Part 4 - Gods
Now that we have covered the three primary sources for evil on the planet we are going to move on in the next section to discuss the many different Gods. These Gods are every shape and size, and have every imaginable characteristic. I will primarily cover the gods of the Egyptians, the Hindus, the Greeks. I will briefly mention the gods of the Sumerians, Asiatics, Nordic, Germanic, Celts, and Native cultures of the Africans, aborigines, and Americas. And briefly mention the other gods mentioned in the Bible.
Even the briefest examination of ancient civilizations and every culture on the planet will find stories of strange beings that came down from the heavens to interact with mankind and provide them with religion, knowledge, and technology, before returning to their home amongst the stars. Despite this, history tends to assume that these legends are simply myths. However, considering modern stories of UFOs and alleged alien contact, there are startling similarities between UFO encounters and ancient accounts. The only difference is that early man had no real concept of the reality of life on other planets. To them, strange beings coming down from the sky in glowing chariots were understood to be gods, angels, or demons.
Man's first gods were the forces of nature. Terrifying and unpredictable, they were feared rather than revered by our ancestors. Yet while much of the world was in darkness, worshiping cruel incarnations of natural forces, a valley in Africa held a people who followed a different path. They worshiped gods that were beautiful to behold, luminous beings that walked the earth, guiding the human race to Paradise. They had human forms but were much more powerful; yet like humans, they got angry, despaired, fought with one another, had children, and fell in love. They lived lives that were very much like those of the people who worshiped them.
They were also gods to be loved and worshiped. Like the gods of the Greeks and Romans, the gods seemed to be made for storytelling. There were tales to educate, tales to entertain, and tales with morals, and in those stories, the gods didn't seem so far away and unreachable. It was comforting to hear that the gods also wept for those they had lost, to hear about the gods laughing, to learn that the gods faced many of the same problems that the people did, albeit on a grander scale. In learning about the gods on such an intimate level, humanity could better relate to the universe around them.
There were numerous gods, but rather than living on an isolated mountain or in an unreachable heaven, many of them lived invisibly in the mortal world, acting through sacred sites, items, animals, or even chosen people.
The ancient Egyptians practiced a belief system that was part totemism, part polytheism, and part ancestor worship. Their gods represent over 50 separate deities, most of which date to pre-dynastic times. The ancient tribes that made up the region worshiped their own particular gods, which were normally embodied by an animal. As Egyptian civilization advanced, the deities took on human characteristics. In many cases, the gods were depicted with human bodies, while retaining animal heads.
Many Egyptian gods find their origin in several of the Egyptian creation myths. These myths attempted to explain the Egyptians' place in the cosmos based on the observation of natural processes. As a result, gods identified with nature became prevalent in the Egyptian creation myths. Some of the most common creation myths refer to the churning sea of chaos that existed before creation. Out of this chaos rose the sun god Ra who then created deities that were both male and female. In turn, these deities gave birth to more deities, and the newly created deities were responsible for the creation of the physical world. Ra was also responsible for the creation of mankind. Ancient Egyptian legends tell of the "First Time," which is described as an age when sky gods came down to Earth and raised the land from the mud and water. They supposedly traveled through the air in flying boats and brought laws and wisdom to man.
They had many gods that simply looked like regular people. The Gods with animal heads were several with the heads of Falcons and Hawks, cats, jackals, snake, and frogs. Others included several other birds such as ibis, heron; horns of a cow, head with long curve snout, head of a cow, head of ram, a sphinx, head of a scarab, head, head of camel, head of crocodile, head of a lynx, head of a rabbit, head of a bull, four ram heads. One Goddess with the head of a cobra sometimes had wings. They are also gods that look like strange creatures such as a wasp with hippopotamus body, a crocodile head with lion Leopard and hippopotamus body, a sphinx, a goddess with a scorpions body, as well as a panther dwarf. Others looked like regular animals such as baboon gods, hippopotamus, and cows. Some of the gods also came in different colors being either completely green, black, blue, yellow, gray, red, or brown. Several of them could shape shift into pure animal form.
The Dogon tribe of Mali, Africa refer to beings called Nommo came from the stars. They were said to have humanoid upper torsos, and a fish-like lower torso and tail. There may be a connection to Egypt as scientists currently believe the Dogon originated in ancient Egypt before it existed.
Possibly the Dogon took their name from worship of the ancient Semitic deity Dagon, starting around 2500 BC, who was worshiped by the people who lived in what is now Israel. Dagon was believed to be one of the four sons of Anu, the lord of heaven. From his navel down, he had the tail of a fish, and from navel up, the form of a man. Very much like a mermaid. The Philistines believed that Dagon flew down from the sky in a ball of fire and taught mankind the ways of the plow and agriculture.
As well, a history of Mesopotamia written in the third century BC stated that ancient man lived in a lawless manner like beasts until there appeared a creature whose name was Oannes or Ea, meaning the "fish of heaven." Oannes' body was like a fish and "under the fish's head he had another head, and connected to the fish's tail, he had feet similar to those of a man." Oannes taught mankind writing and math, and was said to stay in the sea every evening. But when he departed for the last time, he flew up into the sky and returned to the heavens.
According to Hindu Mythology creation happened gradually. The universe in primitive form was made up of Ishwat Tattva, which primarily spread homogeneously throughout the universe.
In earlier Vedic thinking, the universe was created by Hiranyagarbha 'the golden embryo' or by Prajapati who was born from the Hiranyagarbha 'the golden womb'. Prajapati was later identified with the puranic Brahma. Other gods are credited with acts of creation, primarily the act of propping apart the sky and the Earth - gods who are said to have done this include Indra, Varuna and Vishnu.Another myth which began in late Rig-Vedic times with the Purusha Sukta hymn was the story of the creation of the universe from the remains of the primeval cosmic male Purusha, who had sacrificed himself or been sacrificed by other primeval beings.
Like the Egyptian gods those of Hindus of ancient India and surrounding areas had unique physical features and came in several different colors. Golden, blue, green, pure white, pink, and black. Perhaps the most unique looking of is Ganesh with the head of an elephant and between 4 and 10 arms. Many of the Hindu gods have a similar number of arms. Several have multiple heads, two of the more popular deities had four and six respectively. One of the gods is a monkey, and another had a human body but the head, beak, talons, and wings of an eagle.
They had many magical abilities and are able to take on different forms or avatars for themselves. Vishnu for example has taken the form of a fish, tortoise, boar, man lion, a dwarf, and several humans. They seem to operate similar to Angels as they are often fighting demons and other creatures. All of the Hindu gods have different instruments and weapons, having many different skills and knowledge they taught humans. They also built flying cities and craft similar to UFOs with advanced incredibly deadly weapons.
Greek and Roman
The Ancient Greeks were a deeply religious people. They believed in many gods who appeared in human form, but who had superhuman powers and strength. Historians are not certain when these stories about the Gods originated. The Greeks and Romans shared their stories but used different names. The Greek gods were pretty much a exact mirror for humanity although perhaps slightly exaggerated. They were violent and jealous, and the male gods were womanizing. They were always competing for the favor of humans and interfering with humanity, sometimes just for fun. They had varied magical abilities such as being able to take form of other creatures and almost what you would call mind control. They also each have their own magical weapons and abilities and knowledge such as fire to bestow upon us.
The story of the origin of the Greek Gods is very long and detailed, The Olympians are the most well-known of the Greek Gods. The story begins with the elder gods, the Titans, who ruled the earth before the Olympians. Cronus was the ruler of the Titans and he was married to Rhea. Together they had several children, Cronus would swallow his children soon after they were born. Rhea was not happy with this situation, so when one of her son’s was born, she hid her child and tricked her husband into swallowing a rock instead. This child was named Zeus, and as predicted, overthrew his father and the Titans, rescued his swallowed brothers and sisters, and became the ruler of the Olympians.
The Olympians were a group of twelve gods who ruled the earth. They each had different personalities and responsibilities. The Ancient of this Civilization greatly worshiped and respected these gods. They also built many shrines and buildings for these gods and much of the art from the time depicts images of these gods.
The Titans also have other children besides the Olympians which were monsters and gigantic creatures. As a result of interference from both groups and the use of magic many different types of strange creatures were created as well. Out of most cultures the Greeks had the greatest number of strange mythological creatures in their stories.
Clay tablets inscribed around 2,600 BC by the ancient Sumerians detail a 400,000-year history that included visits by creatures called Annunaki, who flew in vehicles called Shem. These celestial craft were described as being tall, rocket-like "rocks" which emitted fire. The Sumerians never called the Anunnaki gods but rather dingir, meaning "righteous ones of the bright pointed objects."
The Anunnaki were ancient beings first chronicled by the Sumerians in some of their writing. The Anunnaki were originally believed to be Sumerian deities, and their worship spread to the Akkadians and the Babylonians. The Babylonians worshiped the Anunnaki as servants of Marduk, one of their principle gods. They were the children of the gods Anu and Ki, hence their name. Marduk assigned these deities to heaven and earth, and in thanks, they built for him Esagila, a huge tower.
Some believe that the Anunnaki were beings from the planet Nibiru, the tenth planet. A number of Sumerian writings seem to indicate that this planet exists and that it has been a part of and will return to our solar system. In ancient times, one of Nibiru’s moons collided with the planet Tiamat. When the two collided, Tiamat was split in two. Then Nibiru itself hit the two pieces. One of them shattered and became the asteroid belt. The other was moved into a new orbit and, over time, became the earth.
The visitors stayed in human-built temples where they were waited on hand and foot. The detailed descriptions of everything from who could shake hands with the gods first to what food was served and how the gods were transported to their Shems, implied that the Sumerians were not speaking of spiritual visitors, but actual physical beings who traveled to the earth from outer space.
Most who study the Sumerian myths agree that they were looking for gold to use as a source of power. The Anunnaki, needing a source of labor, then genetically engineered humans to mine the gold for them. They are said to have created Humans by combining their genes with the primitive Neanderthal to create us in their image and after their likeness. The Anunnaki instituted the idea of a hierarchy to more easily control humanity, with the kings at the top serving as speakers for them. Eventually, however, there was disagreement between the Anunnaki mining expedition. According to Sumerian myth, the ancient Sumer city of Ur was destroyed by an “evil wind” which many now believe was a nuclear fallout from the war between the two Anunnaki groups. This explains why the Anunnaki are no longer on earth today.
The Sumerians tell us that the Anunnaki had "helpers" that often performed such tasks as flying their craft , or helping with miscellaneous needs. The Sumerians directly explain that these "Helpers" were not alive, but acted as so. This information poses an interesting Hypothesis that the "Anunnaki" had "Android Beings" helping them.
When we analyze the descriptions of Aliens from people who claim to have been abducted, most of the aliens are described as being small grey beings that have large eyes, a bulbous head, and act almost "Android" like. It is possible that the Greys were created by the Anunnaki as "Watchers" to oversee their experiments here on earth. Maybe the Anunnaki even used a mix between the known "ZETAS" or "GREYS" and created an Android race to assist them.
Chinese mythology has survived throughout the long centuries to produce some of the world's most interesting and entertaining myths, legends and gods. It is a mixture of folktales and beliefs used to pass on history, religion and teach proper behavior. It arose by people trying to explain many of the natural forces, promote their gods, and for entertainment. It holds a vast amount of romantic and tragic legends and characters. There are gods and demons, and a variety of mythological creatures.
Dragons are a common theme and one of the most popular creatures in Chinese Mythology. Unlike the European Dragons, these are usually wise; they don't fly using wings and accounted for a wide range of functions. Water was always associated with dragons. The four Dragon Kings (Long Wang) ruled the seas, the lakes and the rivers where they lived during the winter. Detailed descriptions were given of the finery of their crystal palaces. Besides ruling over the aquatic life, they also manipulate clouds and rain. In the spring and summer they would bring rain to those who paid them respect. When enraged, they can flood cities. Although Dragon Kings appear in their true forms as dragons, they have the ability to shape shift into human form. There are numerous temples dedicated to Dragon Kings in China. Chao-Tian Palace is devoted to the goddess Mazu, who in contrast to the Dragon Kings, although also a deity of sea, is a motherly figure who never wreaks havoc. The palace also has human-shaped statues for the four Dragon Kings, each riding on a dragon.
While the dragons symbolized male traits, the Chinese Mythology also told of the Phoenix, which was considered female. The Phoenix was a bird that lived for 500 to over 1000 years and then would build a house of wood and burn itself up, only to rise again from the ashes.
There also were the Eight Immortals. These are believed by some to be based upon actual characters from Chinese history. They started off as normal, mortal people, but through various means obtained immortality. It is a mixture of Royalty, beggars, prostitutes and scholars. These gods and goddesses all symbolized different aspects of nature but the key deity was the 'Jade Emperor'. His heaven was modeled on that of the emperor on earth, who had his own divine officials and ministries.
One of the more important gods was Pan Gu who created the world. Legend states that before heaven and earth separated the universe was chaos, which eventually came together to create a giant egg. In the middle of this egg was a giant named Pan Gu who slept in the egg for 18,000 years before breaking the egg open. This sent the elements of creation flying in all directions; the lighter elements (yang) traveled upwards and became heaven whilst the heavier ones (yin) flew downwards and became earth. With the sky resting on his head and his feet firmly on the ground, Pan Gu pushed, separating heaven and earth. After another 18,000 years he finally lay on the ground and died, his body becoming all the natural things in the world.
Nu Wa (a goddess) was Pan Gu's co-worker who created humans and marriage, as well as musical instruments. She was also the one as the mother goddess one of the most important Daoist deities. Fu Xi helped Nu Wa and was the father of the Chinese people, fashioning the first people out of mud. His descendants became the emperors and he taught about weaving and fishing (plus made string instruments). She was also said to have repaired heaven when it was destroyed by the god Gong-Gong.
However, the world (according to Daoist belief) did not emerge out of nothing - instead it was created by the turning of formlessness into an ordered pattern. The existing elements which were mixed together in chaos were mouldered into a fashion which is the resulting world. The ancient Chinese people imagined that the primeval chaos was a large cloud of moist vapor which was suspended in darkness.
Chinese mythology has been influenced by different cultures and their peoples; the religions of Hinduism and Buddhism, and then later Islam, gradually traveled eastwards until they reached China. Even the native deities that traveled with these religions all had a direct impact on the religious belief systems of the Chinese people who adopted, adapted and then embraced them as their own deities. The gods of these religions affected nearly every aspect of Chinese society and culture and have been the basis for many entertainment purposes.
During the ancient Shang dynasty, we have evidence that ancestral worship was practiced to a great extent. These mortals were, upon their deaths, venerated as gods.
During the 6th century BCE, Confucianism arose, which was founded by Master Kong (Confucius) but it wasn't until the Han dynasty that his philosophy became the official belief of the state. Although his belief system stressed the ideal of family life, he remained somewhat unclear on supernatural beings and their worship.
At this time, Daoism (also spelt Taoism) was also emerging and making an impact on religious beliefs. This Daoist deities seemed to have great appeal to the underprivileged classes. It was a nature religion, its participants seeking the Dao, the principle underlying nature. It wasn't until the first millennium CE that Daoism developed a vast array of deities for the people to worship, all who had many different myths and legends to promote their message.
Buddhism was introduced via the Silk Road in around the 2nd century CE where it was not welcomed with loving arms. Its lack of deities to worship did not appeal to the majority of the people. However, Buddhism incorporated the native deities of the people it met along the way and it was this assimilation, and the introduction of bodhisavattas (Buddhas-to-be), as well as its similarities with Daoism that Buddhism survived in China. Because of this, certain Daoist gods have Buddhist qualities and vice versa.
In Tibet, "the translated word of Buddha", completed in 1411, tells of flying "pearls in the sky" and of transparent spheres carrying gods to visit man. The Kanjyur also describes how we are reborn time and time again not just to Earth, but to other planets in the universe. In fact, the Royal Pedigrees of Tibetan Kings states that the first seven Tibetan kings came from the stars.
Five thousand years ago, when the Turks started their journey from Central Asia towards today's Turkey, they brought with them a belief that intelligent beings can be found on other worlds. The original Turks were called GökTürk, meaning "sky people." Their earliest creation stories started by describing the flying gods called Kara-han, who created the world and then populated it with their brethren from the stars.
Nordic and Germanic
Norse mythology developed from the myths and legends of peoples from the northernmost part of Europe, Scandinavia: Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Iceland who spoke Germanic languages. It shares many features with the mythology of pre-Christian Germanic groups. When some of these groups spread into England and Scandinavia, they carried their myths with them. As they converted to Christianity, their traditional beliefs faded. But Christianity did not take hold in Scandinavia until a later date, and the Norse version of Germanic mythology remained vigorous through the Viking era, from about A . D . 750 to 1050. Modern knowledge of Norse mythology stems from medieval texts.
A major source of information about Norse mythology is a book called the Poetic Edda, sometimes known as the Elder Edda. It consists of mythological and heroic poems, including Voluspa, an overview of Norse mythology from the creation to the final destructive battle of the world, called Ragnarok. Around 1222, an Icelandic poet and chieftain named Snorri Sturluson wrote the Prose Edda, or Younger Edda, which interprets traditional Icelandic poetry.
Norse mythology is known from other Scandinavian texts as well. In the early 1200s, Icelanders started writing family sagas about their ancestors and heroic sagas about their heroes. Also in the 1200s, a Danish scholar wrote a history of the Danish people that begins with an account of their pagan gods and ancient heroes. Works by earlier Roman and medieval historians also include information about Germanic and Norse myths. In AD 98 the Roman historian wrote Germania, a description of the Germanic tribes that mentions some of their religious beliefs and customs.
Various accounts of the creation of the world and of human beings appear. All begin in Ginnungagap, a deep empty space between realms of heat and ice. Frost formed and became a giant, Ymir. A cosmic cow named Audhumla also appeared. Licking the cliffs of ice, she revealed a man who had three grandsons. One of them was Odin. With his two brothers, Odin killed the frost giant Ymir and formed the earth from his body, the seas and rivers from his blood, and the sky from his skull, which was held suspended above the earth by four strong dwarfs.
Once they had killed Ymir, Odin and the other gods created an orderly universe in three levels. Although journeys between the different levels of the universe were possible, they were difficult and dangerous, even for the gods. The top or heavenly level contained Asgard, the home of the Aesir; Vanaheim, the home of the Vanir; and Alfheim, the place where the light or good elves lived. Valhalla, the hall where Odin gathered the souls of warriors who had died in battle, was also located here. Connected to this upper level by the rainbow bridge Bifrost was the middle or earthly level. It contained Midgard, the world of men; Jotunheim, the land of the giants; Svartalfaheim, the land of the dark elves; and Nidavellir, the land of the dwarfs. A huge serpent called Jormungand encircled the middle world. The bottom level consisted of the underworld of Niflheim, also known as Hel after Loki's daughter Hel, who ruled there.
Llike the Greek deities, the Norse gods and goddesses have all the characteristics of larger-than-life human beings. Unlike the Greek deities, however, they seldom interact with human beings. The world of Norse mythology includes two groups of gods, the Aesir and the Vanir, as well as giants, trolls, elves, dwarfs, and heroic human warriors.
The Aesir. The Aesir were gods of war and of the sky. Chief among them was Odin, god of battle, wisdom, and poetry, who was regarded by the Vikings as the ruler of the deities and the creator of humans.
The Vanir. The Vanir were associated with the earth, fertility, and prosperity. In the beginning, the Aesir and Vanir waged war against each other. Realizing that neither side could win, the two groups of gods made peace and together fought their common enemy, the giants.
The supernatural beings who inhabited the Norse mythic world included elves, creatures related to humans; and dwarfs, skilled crafts workers who made many of the finest treasures of gods and humans. The most powerful and dreaded mythological beings were the giants, huge beings associated with ice, snow, and paralyzing cold. Although the giants were generally enemies of the gods, many marriages took place between deities and giants.
The Celts were very religious and believed in reincarnation and the migration of the soul to the after life after death. They did not believe in punishment after death. The Celtic Pantheon held many female deities of primary importance ranging from war goddesses to mother goddesses to ruling goddesses. They also believed in 3 aspects of the God/dess, three aspects of a single god. The teachings of the Druids could be summed up quite easily: worship the gods, be strong, courageous and do no evil. Human sacrifices by the blade, burning, or drowning were done because it was believed that a life must be given for a life, as in murder, accidental killing, extreme illness, or to be spared from the horrors of battle. Generally, those who were killed were prisoners of war or criminals. This practice does not, however, seem to have been used much at all in Ireland and Britain.
Female were equal to males and held just as much power. The Priestesses were highly revered. Priestesses sang the dying to sleep, did charms, enchantments, prophecies, healing, etc. They knew the power of words, stones and herbs. One of the central features of their Groves was a cauldron, bowl or pool. Curses were cast for any mistreatment of women. Red-hair females were sacred to the war Goddesses, as their hair was the color of blood.
There are many different mythological creatures who interact with the gods and some of them were created by them. They include also other different fairy, nature spirits, water creatures, hell hounds, elves and dwarves. There are even some giants.
In a time before the development of the written word, ancient man painted scenes on rock walls or on the ceilings and walls of caves. This art work mostly show wild animals and sometimes people. But, all across the planet, prehistoric art also depicts strange objects and unusual humanoid creatures.
For instance, 29,000-year-old cave paintings in Tanzania depict several disc-shaped objects that appear to be hovering over the landscape. Another painting shows four humanoid entities surrounding a woman while another looks down from the sky from inside some sort of box. Likewise, inside the French cave of Pech Merle near Le Cabrerets are paintings from around 16,000 BC that show a number of saucer-shaped objects. In northern Australia, there are a number of 5,000-year-old cave paintings that show strange beings with large heads and eyes, wearing spacesuit-like garments. The Aborigines said that these creatures, called Wandjina, came down from the Milky Way during the Dreamtime and created the Earth and all its inhabitants.
Brazilian tribal natives also believe in gods or travelers from the sky who descended to earth when humans were little more than animals, to instruct them in agriculture, astronomy, and medicine. One being in particular, Bep-Kororoti, a space warrior, supposedly possessed a flying vehicle capable of destroying anything in its path. His appearance is said to have terrified the natives until he stepped out of his suit to reveal himself to be fair-skinned, handsome, and kind. He supposedly amused the natives with his magic until he grew restless for his land in the sky and returned there.
Quetzalcoatl is one of the major deities of the Aztec, Toltecs, and other Middle American peoples. In their native language his name means "feathered serpent". He is the creator sky-god and wise legislator. He organized the original cosmos and participated in the creation and destruction of various world periods. Quetzalcoatl ruled the fifth world cycle and created the humans of that cycle. The story goes that he descended to Mictlan, the underworld, and gathered the bones of the human beings of the previous epochs. Upon his return, he sprinkled his own blood upon these bones and fashioned thus the humans of the new era. He is also a god of the wind , as well as a water-god and fertility-god.
The Aztec later made him a symbol of death and resurrection and a patron of priests. The higher priests were called Quetzalcoatl too. The god has a great affinity with the priest-king Topiltzin Ce Acatl Quetzalcoatl, who ruled the Toltecs in Tula in the 10th century. The cult of Quetzalcoatl was widespread in Teotihuacan, Tula (or Tullán, capitol of the Toltecs in middle Mexico), Xochilco, Cholula, Tenochtitlan (current Mexico City), and Chichen Itza.
In North America, legend has it that around 720 AD, the struggling Cahokian tribes along the Mississippi river in Illinois were dying of famine and disease. On the brink of collapse, they were supposedly visited by numerous robed beings from the sky who offered them the knowledge and technology needed to save their civilization from extinction.
Kachina dolls were carved out wood by the Zuni and Hopi tribes. There are over 300 different Kachinas. They are generally clothed in masks and costumes to look like the men who dressed up as Kachina spirits. They were given to children to teach them to identify the different parts of Kachina dolls, and the parts they play in tribal ceremonies.
The Kachinas, or Gods, were beings of a great might and power to the Native Americans. They were known to come down to Earth and help the native Americans tend their fields brining wisdom about agriculture, law and government. They physically interacted with the people themselves. There are drawings of them on cave walls.
Native Americans followed the movements of the celestial markers - much as we do today. They called it Star Knowledge. Beyond the land where they lived, was the sky, and that beyond were dimensional portals or sky holes. Beyond that was an area that they called the Ocean of Pitch, were the beauty of the night sky and the galaxies spun out towards them. Beyond that were the boundaries of the universe. And that set along the rim at the boundaries of the universe were 4 different extraterrestrial groups.
The Hopis called the Pleiadians the Chuhukon, meaning those who cling together. They considered themselves direct descendants of the Pleiadians. The Navajos named the Pleiades the Sparkling Suns or the Delyahey, the home of the Black God. The Iroquois pray to them for happiness. The Cree came to have come to earth from the stars in spirit form first and then became flesh and blood. They believe that Mythic Mountain is actually the home of the Kachinas. This mountain top is a sacred one. Being the home of the kachina spirits it is the place where all of the large mythic beings they honor in their rituals land.
There are some remarkable drawings that appear to be luminous discs of light in the petroglyphs all along the south west. In the rocks and caves of the Mesa villages, many petroglyphs that match up with modern star charts and constellation patterns. The Hopi villages line up with all the major stars in the Orion constellation.
The Snake People and the Ant People
They speak of the Snake People (metaphor for human DNA) and the Ant People who protected them beneath the surface. Physical reality is a metaphor for 'beneath the surface'. To rise above is to return to higher consciousness, through the Back Hole (Eye of Time) or the Stargate of human creation.
In Apache and other Pueblo Indians, such as the Zunis and Hopi legend, the world has gone through several phases or cycles already, and we are in this time living in the Fourth World. In the original world, which was according to legend destroyed by fire, the benevolent Ant People sequestered everyone underground with them and shared what they had. The people were safe from the fire and destruction above. As the Sky God Sotuknang systematically destroyed the world above, the people waited patiently for the fires to burn and the earth to cool. When the destruction was completed, the Sky God gave the blessings and told them to love and nurture the earth so that destruction was not warranted again. Humanity being what it is, there have been two worlds destroyed since then, and this, the Fourth World is set for destruction and the the appearance of the Fifth and final world. This was prophesied to happen when the Blue Kachina (star people) or the Blue Star appeared. This was to signify the end of the Fourth World, and would be foretold by the Kachinas removing their masks and becoming one with the powerful beings they are said to represent.
It is interesting to note that other civilizations besides the ancient Sumerians had similar creation stories recorded through petroglyphs and wall drawings. The Sumerians like the Ant People of the Hopi, were there to teach mankind about the earth and how to use its resources. An interesting note is that the Hopi word for ant is "anu". The word for friends is "naki". There is also the similar pronunciation of the Hopi ancestors, the Anasazi. Again we see this phrase in another belief in another part of the world besides the Anunnaki.
The ancient tales of creatures from the heavens were woven into the fabric of what would later become modern organized religions. Coptic Gnostic texts written around the first and second centuries AD contain passages that describe ancient encounters with alien-like beings called the Archons. A passage from The First Apocalypse of James states: "They are not entirely alien, for they are from the Fallen Sophia, the female divinity who produced them when she brought the human race down from the Source, the realm of the Pre-Existent One. So they are not entirely alien, but they are our kin."
Let's look at some of the Gods mentioned in the Bible:
Adrammelech II Kings 17:31, Anammelech II Kings 17:31, Ashima II Kings 17:30, Ashtoreth I Kings 11:05, Baal I Kings 18:19, Baal-berith Judges 8:33, Baal-peor Numbers 25:03, Baal-zebub Luke 11:19, Baalim I Kings 18:18, Bel Isiah 46:01, Chemosh I Kings 11:07, Dagon I Samuel 05:02, Diana of the Ephesians Acts 19:35, Jupiter Acts 14:12, Mercurius/Mercury Acts 14:12, Milcom I Kings 11:05, Molech/Moloch probably Baal-Hammon of Carthage I Kings 11:07, Nebo/Nabu Isiah 46:01, Nergal/Meshlamthea II Kings 17:30, Nibhaz II Kings 17:31, Nisroch II Kings 19:37, RimmonyRamman/Rammon II Kings 05:18, Succoth-benoth/Zarpanitu/Zerpanitum II Kings 17:30, Tammuz Ezekial 8:14, Tartak II Kings 17:31