Friday, June 24, 2011

The Bike

There she was in the driveway, all chrome and curves. The brilliant paint job gleaming in the warm sunshine, calling out. Taken out for the first time again, out from under the winter tarp. In the kitchen making lunch while looking out the window, having trouble taking time. All dressed and ready to go. Tossing a snack in both saddle bags as grabbing them and your leather jacket. Time to be a cowboy on a steel horse air ride. It starts up like a dream, purring deep smooth and seducingly. She roars like a savage beast as you pull out into the street. Pulling your MP3 player earphones from your pocket and putting them on. All of your favorite tunes streaming into your head. And It feels good to be back in the saddle again riding through town alone. Finally reaching the empty country highway and opening it up. The growl of the powerful v-twin audible over the music. The fresh air in the face feeling rejuvenating and smelling sweet. The sun above you keeping you warm. The road stretching out across the prairie. It feels like you can see for miles and the possibilities are endless. The clear blue sky vast and expensive, not a cloud in sight.

Out in the middle of nowhere you see someone walking along the side of the road up ahead. A hitchhiker no doubt As you pull closer you see that it is a shapely girl with long brown hair. Dressed in some tight denim that showed off her delicious figure and a pair of knee-high leather boots. The kind that looks like it would certainly be not comfortable to walk great distances in. Her hips swaying like a metronome as she walked. You have always followed your mother's advice against picking up hitchhikers but clearly it had to be ignored this time. Slowing and pulling up just a few paces ahead of her you turn to get a better look. She was the most beautiful creature you have ever seen, so much so that your Jaw almost dropped. Brushing some hair from her face she looked you right in the eyes with her big green eyes. A pretty and friendly smile forming across her bright red lips. You ask her where she is heading. She answers that she isn't sure and keeps walking, passing where you are stopped. Walking the bike to keep beside her you tell her that you are just taking a ride nowhere in particular and that you could give her a lift to the next town. You can tell she is thinking about it but isn't convinced yet and she tells you it is a perfect day for walking. Raising both of her hands into the air and spining around. But a nice cold drink would really be nice right about now you tell her. Who says that I am thirsty she replies, giving you a challenging look. Giving her a playful look back you tell her that she sure looks hot to you. This causes a big smile and a radiant look to come across her face. At this she stops and faces you, asking you innocently how she knows she can trust you. You answer how do you know that you could trust her and that she won't steal your bike. You can tell she is looking at it. This causes her to laugh a intoxicatingly melodic laugh. Okay she says as she approaches the bike and putting her hands on your shoulders for balance straddles the seat. The insides of her thighs against your hips. She leans close to say she doesn't know where to put her feet, letting you take hold of her ankle to place her foot on the passenger foot supports. She puts her arms loosely around you resting her hands lightly on your chest as you take off. As you cruise along you feel her hand move up and take one of the earphones from your ear. You feel her rest her head against the back of your shoulder so the cord reaches. It could have been a dream but on the way you thought you heard her scream.

Upon reaching the next city we turned into a fast food place. Pulling into a parking space and turning off the bike you see her hand reach over your shoulder with one of the earphones. She stayed seated on the bike as you get off the bike. She sure looked sweet with a leg on either side of the motorcycle seat. You check with her to see what she wants to drink and head inside to get two Cokes. You decide to surprise her and get more than drinks. Returning outside with fully loaded cheeseburgers and onion rings and french fries so you might have whichever she prefers. Outside she is now standing beside the bike leaning against the seat. She can't believe you getting so much but is very thankful. Consuming the cheeseburger as if she was famished, thoroughly enjoying it. After casually eating and some small talk you head out on your own. Looking in the mirror you see her watching you leaving before turning and heading off on her own way.

Pulling into the driveway at home by the light of the moon having driven all night to get back home. Heading into the house saddle sore,peeling off your boots and chaps. Taking out the MP3 player out of your pocket and seeing a piece of paper falling onto the floor. Opening it you see that it says thank you I had a really good time, you made my day. Call me sometime. I would love to see again.

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