Saturday, June 11, 2011

Phosphate Rock Fertilizer: Fluoride, Toxic Metals, Radiation

There is a long-standing concern about the phosphate fertiliser industry unknown to the greater public. Fluorosilicic acid (H2SiF6), used to fluoridate drinking water, is derived from the pollution scrubbing operations at those fertilizer/mining facilities. We have built up a considerable understanding of phosphate rock (PR) in the last 75 years. The raw rock (which during phosphate fertiliser production is extensively processed) is contaminated with heavy metals, radionuclides, other toxic metals and fluorides. It is recommended for use as an organic fertiliser in its raw state. In the process to make the raw rock into green phosphoric acid (fertilizer), some of the fluorides are driven off as silicon tetrafluoride gas and a good amount of the toxic metals/radionuclides are carried away in the gypsum mine waste stream.

PR is referred to in geological terms as fluorapatite. Depending on the region of the world it comes from, the rock can contain anywhere from 2.0% to 5.0% fluoride. At five percent, one kilogram contains enough fluoride to fluoridate 50,000 litres of drinking water. One ounce @ 5.0% fluoride (about the amount used to fertilise one organic tomato plant as recommended by some organic growers) contains about 1.4 grams of fluoride, which is enough to kill a small child. Fluoride is also toxic to many plants (phytotoxic). The risks it poses are most threatening to people who come into direct contact with it - eg. organic growers. However, organic growing organisations seem to be oblivious to these health hazards - despite the information having been available for many years.

Aside from fluorine pollution, Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) is the major concern of most government environmental agencies regulating pollution and phosphorgypsum waste from the manufacture of phosphoric acid. Again, depending on geographic location where the PR is mined, it can contain from 50 - 200 ppm of uranium. PR is the major source of 'yellow cake' (uranium oxide) for nuclear weapons and the nuclear power industry. PR is notorious for its radioactive constituents.

Where there is uranium in natural rock formations, there will also be all its carcinogenic decay rate products; such as radium, radon, radioactive lead, polonium, thorium, etc. There are also toxic metal contaminants such as beryllium, manganese, arsenic, lead, mercury, cadmium and vanadium. The tailings from phosphoric acid production (phosphate fertiliser), phosphorgypsum, are so radioactive that they are not allowed to be used for wall-board or road beds in the US and Canada - because it is considered a radiation hazard. However, organic growers are allowed to treat their fields with the raw, unprocessed product once every six years, with none of the contaminants processed out.

Taking a closer look at this 'natural' PR mix, we find for example polonium-210. Polonium-210 can be carcinogenic to people exposed to more than 0.03 microcuries (6.8 trillionths of a gram). There are also high levels of Radium and Polonium- 210 in granite dust, which is used by organic farmers is some parts of the world as a soil conditioner). Polonium is carried throughout the body in the blood. It has been linked to more soft-tissue cancers than bone cancers; typical sites are the liver, spleen and kidney. Radon is also given off from PR and ground granite. Radon is second only to smoking as the leading cause of lung cancer in the UK.

1. The use of phosphate fertilisers is a major contributor to environmental pollution.
2. The act of mining PR causes ecological devastation in many regions of the world.
3. Concern about up-take of fluorides, toxic metals and radionuclides in produce grown with phosphate fertilisers..
4. The health and wellbeing of growers who have not been informed about the dangers in using PR.

The Truth About 'Fluoride'
First of all, it needs to be stated that the 'substance' referred to as 'Fluoride' is a misnomer - there is no such substance listed in the periodic chart of the elements, nor in the prestigious CRC handbook, nor in the sacred 'bible' of the pharmaceutical industry - the illustrious 'Merck Index'. Instead, we find a GAS called Fluorine, and from the use of this gas in various industries such as aluminum manufacturing and the nuclear industry, certain toxic byproducts are created which have 'captured' fluorine molecules. One such toxic, poisonous 'byproduct' is called sodium Fluoride

Sodium Fluoride is nothing more (or less) than a hazardous waste by-product of the nuclear and aluminum industries. In addition to being the primary ingredient in rat and cockroach poisons, it is also a main ingredient in anesthetic, hypnotic, and psychiatric drugs. It is one of the basic ingredients in both PROZAC (FLUoxetene Hydrochloride) and Sarin Nerve Gas (Isopropyl-Methyl-Phosphoryl FLUORIDE). So why is it allowed to be added to the toothpastes and drinking water.

It was used by the Nazis to sterilize inmates and to make them docile. Independent scientific evidence over the past 50 plus years has shown that sodium fluoride shortens our life span, promotes various cancers and mental disturbances, and most importantly, makes humans stupid, docile, and subservient, all in one neat little package. There is increasing evidence that aluminum in the brain is a causative factor in Alzheimer's Disease, and evidence points towards sodium fluoride's strong affinity to 'bond' with this dangerous aluminum and also it has the ability to 'trick' the blood-brain barrier by imitating the hydrogen ion thus allowing this chemical access to brain tissue. The most recently reported by some of the media that in the watch for radiation from Japan low but unnatural levels of radiation were discovered. Upon looking at the signature it was found that the signature was that of the large North American gypsum mines which is where our "fluoride" originates. They realized fluoride was also causing low levels of radiation.

Historically, this substance was quite expensive for the chemical companies to dispose of but in the 50's and 60's the entire aluminum industry was suck with a vast overabundance of the toxic waste. Somehow they sold the government on the insane (but highly profitable) idea of buying this poison at a huge markup and then injecting it into our water supply as well as into the toothpastes and dental rinse.

Honest scientists who have attempted to blow the whistle on sodium fluoride's mega-bucks propaganda campaign have consistently been given a large dose of professional 'black-listing' and thus their valid points disputing the current vested interests never have received the ink they deserve in the national press. Just follow the money to find the 'control' and you will find prominent American families to be prominent 'players' in the scandal. In 1952 a slick PR campaign rammed the concept of 'fluoridation' through our Public Health departments and various dental organizations. This slick campaign was more akin to a highly emotional "beer salesman convention" instead of the objective, scientifically researched program that it should have been. It has continued in the same vein right up to the present day - and now sodium fluoride use has now become 'usual and customary'.

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