see verse 5).

Other Bestial Creatures
- A wendigo is from some native American cultures, it is a malevolent spirit which could possess and transform humans into a violent beast like being who was cannibalistic. They usually have a very gaunt skeletal appearance and had a foul odor like death and rotting meat.
- A hell hound is a supernatural dog which undertakes supernatural duties related to the underworld such as guarding graves and hunting lost souls. To see one was a sign of imminent death, and it's howl was either an omen or could actually cause death. They very said to have the appearance of unusually large dogs with black fur with glowing red or yellow eyes, super strength and speed, ghostly characteristics, as well as a foul odor. Sometimes they even had the ability to speak.
- The banshee comes from the Irish bean sidhe "woman of the fairy mounds". She was a messenger of the underworld who was a omen of death. She was usually a hag but could appear beautiful or any age, or appear as different animals. They are most famous for their wail described as an compared to a low pleasant singing, the eerie call of a wolf, so piercing it can break glass, and a thin screeching between their wail of a woman and an owls moan. Similar beings are throughout different Celtic cultures.

The definitions of mark will give you a clear idea of why the Antichrist uses one.
1.a visible impression or trace on something, as a line, cut, dent, stain, or bruise: a small mark.
2.a badge, brand, or other visible sign assumed or imposed.
3.a symbol used in writing or printing: a punctuation mark.
4.a sign, usually an X or cross, made instead of a Signature by someone who does not know how or is unable to write their own name. affixed or impressed device, symbol, inscription, etc., serving to give information, identify, indicate origin or ownership, attest to character or comparative merit, or the like, as a trademark.
6.a sign, token, or indication: to bow as a mark of respect.
7.a symbol used in rating conduct, proficiency, attainment, etc
9.a recognized or required standard of quality, accomplishment, etc.
10.distinction or importance; repute; note.
11.a distinctive trait or characteristic. object aimed at; target: to aim at the mark. object or end desired or striven for; goal. object of derision, scorn, manipulation, or the like.
b.the intended victim of a swindler, hustler, or the like me
21.a tract of land that may have been held in common by a primitive or early medieval community of peasants.
22.Archaic or History/Historical . a boundary; frontier.
–verb be a distinguishing feature of: a day. put a mark or marks on: to mark each box with an X. give a grade for; put a grade on.
26.scent-mark furnish with figures, signs, tags, etc., to indicate price, quality, brand name, or the like. trace or form by or as if by marks (often followed by out ): to mark out a plan of attack. single out; destine (often followed by out ): to be marked out for promotion. record, as a score. make manifest: to mark approval with a nod. give heed or attention. notice or observe.
—Verb phrases
37.mark down, to reduce the price of.
38.mark off, to mark the proper dimensions or boundaries of; separate.
39.mark up, mar or deface with marks. mark with notations or symbols. fix the selling price of (an article) by adding to the seller's cost an amount to cover expenses and profit. increase the selling price of.
40.beside the mark, not pertinent; irrelevant.
41.bless / save the mark! (used as an exclamation of disapproval, contempt, impatience, etc.)
42.make one's mark, to attain success or fame; achieve one's ambition
43.mark time. time
45.wide of the mark, far from the target or objective; inaccurate or irrelevant.