- reinvest in in-depth infrastructure, which will bring back the necessary support industries
create national rapid transit system, high-speed rail mag-lift
create trucking only corridors
- reintroduce hemp as a legal and viable crop, useful for fuel
- invest heavily in a research and development program for reaching energy independence
- make it illegal for companies to outsource more than 80% of their workforce
- give tax incentives to wholly American companies
- prosecute companies who promote and hire illegal immigrants
- create immigrant centers, cities where illegal immigrants could go live until processed as legal
- create much more lower income housing and commune type residencies
- create more offerings of free education to general public such as in nutrition/cooking/childcare/parenting/accounting/money management/repairs/self defense
- create many more city neighborhood gardens and invest in green rooftops
- in the US reduce defense, military and black budgets
- rewrite every home mortgage on homes in default or threat of default
reverse repossessions for homes which had overpriced mortgages
revalue housing prices on true value
- require the big banks to return the bail out money because they misused it even if it causes them to fail as there are others who can take their places
- in the US close the fed and create an actual government owned central bank
- in the US revoke the tax cuts for the rich, returning to a progressive tax program where the richest pay the most because they owe society for enabling them to become rich
- introduce a 2.5% tithe tax to go to charity, only on peoples income who make more than double the line of poverty
- introduce tax incentives for building smaller houses, energy efficiency on new builds and retrofits
- introduce tax credit for people who create gardens
- introduce tax credit for healthy living, exercising, no smoking, healthy balanced diet, good dental hygiene
- introduce tax credit for safe drivers with clean records
- introduce tax credit for parents who take parenting classes
- introduce tax credit for libraries and the arts so the less fortunate and children have access
- introduce tax credit for people who are disaster prepared, three day minimum survival kit
- give out small loans with minimal interest to make houses more self sufficient and use less energy
- introduce sales tax on luxury items for people with income more than double the line of poverty
- reduce interest on credit cards so it is not so much like usury, no more than 9.5%
- cheap healthcare, $20 yearly fee for 3 free doctor visits, free hospital stays for necessary and non-elective procedures
free dental and optomology included
government absorbs all of the other costs, reimbursement from patients insurance if possible
you choose your own doctor and health care facility
- people who care for disabled and therefore cannot work can apply to be paid 12 hours same as home care
- create a government health care run restaurant outside of the hospital with all profit going to help pay government health costs, possibly other businesses
- increase retirement age to 60 or only when unable to work a regular eight hour job
- required retesting for driving licenses every seven years, every three years for seniors and dangerous drivers
- slightly increased taxes for casinos and lottery corporations
- create a national lottery where all profit goes to charitable causes
- reduce the cost of essential groceries in all four food groups
- make all food stamps and assistance specific to only nutritional foods
- revamp product labeling to be more clear and concise
- legalize marijuana only in small amounts equal to personal use
- legalize same-sex marriage nationally
- strengthen hate speech laws
- require people to take a marriage counseling course before getting married
- require people to take care of before having a pet
- make automatic and semiautomatic rifles and assault weapons illegal
- require a gun training and safety course and registration in order to have gun
- televise all parliament/Congress and votes, channel available for free on all service providers and Internet
- require a televised vote to go to war or extend missions as well as a public referendum
- make private lobbying illegal, only allow lobbyists to present before parliament/Congress visible by public on network
- make all funding for election campaigns go to a single account divided equally by all candidates
candidates must reveal sources of personal income
candidates and heads of departments cannot be from or have previous connections to companies which have conflict of interest with government i.e. big oil, big finance, big corporate
make attack ads illegal
- bring about disclosure on UFOs and create a research department, inviting other nations to participate
- education system changes
teachers receive tenure and bonuses according to ability and not time on the job
introduce task oriented learning, and critical thinking/self inquiry
introduce a multireligious idea instead of no religion, personable prayer or non-prayer time
reintroduce mandatory phys ed and home economics
- prison system changes
less luxury items available, use more of a reward system
require inmates do physical labor to help pay and support costs such as repairs and growing food
require inmates to study some sort of occupation or skill for after getting out
require inmates to see psychologists/advisor
require inmates to attend religious services of their choice