Strong Delusion

As of late I was reading the book "Holy Blood, holy Grail". I found some interesting connections to the same date that is usually given with 2012 rumors, December 23. I think I may have unraveled how a new age will come about. There are connections monarchy, the European Union, Freemasonry, financial crisis and wrapping up war in Afghanistan in 2011. Even possible antichrist connections. I don't think this new era will happen destructively or with with fanfare. I believe these built-up of 2012 fears of destruction and major events is meant to be a distraction.

I think we may see the Trestoration of a popular monarchy ruled by the Merovingian bloodline by the priory of sion. It would be a revived and updated holy Roman empire, a kind of theocratic United States of Europe, ruled by the Hapsburgs and a radically reformed church. Organized as a pan North American and European Union Federation assembled into a modern empire ruled by a dynasty dissented from Jesus. An interlocking network of kingdoms or principalities, connected by dynastic alliance and intermarriage, a kind of 21st century feudal system. The process of governing would take the form of a European Parliament endowed with executive and or legislative powers. The King would rule but not govern

As well as political repercussions, there will be enormous impact effecting the thinking, the values, the institutions of the contemporary world in which we live. It would be a government of good sense and would take care of psychological and emotional needs. goal to transcend personal political social and religious differences. Will see utility between what used to be called church and state, secular and spiritual, sacred and profane, politics and religion. Women may also see a more influential and larger role in society.

If there were to be a larger economic crash which experts are predicting once stimulus money runs out we could see the United States dollars joining the euro. Or if the US dollar continues to decline and other nations such as China switch over to being tied to the euro. In essence seeing North America and Britain joining Europe as a whole. Besides financially there is talk that NATO will undergo changes and be reconstructed differently, possibly a large more joint task force to combat the increases in terrorism, piracy, and perceived enemies. The ancient Roman-built port city of Londinium [London], from whence this new 'Rome' grew, later placed itself as Capitol to the world though it's own (Roman-styled) British Empire dominating the Western Hemisphere and civilization whereby London ruled the world (and still rules to this very day). The last world Roman Empire mentioned is to be built upon the rapidly forming European Union, and will return to full power once again after America, the current Rome, relinquishes her mighty power which would then find it's way back to Europe and England which gave it. America being removed as leading world power will most assuredly prompt the need for another Atlantic Anglo-power (England) to take the reigns of global dominance and once more establish her rule of law and western zionist idealogy throughout the rest of the known world, and fill the void as Israel's sole protector.

Perhaps we could see British-led Anglo-Empire uniting the world in 'peace' while bringing forth a Merovingian Arthurian - like leader to the forefront and we have all the makings of a grand global conspiracy. We aren't directly told who this future ruler might be, yet the Occult underground is supposedly preparing their ranks for a young and charismatic Prince who will be seen by many in the future as King Arthur returned. "...King Arthur is not dead, but he shall come again and he shall win the Holy Cross. I will not say it shall be so, but rather I will say there is written upon his tomb this verse: Hic Jacet Arthurus, Rex Quondam, Rexque Futurus...Here lies Arthur, the Once and Future King." Remember this, the ancient Celtic word for Bear = Arth-ur. The name Arthur literally means the Bear.

Arthur - King Arthur (Celtic, Rome) = BEAR / Feet / Strength / Spring Return

In the belief system of 'British Isrsael' it is taught that the literal descendants of the lost ten-tribed House of Israel are found today in the British Commonwealth of Nations, the United States of America, and certain areas of north-western Europe, particularly Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Holland. Israel has become "a nation and a company of nations" (Genesis 35:11) - the U.S.A. (a nation), and the British Commonwealth (a company of nations). The people to be reigned over by David's throne were to be descendants of the tribes of Israel, who migrated from Palestine through Europe to the "appointed place" (2 Samuel 7:10), identified as the (British) "Isles" (Isaiah 41:1).

In fact Nostradamus was a member of the "Priory of Sion" and I have discovered that in his quatrains he refers to the advent of "Le Grand Monarch" indicating that this sovereign will ultimately derive from the Merovingian dynasty. Implying a double hegemony of the Papacy and the Empire, of the Vatican and of the Habsburgs. He frequently referred to the Knights Templars and to the house of Lorraine which is now synonymous with the Habsburgs. There are at least a dozen families in Britain and Europe today with numerous collateral branches who are of Merovingian lineage. This Monarch might be from the Languedoc region or The Ardennes.

This new empire would be supported because many current Government officials and a great many other powerful people are either members or subservient. According to John Coleman, The Committee of 300 is a secret society of top royalty, politicians, businessmen, economists, military commanders, intellectuals, scientists and religious authorities who work towards the Illuminati plan via another organization, The Round Table. This Arthurian symbolism suggests British influence, dating from the British Empire (which included such figures as Cecil Rhodes, H. G. Wells and the Fabian socialists) . . . which some hoped would provide the basis for a world government. Most people believe the British Empire is long gone, but Coleman suggests the Empire is still very much with us. Its overt power has simply been replaced by covert power, behind the scenes. The Round Table network of the Committee of 300 is made up of organizations like the Council of Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, the Rockefeller Group, the World Trade Organization, the 1001 Club of the Isles, the Club of Rome and the various international intelligence agencies - last, but by no means least, the Royal Institute of International Affairs. So where did all this have its origins?

Great Britain is certainly the mother country and the British Royal Family has long been involved with the Occult, Masons even refer to the Queen of England in one of their rites as the 'Queen of Babylon.' For more information on occult lineages within Britain, there is a detailed examination in the book 'The Prince and the Paranormal -the Psychic Bloodline of the Royal Family' by John Dale. The Royal Family have also been actively involved with Freemasonry and most notably, the Garter Order, as well as the Scottish Knights Templar. British Intelligence MI6 has been a major vehicle for the hierarchy working behind the secret veil of Freemasonry to control world events thru assasinations, sabotage, and intrigue.

The groups involved are all connected in one way or another are:
- the Priory of Sion, which is what the book called "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" relates to and not the Jews.
- Hieron du val d'Or (Order of Valley of Gold), and auxiliary of the Priory
- Order of the Golden Fleece
- 1396 Confraternity of Chevalier de Sion
- Order of the Fidelite
- the Order of the Ship and the Double Crested, it became the Order of the Crescent
- ROsicrucian or Rose Croix
- the Royal Society
- possibly Illuminati
- the Templar Knights, were officially recognized by the church once again in a ceremony in June 2003 at the Vatican overseen by the Pope. There was an antique parchment found in 2001, which exonerated the previous accusations about which were in a book published October 25, 2007. One of the primary tenets of Templar policy was the reconciliation of Christianity and Judaism and Islam

- The Order of the Garter is the parent organization over Free Masonry, worldwide. When a man becomes a 33rd Degree Mason, he swears allegiance to that organization, and thereby to Prince Charles. According to "The 'Morals and Dogma' of the Ancient and Accepted Rite of Freemasonry" written by Albert Pike, Lucifer is the GOD of Freemasonry (see page 321 of the 1942 edition). On page 819 you will find just one example of why there are many people in Freemasonry who believe that it is natural to be a Christian and a Mason. Masonry intentionally misleads the low degree initiates and hides the truth that the god of Freemasonry is Lucifer, except to those in the 30th and higher degrees. "The Blue Degrees are but the outer court or portico of the Temple. Part of the symbols are on display there to the Initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. It is not intended that he shall understand them; but it is intended that he shall imagine he understands them."

- Freemasonry, have degrees and titles referring to Templars
The Lost Keys of Freemasonry: The Secret of Hiram Abiff "The day has come when Fellow Craftsman (Freemasons) must know and apply their knowledge. The lost key to their grade is the mastery of emotion, which places the energy of the universe at their disposal. Man can only expect to be entrusted with great power by proving his ability to use it constructively and selflessly. The seething energies of LUCIFER are in his hands, and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply [this] energy. He must follow in the footsteps of his forefather, Tubal-CAIN." Tubal-Cain* was the great Vulcan of the era, the holder of Plutonic theory (knowledge of the actions of internal heat) and was, therefore, the prominent alchemist. [*Tubal-Cain; well-known Cainite Patriarch adored within secret societies; see also Genesis 4:22; Tubal-Cain was a sixth descendant of Cain] Qayin (Cain/Kain) - properly Q’ayin or 'Smith’ - Qayin’s heritage was that of the ancient Sumerian metallurgists and the supreme Master of the Craft was Qayin’s father Enki, described as ‘the manifestation of all knowledge.'

The Thirteenth Bloodline has been traced as far back and east into Ancient Egypt, Sumeria, and Persia, as well as in Rome. This is important and makes a vital connection to many because their "sacred" symbol, the All-Seeing Eye above the Pyramid, which is originally traced even farther back to Atlantis, was also found throughout much of the ancient world and wherever their 'secret societies' went. The All-Seeing-Eye over the pyramid represents the totality of the Great Work, which is to place one King on the world throne. The Eye above the 13 steps is the Egyptian god Horus, Son of Osiris (Lord of the Underworld). With this we can determine that the Eye therefore represents Lucifer's Son, the Antichrist. It is also said the entire symbol itself denotes the Satanic trinity thru it's Egyptian counterparts in the Father Osiris, Mother Isis, and their magickal Child, Horus.

All of these groups are quietly moving along the path that ends with the greatest secret being revealed to the world, to their own future horror. Many of today's occult and "fraternal orders" such as the Scottish Rite Freemasons, and many others trace their spiritual roots to Templarism as they are the gatekeepers. They are looking for 'Virgin' from the Merovingian Bloodline to marry into, in effect, finally legitimizing their long held hidden power and authority claimed of them as well as pouring the most Holy Blood of Christ into any child to come from such a union.

The Bloodline of the Holy Grail by Laurence Gardner
This novel is a fictional story based upon historical facts regarding the deliberate cover-up of the controversial relationship between Mary Magdalene and Jesus the Christ as well as women's powerful role as leader, healer and priestess. One crusade of the past was the search for the Holy Grail in order to destroy it, thus annihilating forever the noble and royal bloodline: for in so doing the liberation of the people was also annihilated.

Lawrence Gardner is an internationally known sovereign and chivalric genealogist. He was granted privileged access to European Sovereign and Noble archives, along with favored insight into Chivalric and Church repositories. He proves for the first time that there is a royal heritage of the Messiah, and documents the systematic and continuing suppression of these records tracing the descent of the sacred lineage downs through the centuries. He presents the pedigree charts of Jesus and Mary Magdalene as the ancestors of all the European royal families of the common era.

The true Messiah implied something very different the legitimate lost king, the unknown descendent of the house of David who would deliver his people from tyranny. A rightful king, spiritual and secular leader.

The quest for new enlightenment is considerably heightened by the coming age and there is a widespread feeling that this should also present a new Renaissance: an era of rebirth wherein the precepts of the Grail Code are acknowledged and practiced - the precepts of liberty, fraternity and equality. Indeed, Grail lore spells out loud and clear that the wound of the Fisher King must first be healed if the wasteland is to return fertility. The Grail is presented as a bloodline, the authentic line of succession of the "Blood Royal" from the sons of Jesus and his brother James down to the present day. It casts a penetrating new light on the Bible story, and on to the enigmatic figures of Joseph on Arimathea and Mary Magdalene, and on the real truth behind the Arthurian legends and the Holy Grail.

This Magdeline heresy was prepared in secret by the Knights Templar, who had it's birth in the dark recesses underneath Jerusalem near the Temple Mount at the time of the Crusades, is where most Grail lineage theorists begin. However, the actual plan to bring about a Messiah from the Merovingian line did not begin with these nine men, it can be traced as far back to the ancient Celtic Druids, and far beyond them to a magickal priesthood some label only as Atlantean.
The Magdalene heresy is a hypothesis which holds that the historical Jesus had married Mary Magdalene and fathered a child with her. It has appeared in over a half dozen books since 1973 when it appeared to the public.

But why should his bloodline be so important. why should people care about his descendants? Fact is, Jesus was the "Son of God", but not a pseudo-mystical force. It goes back to King David, and further than that, to ancient Sumer, Atlantis, and the very beginnings of human history. For the kings of the ancient world were the "gods" whose rule is now recorded in the mythologies of every past and present culture across the globe, and their descendants are the human kings who have reigned since the Flood, when the gods left the Earth. The bloodline of Christ and King David, and of almost all royal houses throughout history can be traced back to these "gods" or Pre-diluvian kings. That is where the concept of kingship came from, and that is where all of our ancient traditions, religious principles, and all of the basic arts and sciences of civilization came from. And the secret hermetic doctrine of occultism, which is popular in the underground today, can be traced there as well.

Holy Grail
To locate it one must be spiritually and mentally mature, spiritual purity. It is a symbol of God's grace available to all but only fully realized by those who prepare themselves mentally. The Grail is a celebration of the renewal received during the traditional sacrament.

There are similarities to Bran's life restoring cauldron, as well as other legendary Celtic and Nordic magical dishes that symbolize otherworldly powers or test the hero's worth, some generate an never ending supply of food. Sometimes they can raise the dead, and sometimes they decide who the next king should be. The holy Grail preserves the Celtic cult of the head.

The Grail has the ability to heal all wounds, and brings fertility and blessings. It has the mystical means to revitalize Arthur and the barren land, which was connected to his depressive sickness. Just asking about it would have the ability to heal the Fisher King of his impotency, and the barren land of his realm.

The Grail in literature was most often depicted as a bowl or dish. It is often said to be the vessel of the last supper and that caught Jesus' blood during the crucifixion. In some stories it was a stone that fell from heaven, was the sanctuary of neutral angels during the war in heaven. Still others who are recently have said it is earthly remains of Mary Magdalene, and her descendents, as well as a set of ancient documents telling the true story of Jesus, his teachings and his descendents.

There is a unified theory now about the Grail mystery, where all interpretations of the Holy Grail - as a cup, a stone, a tablet, a secret doctrine, a spiritual experience, or a royal bloodline - are reconciled with one another.

Last Merovingian king
In the year 469, the Roman Catholic Church made a pact with Clovis I, King of the Franks, bestowing upon him the title "New Constantine", in exchange for his conversion to the faith. Thus began the Holy Roman Empire, with the promise that the title would be passed down to his descendants from that moment on. In the year 800, that promise was broken.

Dagobert II was a French king from the sacred Merovingian bloodline, the last Merovingian to hold the title "Holy Roman Emperor". The Merovingians were a dynasty of Frankish priest-kings who were believed by their subjects to have magical powers derived from their long red hair. There were rumors of witchcraft, fortune telling and crystal-ball gazing, among others. In fact, portraits of Merovingian kings customarily depict them holding one of these crystal balls in the left hand. Since the time of Clovis I, the Merovingians had presided over the Holy Roman Empire, but by the time Dagobert II was born, the power of the throne had already been weakened, with authority increasingly being usurped by court chancellors known as "Mayors of the Palace".

Dagobert II was the king of Austrasia, the son of sigebert III and Chimnechild of Burgundy. He was the last of the Merovingian dynasty to rule independently. The mayor of the palace and his guardian, Grimoald the Elder, had his son Childert adopted by Sigebert 3 while still childless. On the death of his father Grim seized the throne for his own son and kidnapped Dagobert age 5 or 6 exiled. One story says that he was ordered to be killed and his death published about, but he was taken out of the country, created to explain why his mother was silent. He was given to the care of a bishop and was sent on to a monastery in Ireland. The king of Neustria expelled and killed the usurpers. His son was put in charge. He was assassinated and in the resulting power struggle the local people wanted a king of the Merovingian blood and pressed the return of Dagobert. On the death king of Neustria he was he was partially restored his rightful lands. He reclaimed the throne in 679. But the problems of the Mayors of the Palace continued.

Three years later, apparently displeased with Dagobert’s lack of allegiance, the Roman church entered into a conspiracy with Mayor Pepin the Fat. On December 23, while on a hunting trip, Dagobert was lanced through the eye by his own godson, supposedly on Pepin’s orders. With Roman endorsement, Pepin passed political power onto his son, Charles Martel, thus starting the Carolingian dynasty that would later become so famous. After that, the Merovingian bloodline faded into obscurity. Note that December 23 is the winter solstice and was a very important date in ancient cultures. Also there are interesting connections to other gods who lost one of their eyes such as Odin and Horus.

It is believed that he was killed in the Forest of Woevre, long deemed sacred. Translated to English it is means "universal creative energy". It is a heavily wooded expense near the Royal Palace of the town Stenay, on the fringe of the Ardennes. Stenay was particularly in demand due to it's significant position on the Meuse River, at the entrance of Woëvre. Thierry, son of Clovis, struck by the position of Stenay, had a palace built there; the borough became villa regia and centre of a county. Himself, his son and his grandson had themselves buried in the castral chapel. In 679, Dagobert II dwelt there. In the 10th century, Stenay belonged to the house of Ardenne, next it became the possession of the dukes of Bouillon. Leaving for the Crusade, Godefroy de Bouillon sold the town with the castle he had built in 1077, to the bishop of Verdun who pawned it to the count of Luxembourg in 1110. The latter sold Stenay to Renaud, count of Bar, and until 1641 the town remain almost constantly in the possession of the houses of Bar and Lorraine.

All subsequent Merovingian kings were essentially powerless, and they were officially thought to have died out with Dagobert’s grandson, Childeric III. 49 years later, Charles Martel’s grandson, Charlemagne was anointed Holy Roman Emperor. The church had finally washed its hands of the Merovingian problem, or so they thought.

And what was the problem, exactly? Well, rumor has it that the Merovingian bloodline was descendant from Jesus, or one of his brothers, who fled Roman persecution at the time of the crucifixion and escaped to France, where they intermarried with French royalty. This claim is made by certain members of modern European nobility, who trace their own ancestry back to Dagobert’s son Sigisbert. According to this claim, the Merovingians knew the truth about Jesus and his actual significance as King of the Jews.

They knew the Roman church had stolen their birthright - Jerusalem, co-opted the idea of Jesus and created a fictionalized version of the messiah and his history to further their own agenda - world domination, both secular and spiritual. The Merovingians knew that the edited version was an "opiate of the masses" used by the Romans as an excuse to set themselves up as the arbiters of God in order to perpetuate their faltering empire. This might have been the whole reason for the pact with Clovis I, to effectively shut him and his family up.

Heritage of the Merovingians
The best-selling Holy Blood, Holy Grail, presented a radical new theory: that Jesus Christ did not die on the cross, but lived on to father children with his wife, Mary Magdalen, whose descendants intermarried with what became the Royal House of France. (I would like to note the cross has no real implication as to whether Jesus had children. Being God incarnate he could have simply caused Mary Magdalen to become pregnant the same way as his mother Mary became pregnant.) The theory all started with investigation in the mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau.

It was in this tiny village in the south of France that a poor parish priest named Berenger Sauniere discovered 4 parchments that were to change his life, and the surrounding village, forever. Two of these parchments were genealogies of Dagobert II, the last of the Frankish dynasty of Priest-Kings known as the Merovingians. The other two contained ciphered messages which, when decoded, displayed the following:

"To Dagobert II, King, and to Sion belong this treasure and he is there dead."
"Shepherdess - No temptation that Poussin and Teniers hold the key; Peace 681 By the cross and this horse of God I destroy this dæmon of the guardian at noon blue apples."

After finding these parchments, this once-poor parish priest became suddenly and inexplicably wealthy, perhaps having found some buried treasure. He began hanging out with members of the Parisian upper-crust set. He began redecorating his church and surrounding property in a most bizarre fashion, leaving behind strange clues in an effort to communicate to future generations the secret that he had learned from the parchments. These clues, many involving the use of occult, qabalistic, alchemical, Masonic, and Templar-oriented symbolism, seem to indicate the involvement of a secret society known as the Priory of Sion.

The Prieuré de Sion (Priory of Zion) was a chivalrous fraternity created in medieval France with the purpose of preserving the Merovingian bloodline and returning them to the throne of France. They were officially founded as the Order de Sion by Godfroi de Bouillon, just prior the First Crusade, which was also headed by de Bouillon. Their official headquarters was the Abbey of Notre Dame du Mont de Sion in Jerusalem. In March 1117 they had Baldwin I, King of Jerusalem (who, it is said, owed his throne to them due to their efforts on his behalf) negotiate the constitution of the Order of the Temple, A.K.A. the Knights Templar, as the military and administrative arm of the Order de Sion.

The Templar order, which had already been around more than a decade, was headed by Hughes de Payen, who was also a founding member of the Order de Sion. They are not mentioned again in history until 1152, when King Louis VII of France brought them 95 new members and gave them the priory of Saint-Samson at Orléans.

The Templars, according to tradition, were created for the purpose of safeguarding pilgrims on the road to the Holy Land, and they are most famous for their brave fighting on behalf of Christiandom for the capture of Jerusalem. However, evidence indicates that this was not at all an orthodox Christian organization, but that their secret rituals and doctrine were much more mystical, hermetic, and occult-oriented, and derived not from the Church, but from Christ himself.

Now the Knights Templar had quite a career after the Crusades. They basically took over Europe financially, dominating all the major industries, especially that of money lending. They invented the modern checking system, and within a few years had all of Europe’s kings indebted to them. This is why, even though they were disbanded by the Pope and the Grand Master burnt at the stake for heresy, some people believe that the Templars still exist today, continuing to manipulate the affairs of Europe behind the scenes. The Swiss nation, especially, is believed to be controlled by them. The same can be said for the Priory of Sion, which continues to this day, according to the authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail. It is now believed that they were disbanded because the French king owed them money and because they lost the holy land to the Muslims.

In fact, a number of illustrious figures in history have served as the Priory’s Grand Masters, or Nautionniers (Navigators). The Priory has been credited by some with the creation of the European Union. The same insignia which they proposed for the flag of the United States of Europe in the 1950s is being used on the flag of the EU today. Many very powerful people are believed to be members of the Priory. They are also said to be in league with the CIA, MI5, Mossad, and the Mafia. As for the Merovingians, their bloodline continues on. Through intermarriage, most of the royal families of Europe can claim descent from them. And from these royal families, have come all of the United States Presidents.

Who exactly were the Merovingians, you may ask, and what is so special about them? They were the first kings of what is now France, the first to unify the kingdom, and the first to preside over the prototype of the Holy Roman Empire. They were granted the title of "New Constantine in perpetuity" by the Pope, some believe, because the Vatican recognized the descent of the Merovingian bloodline from that of Jesus Christ, who, acc aording to theories, married Mary Magdalen and sired a child with her. Mary and her child later fled to France, where their descendants married into the local Visigothic nobility. This would explain why the Vatican granted the Merovingians the title New Constantine, in recognition of the descent from the King of Kings himself.

It also explains why the Knights Templar wished to take control of Jerusalem - because they considered it their rightful inheritance. Christ, as the biological son of Joseph, was a descendant of King David, and therefore the rightful king of Jerusalem, so his descendants would have been as well. It would also explain why the Templars were called the "Guardians of the Grail".

The Merovingians
The Merovingian dynasty issued from the Sicambrians, a tribe of the Germanic people collectively known as the Franks. Between the fifth and seventh centuries they ruled large parts of what are now France and Germany. It coincides with the period of king Arthur. The Roman church exercised a veritable monopoly on learning and writing. When the Merovingians took over there was no violent or abrupt transition, no usurpation, no displacement or no extinction of an earlier regime. They already seemed to be the house that ruled over the Franks and were already rightful and duly acknowledged Kings. They got the name from a ruler named Merovee (Merovech or Meroveus) who was a semi supernatural figure. His name bears witness to his miraculous origin and character. It echoes the French word for mother, as well as both the French and Latin words for sea. According to tradition he was born of two fathers. His mother was already pregnant by her husband King Clodio and while swimming in the ocean was seduced and possibly raped by a marine creature from beyond the sea. A beast of Neptune similar to a Quinotaur. She became impregnated by this monster as well. Thus Merovee was born with a co-mingling of two different bloods in his veins. This legend is most likely symbolic or allegorical masking historical fact. It seems to indicate an intermarriage or some sort of pedigree transmitted through the mother, as in Judaism. Or the mingling of dynastic lines whereby the Franks became blood with somebody else possibly from beyond the sea which was transformed into a sea creature.

By virtue of his dual blood he was said to have somehow been endowed with an impressive array of superhuman powers. The Merovingian dynasty was said to be continually mantled in an aura of magic, sorcery and the supernatural. They were occult adepts: initiates in arcane sciences, practitioners of esoteric arts, worthy rivals of Merlin. They were often called sorcerer Kings. By virtue of some miraculous property in their blood they could allegedly heal by laying on of hands, the tassels at the fringes of their robes were deemed to possess miraculous curative powers. They were said to be capable of clairvoyant or telepathic communication with beasts and the natural world, and to wear a powerful magical necklace. They were said to possess an arcane spell which protected them and granted them abnormal longevity. They all supposedly bore a distinctive birthmark reputedly taking the form of a Red Cross either over their heart or between the shoulder blades. They were also frequently called the long-haired kings. Like Samson in the Old Testament their hair supposedly contained their essence and secrets of their power. The Merovingians were regarded as priest kings, embodiments of the divine like the Egyptian Pharaohs. They were apparently deemed the living embodiment and incarnation of God's grace just like Jesus. They seem to have engaged in ritual practices which partook more of priesthood than of kingship. Skulls found of the monarchs, for example, have what appears to be a ritual incision or hole in the crown similar to those found in the high priests of the early Tibetan Buddhism. Made to allow the soul to escape on death, and to open direct contact with the divine. The tomb of Childeric 1, son of Merovee, contained weapons, treasure and regalia as expected but it also contained items characteristic such as a severed horse head, a gold bulls' head, and a crystal ball. One of the most sacred of their symbols was the bee and the tomb contained 300 miniature solid gold bees.

They claimed descent from Noah whom they regarded as the source of all biblical wisdom, more so than Moses. This belief resurfaced with European freemasonry. They also claimed direct descent from ancient Troy, which would explain the names of some French cities. Some writers have tried to trace th move e Merovingians to ancient Greece, precisely Arcadia. Their ancestors were connected to Arcadia's royal house. Some time towards the advent of the Christian era they supposedly migrated up the Danube, and then up the Rhine, and established themselves in what is now western Germany. There is not necessarily a conflict with these two scenarios. According to Homer a substantial contingent of Arcadians were present at the siege of Troy. According to early Greek histories Troy was founded by settlers from Arcadia. The name Arcadia derives from Arkades which means people of the bear. The Arcadians claimed descent from Arkas, the patron deity of the land, whose name also means bear. They highly revered the bear. According to Greek myth Arkas was the son of Kallisto, a nymph connected with the Huntress Artemis. Kallisto is most familiar as the constellation Ursa Major, the great bear.
For the Franks the bear had a similar exalted status. They worshiped it in the form of Arduina, the Gaelic equivalent of Artemis, and patron goddess of the Ardennes. The name Ursus Latin for bear is associated with the Merovingian royal line. The Welsh word for bear is arth which is where the name Arthur derives.

In the early fifth century the invasion of the Huns provoked large-scale migrations of almost all European tribes. It was this time that the ancestors of the Merovingians crossed the Rhine River and moved into Gaul, establishing themselves in what is now Belgium, lower Saxony and northern France. A century later this region came to be called the kingdom Austrasia, at the core of what is now known as Lorraine. Their influx was not a horde of wild barbarians, it was a placid and civilized affair. They had maintained close contact with the Romans. They were well versed in Roman customs and administration, and followed Roman fashions. Some even became high ranking officers in the Roman army and some even became consuls. Their influx was a peaceful absorption. Near the end of the fifth century when the Roman empire collapsed they filled the vacuum. They retained the old customs and altered very little. With no upheaval whatsoever they assumed control of the vacant administrative apparatus. The early Merovingians conformed closely to the model of the old Roman Empire.

There were at least two historical figures named Merovee. One was a chieftain alive in 417 who fought under the Romans. In 448 his son bearing the same name was proclaimed king of the Franks, ruling until his death 10 years later. He may have been the first official king of the Franks. Under his successors the kingdom of the Franks flourished, it warrants comparison with the high civilization of Byzantium. Literacy was more widespread than for the next 500 years, it extended up to the rulers themselves. One King was an accomplished poet and wrote accounts of discussions with ecclesiastical authorities, which reflect an extraordinary subtlety, sophistication, and learning. Much attention was devoted to Maritime trade especially in the Mediterranean. The artifacts of the Merovingian era reflect a quality of workmanship which is truly amazing. They accumulated enormous wealth, much of which was in gold coins of superb quality. Many of the coins have a equal armed cross identical to the ones adopted by the Frankish kingdom of Jerusalem during the Crusades. It is also similar to the cross many of the chivalric orders of the Crusades had.

This idea of a new multinational government being led symbolically by a monarch of a extraordinary pedigree is all good in itself but caution must be had. It sounds good but it might be too good to be true. If it does come about everyone must keep their eyes open. I said this because it might be the opening for the arrival of another antichrist. The following is here for comparison.

Attributes of the antichrist
Antichrist can mean not only against and opposite of, but also in place of. He will be an adversary of Christ while resampling him in a deceptive manner, an evil imposter. The mystery of lawlessness will be working during his time, so he is called the man of sin, lawlessness, son of perdition. Also called the Latin man, son of Frank, and he might be of Jewish descent. He is described as a Dragon, a beast, and a bear. The Romans warned beware a woman of Gual after the fall of the Roman empire, being overrun by different tribes of Gaul and Germania, 10 in total. He will seemingly provide for the needs of the people but deny the ultimate salvation. Is the opposite of what you call virtuous; lying, deceitful, unrighteous. He will speak like a lamb to make himself like Jesus, but is untruthful and a deceiver. He is a self exalted King sitting in the Temple, opposing himself to anything that is worshiped, claims devine authority, working all kinds of counterfeit miracles and signs, and all kinds of evil. Will attempt to win supporters with false peace and these supernatural signs. Calls or desires to call himself a universal priest. He will confound things human and divine and bring about the destruction of Jerusalem. He will silence all that defy him and subordinate the curch to the state, making them pay taxes and conform to be like civilians. Will require a mark to legally partake in the economic system. Antichrists deny that Jesus is the Christ, the father and the son, and would not confess Jesus came in the flesh on or died on the cross and was resurrected. He is the abomination that causes this. And antichrist is anyone that preaches false doctrine.

The Antichrist must be a King
REVELATION 17:8, 11 The Beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the Abyss [which the Occult equates being located in the depths of the Atlantic Ocean], and go into [the Son of] Perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall marvel, whose names were not written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the Beast THAT WAS, and is not, and yet is. And the Beast that was, and is not, even he is the Eighth (KING), and is of the Seven (Merovingian Kings).

DANIEL 8:23-25 In the latter time, a KING of fierce countenance and understanding dark sentences shall arise. And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy supernaturally, and shall prosper and practise and shall destroy the mighty and the Holy people. And through his policy also he shall cause Craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes, and he shall be broken.

2 THESSALONIANS 2:3-5 For that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that Man of Sin be revealed, the Son of Perdition who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the Temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. For the Mystery of Iniquity doth already work: only he who now restrains will let, until he be taken out of the way and then shall that Wicked be revealed...Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the Love of the Truth (Jesus Christ), that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them a strong delusion, that they should believe a lie...

What is this 'Strong Delusion' and lie that most of the world will be under? The lie that the British Royals, other European royalty and their secret society propagandists infamous for claiming that Royalty are descendedants of Ephraim, chief of the so-called "Ten Lost Tribes of Israel," holding in their possession specific genealogical charts and histories to prove it yet it always was and still is a lie. A powerfully deceptive lie that will see 'new evidence' found pertaining to it's supposed credibility at just the right time 'proving' that the prophesied Messiah of Israel will actually be descended from this Celtic/Germanic-Israel origin. This lie is close to Jewish hearts and minds, and the world - for they perceive the Messiah will have the "Royal Lineage of David" meaning he can have his unbroken Bloodline literally traced thirty centuries back to Israel's beloved patriarch, King David.

Somewhere lost in in the clouds of greed and power a man will come forward with the solution. He will deliver everyone from their woes and sorrow. The person will claim to be from the direct line of Israel. A direct bloodline from the house of king David. A direct bloodline for Jesus Christ.

2012 fear, 12th planet/Nibiru, UFO's/aliens, Atlantis, astronomical events, alternative creation theories, other 'Gods' will all have their place in the deception. They are all more than likely smokescreens and distractions for us to not notice something seemingly less monumental as a new government movement. They might even be used to benefit smooth transition by drawing everybody's attention.