Thursday, June 30, 2011

Grandest Deception

A new book called The Grandest Deception has information which appears to come from the dark side. It poses as a theory about aliens and their being evil but it really espouses the idea that we have the good guys and bad guys mixed up. A belief commonly expressed by the secret wisdom schools and societies, and some occult. Groups like the illuminati, Freemasons, and Luciferians. They teach the idea that Lucifer is really good and has been portrayed as bad by God who is really the bad one. They usually always mention how Lucifer was before his fall and the fact that his name translated to light bringer. They tend to believe that the serpent was trying to help us and free us from God's "tyranny". God's reasoning is misunderstood and looked at black-and-white. The actions of God in the old testament are always greatly pointed to as proof of how he is evil.

This author, using and expanding some of the work by Sitchen, has developed the idea of the Annunaki a little bit further. He discusses that the Sumerian legends about characters such as Enki and Enlil are some of the Annunaki. The book mentions that Enki was good and benevolent and the one who created humans. That his twin brother Enlil is the one who tried to destroy us with the flood. The other Annunaki including Enlil did not like that we were being taught and gaming independence from them. The book states that our greatest source of education was the Cult of the Serpent created by Enki. It was the very first mystery school to ever exist, and the mother of all other occult schools and societies. Enki is always associated with serpents, dragons, Satan, and Lucifer. He says that this cult was very good and wonderful in the beginning but that followers of Enlil and the others took over these schools and corrupted them.

He says that all of the Annunaki were all evil except for Enki, the only one associated with Satan. Part of his theory is that Jesus was one of the Annunaki and therefore not really good, but a deception of them. The book is called the grandest deception because he considers the Bible a deception presented to make Satan look bad. If Jesus is bad than therefore God has to be also bad because they are one in the same. He finds that there is no way God would do what the God of the Old Testament does and how he acts if he is really benevolent and loving.

One thing of note is that most of what God did in the Old Testament misunderstood and considered evil and occurred after the flood. Most people have trouble understanding why God would do these things and be so angry. They have never been told how the fallen angels were messing with us and influencing us to act. This author doesn't consider the Annunaki to be one and the same fallen Angels. It appears that he has discounted the good evidence to make his theory work better.

We have to realize why God created us. Most theories are that he wanted someone to experience his creation. That he wanted creations like himself that could relate to and provide companionship. Another idea is that God can know and experience all because he has intimate connections with everybody ever created. We were intended to become perfect children who eventually would share with God to rule. The Angels who went evil came to try to destroy us through our DNA. God was so angry because we did not learn and were still turning away from him. That we were willingly walking down the road that would lead to destruction of all that is good.

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