9/11 Operation
There is a lot about 9/11 which just doesn't add up. According to many architects, engineers and scientists state that the known evidence doesn't support the official explanation given. Neither the NIST reports or the 9/11 commission report. There was never a proper investigation, forensic or otherwise. The 9/11 commission took a lot of pressure and time to happen. By which time most of the physical evidence was long gone. Any testimony or evidence that didn't match the official story was left out, and a lot never got to testify. There is lots omitted and contradictory in the final report. Some things like Building Seven were not even investigated or mentioned. Over 1500 architects and engineers do not agree with the conclusions and have serious questions. Even the members of the commission have since raised many concerns that the investigation was set to fail or meet preset conclusions. Lead members have said that information was withheld from them. A new investigation is required if we are to discover the truth about the event. Without bias and pre-conclusions. Although the question really isn't how the towers fell but who did it. We need to consider "cui bono".
It is normal to theorize when the many questions that still remain are not ever addressed or answered. A examination of facts related to 9/11, those intimately involved, the investigation, and media leads one to feel there is a cover-up of something. It really appears that we are not getting all the facts and that there is an unwillingness to follow certain leads. Such as the money or financing of the attacks. There were definitely more than 19 hijackers and one or two planners. The evidence seems to indicate involvement of at least a couple countries like the US, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, UK, and Israel. As well as several organizations and a few personnel. Primarily NORAD, FAA, DOD, CIA, M16, ISI, Mossad. It doesn't appear to be a lack of imagination, ineptitude, or security vulnerabilities and system weaknesses. If there wasn't direct involvement there was complicity to circumstances. Used to manipulate the direction of the future.
A article put out in 2010 called "The Facts Speak for Themselves" will definitely give you the above impression.
There are many who feel that any theory besides fanatical terrorists isn't possible. That none of major governments of the world would conduct such an event. Especially a government of our own. They believe that some of our own couldn't and wouldn't betray their co-patriots. History and simple human nature provide plenty of evidence that in fact they would and have. Governments have many times conducted something called false flag operations against their own people and blamed others for political means. Some of these operations have been exposed. Some documents have revealed plans for different false flag operations such as Operation Northwoods.
It is also useful to look at the policies, speeches and public documents by those who have run countries. Especially the views of the neoconservative at the time of 9/11. The teachings of their PNAC Project for a New America Century.
I am going to cover my theory below but first some of the oddities. This is after many years of wondering and research:
-The towers collapsing in a way that would require the destruction of all support columns at almost the exact same time.
-The airplanes couldn't achieve that so it was blamed on fire.
-Most of the jet fuel went off upon impact and doesn't burn hot enough or long enough to melt steel.
-Regular combustion of building and office equipment also isn't hot enough to melt steel.
-Fire has never caused a complete failure of any steel column building in history yet did it three times in one day.
-The collapse matches every video of a successful controlled demolition but not of collapses.
-A collapse cannot fall at freefall speed or perfectly within it's footprint.
-The theory of the buildings pancaking has been abandoned by most scientists.
-Pools of molten steel remaining in the rubble for several weeks.
-Residue of a thermite reaction was found in the rubble.
-An international team of scientists reported finding unequivocal evidence of incendiaries and explosives.
-Hijacker ID's were recovered despite airplane explosion and fires supposedly hot enough to melt steel.
-The hijacker pilots were said to be not good enough to fly an airliner.
-Reports of hijackers appearing alive in Middle East days later.
-Building seven collapsed the same yet wasn't impacted in any way.
-Media reports of building seven collapsed before it happened, no reason to even expect it to.
-The two airlines black boxes were not recovered, another first occurring twice in one day.
-Conflicting reports that three of the black boxes were actually recovered.
-All footage of Pentagon crash confiscated and unreleased.
-National security has prevented anything from Pentagon blackbox or CCT footage being released.
-National security has prevented the release of Fire fighter tapes.
-Firefighters reported hearing multiple explosions in quick succession before collapse.
-Recording of officials saying "they are going to pull it" before collapse.
-Pres. unable to contact anybody, appearance of intentional sidelining.
-Most of Air Force on hijacking stimulation training. Operation Vigilant Guardian, secretly rescheduled months earlier for 9/11.
-NORAD conducting Operation Northern Vigilance to monitor Russian military exercise, September 9 until end, canceled on 9/11.
-Available fighter jets responded slowly or went in the wrong direction.
-Recovered data from computers sound in the rubble suggest insider trading on 9/11, over $100 million profit made, untraceable. FBI didn't investigate.
-one of world's largest gold depositories (over $160 billion) under WTC went missing, $230 million recovered in tunnels under WTC5 Nov2001
-There were warnings from other governments' intelligence.
August 2001 Taliban warns US of massive Al Qaeda attack
August 2001 Israel security urgently warns US of large-scale terrorist attacks.
August 17, 2001, report of French intelligence warnings being ignored.
Other suspicious things occurred before 9/11 such as:
- April 2001, Silverstein properties granted 99 year lease of WTC, owned building seven
- late April 2001, global Hawk first unmanned aircraft to cross Pacific
- May 2001, US gives Afghanistan $43 million
- June 2001, India and Iran agreed to facilitate limited US and Russia military action against Afghanistan if sanctions didn't work
- June 2001, new DOD rules about hijackings, military assistance requires secretary of defense approval
- late June 2001, bio terrorists wargame, depicting Iraq and Afghan terrorist groups as culprits
- late June 2001, large increase in Defense Department requested for 2001-2003
- July 2001, US plants to invade Afghanistan, get bin Laden and topple Taliban by October, Taliban warned
- July 2001, briefing wans senior officials of spectacular attacks with little or no warning
- July 2001, FBI suspects flight schools might be used by terrorists for training
- July, armed commercial pilots banned two months before
- August former assistant FBI director becomes chief of WTC security, doesn't start until July 10
- August 10 2001, 25,000 British soldiers in Oman for largest ever training exercise, planned year earlier
- August 26, 2001, Raytheon and USAF land pilotless 727 six times, military JPALS GPS landing system which enables ground control to take control of hijacked airplanes, demonstrated publicly September 6
- massive new insurance policy taken out for the towers weeks before
- September 4, seven days before 9/11 US approves Afghanistan invasion
- September 4, shipping company partially owned by Israeli government moved out of WTC
- September 5, 500 websites with Arab or Muslim connection closed down by government
- September 5, two military installations near Pentagon increase security
- September 5, U.S. Senate hears testifying of military readiness
- September 6, two week heightened security at WTC lifted, command center recently secured against aerial attack
- September 6, put options placed on United Airlines stocks. Made through bank where executive director of CIA on 9/11 used to be CEO
- September 7, put options placed on Boeing, American Airlines, other companies, $2.5 million unclaimed
- September 7, State Department worldwide warning US citizens may be targets of terrorists
- September 7, executive emergency order for Florida by Jeb Bush
- September 9, Gen. of Afghan Northern alliance assassinated, scheduled to meet with US national Security Council 9/11
- September 10, Pentagon officials canceled September 11 morning trip
- September 10, Pentagon announces they lost track of $2.3 trillion of military spending
- September 10 night, FEMA arrived in NYC for training exercise
- September 10, article about a study that says Israeli Mossad has ability to target US and make it look like Arabs responsible
- September 10, President Bush Senior meets with a bin Laden brother in Washington
- September 10, WTC roofs closed
- September 11 and weeks before, head of Pakistani ISI meeting with US officials
There are also weird coincidences of the numbers 9/11 with twin Towers being prevalent in the media prior to 9/11
1982 book The Running Man, the story concluded with the protagonist hijacking a plane and flying it into the tallest building in downtown NY.
1976 Sesame Street image of cookie monster destroying the towers
1981 movie escape from New York hijackers crashed Air Force One NYC close to the WTC
1983 Trading Places movie shows 9/11 on a clock after shot of twin Towers
1985 January X-Men cartoon #189 mentions the WTC towers lie in ruins, thousands dead
1990 card game illuminati: nwo has cards of towers and Pentagon on fire
1990 movie Gremlins 2 shot of news reporters features the numbers 9 and 11
1996 card game illuminati: New World order predicts 9/11 events exactly
1996 movie The Long Kiss Goodnight, mentioned WTC bombing, said "they’ll blame it on the muslims naturally".
1997 Simpsons September 21, Lisa holds magazine showing twin Towers and a $9 price to the left making 911
1997 books by Tom Clancy predict hijacked plane used to hit Capitol building
August 1997 a fema terrorism booklet cover has WTC with crosshairs on it
1998 December 24 at a concert Prince says “Osama Bin Laden getting ready to bomb. America you’d better watch out.”
1990 movie Godzilla a news reporter announces a bombing at the WTC. His watch shows the time exactly at 9:11,
1998 film The Big Lebowski, Jeff Bridges' character writes a check dated September 11. We then hear George Bush Sr.'s voice discussing the ensuing (1991) invasion of Iraq.
1998 film Enemy of the State, a malicious NSA official intent on pushing legislation that will make it easier to spy on Americans -- was born on September 11th.
1999 movie Matrix Anderson’s ID expires September 11, 2001
2000 film Traffic, in the opening scene a drug truck is apprehended, and on close inspection all the boxes are stamped with the number 911. Elsewhere in the movie there is a door with the number 911.
2000 film The Patriot -- Mel Gibson's character weighs a chair he's constructed, and announces "Nine pounds, eleven ounces. That's perfect." He then sits on the chair, and it collapses under his weight.
March 20, 2000, the lone gunmen pilot begins filming, depicts US government conspiracy to crash electronically hijacked airplane into the WTC and blame it on foreign terrorists can provoke war
July 17, 2001, band called "I am the World Trade Center" release CD with 11th track called September
July 19, 2001, rap group called "the coup" releases CD with lead singer blowing up the WTC on cover
And beyond the popular culture, on the first anniversary of September 11th, the winning numbers in the evening NY lotto were 911 (5,632 people chose the winning sequence, and each won a paltry $500).
These are only a few of the more striking 9/11 pop culture "coincidences" that predated September 11, 2001. I've not come close to including all the instances that have been documented on countless dozens of websites. These also include the
A Google search of the words - 9/11 coincidences in comics (unquoted) - reveals over 76,000 hits. A video presentation on some of these connections (link at bottom of paragraph) features some interesting items, including an image from the Marvel Two in One #100 from June 1983. (Note: I have not seen this before, and do not personally own any comics, so I cannot verify its authenticity. I'm presenting it here as an item of potential interest). According to descriptions of this issue, the Thing is captured by the Red Skull, who has set up headquarters in a bombed out WTC. Notice the chilling images and captions below:
9/11 Truth Movement Websites
Important Books
The Moving Tower: Al Qaeda and The Road to 9/11 by Lawrence Wright
The 9/11 Commission Report Omissions and Distortions by David Ray Griffin
Where Did the Towers Go? By Dr. Judy Wood
Towers of Deception: the Media Cover Up of 9/11 by Barrie Zwicker
Crossing the Rubicon by Michael C. Ruppert
My Theory
The other day I was watching the James Bond movie Goldeneye starring Pierce Brosnan. I couldn't help thinking about the events of 9/11 or more precisely who was responsible. Is it possible Goldeneye which came out in 1995 contains some real concepts which could help us decipher contributors. Some other movies such as Salt contain similar ideas. That of previous Soviet military/intelligence members going rogue. In goldeneye the difference is that a rogue former British agent who is seeking revenge is in league with the Russians. Interestingly he is a descendent of certain Russiams who who collaborated with the Nazis. They are part of a crime syndicate who acquire a weapon created by the Soviets during the Cold War. The primary Russian involved is a renegade general who has the authority to access the weapons. Another character is a gangster who is an ex-KGB, a rival to the syndicate but who knows how to meet with them. In real life it is true the many in the powerful Russian Mafia are indeed ex-KGB. In the movie the space weapon is used to destroy a facility with a energy pulse. The ultimate plan was to steal money from the bank of England before erasing all of the financial records with the weapon, concealing the theft and destroying Britain's economy. The Russians likely collaborated because the UK are their old enemy and they blamed them for the collapse of the Soviet Union, and also want to reform their former Soviet power. Exactly like the motives in the movie Salt.
My theory about 9/11 is that it was an Ex military/intelligence and Mafia operation led by a worldwide shadow government with some officials in high positions or who are controlled by them. Using airplane hijackers who were said to be Al Qaeda terrorists to disguise their use of advanced technology to do a controlled demolition. To create an opportunity for a war terror and destroy the economy. Ultimately to bring back a feudal society led by an elite dictatorship. The ideas from the new American Century documents being an NWO plan which does seem to fit the Illuminati plan of world wars. Certain groups now a front for the occult/illuminati. Interestingly some extreme conservatives have similar views to the corrupted Wahabi style of Islam from Saudi Arabia. Also with similar goals to the Bolsheviks who created the Soviets, not dissimilar to the Nazis, All four having fanatically conservative and religious views, being fascist, and seeking world domination. And being suspected of the occult and a dark allegiance.
A military/intelligence operation involving rogue government and led by former Soviet Union intelligence now Russian Mafia, ex-CIA/US military, and former British intelligence. Using contacts in the official governments. All of these involved in some kind of international ultra-governmental cabal. I think Britian and the US got Saudi Arabia to hire the 19 hijackers under the guise of Al Qaeda. Israeli intelligence monitoring them as they did but to make sure they were going through with the plan to use the airplanes and not so they would be stopped. I also think Saudi Arabia and the CIA, via the ISI of Pakistan, informed Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda of the plan and that they would be blamed. Prepared them for the coming war and to build their relationship for the battle. The war on terror would be very expensive and ultimately lead to a worldwide economic collapse.
A few government officials had to be involved to arrange for the vast training exercise occurred on September 11 that involved most of the U.S. Air Force in continental North America. Interestingly secretly rescheduled for that day. An exercise concerning hijacked airplanes just like what was really happening, greatly confusing responses. Those responsible had to have prior knowledge of the exercises and what they would entail to use them to operational advantage. Russia also conducting large exercises as well, causing a NORAD response and increased confusion. Resulting in the Air Force being unable to intercept in time. The hijackers were supposedly not good enough to fly airliners, a possible answer is the existence of technology to remotely and precisely fly airliners. Similar to the global Hawk technology.
The old Soviets participating because they would love to see Al Qaeda destroyed, and also get revenge on those responsible for the collapse of the Soviet Union. Namely the US and UK, as well as Europe. The others like the Americans and Brits participating because they were unhappy with current standings and want to restructure the world. Along with the British Commonwealth, Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Sunni countries, and Pakistan. The Saudis, Al Qaeda, and the Taliban involved because they are under the thumb of the West and hate us. We need to remember that Al Qaeda translates to "the front" likely referring to it being a false front for the CIA. To fight the Soviet Union covertly, although their leadership ultimately became known. Al Qaeda also trained people in the Balkans including Chechnians deemed terrorists by Russia. It could be significant in that Al Qaeda was a front for the true instigators of 9/11.
Other motives besides political were definitely financial. Interestingly a large sum of money went missing just before the attacks as well as from the towers rubble. Nobody could trace it and the subsequent expensive war and defense/military spending bankrupted the US and even UK. Just like the desired goal in the movie. Other financial records and investigation information into the financial companies was also destroyed. Evidence that may have revealed what they were doing and prevented the global economic crisis. Deliberately destroyed? Some stock market activity before indicates inside knowledge of the impending attacks which resulted in shortselling and further selling by people monitoring on Promis software. Also new very high insurance policies were taken out on both towers just a few months before the attacks. Also many intelligence and defense companies benefited financially due to increased spending afterwards.
There are records of the Russian Mafia working with other Mafia including the Triad and other Asian gangs, other large gangs like the Hells Angels, neo-Nazis and supremacists, and the drug lords of South America. All a which are involved with Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups. There are very large meetings in a remote three corners area of South America where of all of these different criminal groups working in drug smuggling, illegal weapons, human slavery, terrorism, money laundering, and the black market meet. It is estimated that all of their combined illegal finances equal about $3 billion a year. Could the CIA have a presence at the meeting? The knowledge of these meetings, said to occur every three years, comes from CIA and intelligence monitoring. With such connections it is easy to see how Al Qaeda could have such strength and finances. Both illegally and through government sponsorship. They could have up to $100 billion.
I feel it has to be former military and intelligence because of the evidence that super nano-thermite was involved. Renovations of the world trade centers would have provided an opportunity to place it. It is military grade and only the US and Russia are known to have it, developed during the era of the Soviet Union. Although not quite as advanced still in 89/90. The breakup of the Soviet Union has always been a concern that unfriendlies or ex-Soviet military could get weaponry that went unaccounted for. Also if some kind of energy weapon (Goldeneye?) assisted, it would require access to technology controlled by very few and definitely not terrorists. There aren't many groups that could have a directed energy weapon. A few countries such as the US, Russia, and likely China could have such technology, possibly also the UK or EU. A new world order group or shadow government could be a possibility.
A new book called "Where Did the Towers Go" has the theory that a directed energy technology that has been weaponized was used to turn the buildings to dust on 9/11. That the airplanes were basically a distraction to be used as the official primary contributor to the fires to "collapse". There is evidence of the results and effects like from incredibly intense heat but not from fire. As well as evidence of things besides the buildings being disintegrated unexplainably. The authors mention how something was measured on seismographs just before the collapse that would require much greater energy than required to physically collapse a building. Energy such as in tornadoes and hurricanes, energy so powerful it creates pressure and energy waves. Interestingly some of the people involved in the 9/11 commission were contracted companies including a company called ARA which is a leader in directed energy technology and weapons research.
The book also mentions John Hutchison, a Canadian known for his claims of inventions and discoveries of a variety of extraordinary phenomena. In 1979, he claimed to have discovered a number of unusual phenomena, while trying to duplicate experiments done by Nikola Tesla. Hutchison and his supporters surmise that these phenomena arise from zero-point energy or the Casimir effect. He refers to several of these phenomena jointly under the name "the Hutchison effect", including:
-levitation of heavy objects.
-fusion of dissimilar materials such as metal and wood, while lacking any displacement.
-the anomalous heating of metals without burning adjacent material.
-the spontaneous fracturing of metals.
-changes in the crystalline structure and physical properties of metals.
-disappearance of metal samples.
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