Thursday, June 23, 2011

New Area 51 Book

A new book titled Area 51: An Uncensored History of America’s Top Secret Military Base, which promises to finally dish on what really goes on at Area 51. The most controversial part surrounds the testimony of an anonymous Area 51 source, who told her that the 1947 Roswell wreckage of a disc-shaped craft was brought to the base, and was of Soviet origin. The project was masterminded by Stalin, who was interested in spreading "black propaganda" and a kind of "War of the Worlds" hoax that the US might perceive as a warning shot across the bough, she explained. The craft was supposedly built by the Horton brothers. Further, the craft contained child-sized aviators who'd been deformed in some manner to make them appear other-worldly, possibly through genetic experiments. The small creatures found dead at the scene were ”grotesque, child-size aviators” had “large” heads and “oversize” eyes, but were not actually aliens. The author claims the bodies were those of Russian children engineered by Josef Mengele to trick Americans into panicking.

Another author, who wrote a book titled “Space Aliens from the Pentagon” agrees that the Roswell incident was faked but insists that it was perpetrated by the U.S. government and not the Russians.

The biggest problem with this book's new theory is that both Dr. Mengel and the Hortons were from Germany and were Nazis. There was no love loss between the Communists and the Nazis. Also history says that after the war they either remained in western Germany or immigrated to South America. According to official common history this new "Russian" theory is not possible. Is it possible to alter this theory and make it work, using historical information? First let us look at Dr. Mengele.

Josef Rudolf Mengele, also known as the Angel of Death (Todesengel in German) was a German SS officer and a physician in the Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau. He initially gained notoriety for being one of the SS physicians who supervised the selection of arriving transports of prisoners, determining who was to be killed and who was to become a forced laborer, but is far more infamous for performing grisly human experiments on camp inmates, including children.

In 1940, he was placed in the reserve medical corps, following which he served with the 5th SS Panzergrenadier Division Wiking in the Eastern Front. In 1942, he was wounded at the Soviet front and was pronounced medically unfit for combat, and was then promoted to the rank of Captain for saving the lives of three German soldiers. In May 1943, Mengele replaced another doctor who had fallen ill at the Nazi extermination camp Birkenau. On May 24, 1943, he became medical officer of Auschwitz-Birkenau's "Gypsy camp". In August 1944, this camp was liquidated and all its inmates gassed. Subsequently Mengele became Chief Medical Officer of the main infirmary camp at Birkenau. He was not, though, the Chief Medical Officer of Auschwitz – superior to him was SS-Standortarzt (garrison physician) Eduard Wirths.

The SS abandoned the Auschwitz camp on January 27, 1945, and Mengele transferred to Gross Rosen camp in Lower Silesia, again working as camp physician. Gross Rosen was dissolved at the end of February when the Red Army was close to taking it. Mengele worked in other camps for a short time and, on May 2, joined a Wehrmacht medical unit led by Hans Otto Kahler, his former colleague. The unit hurried west to avoid being captured by the Soviets and were taken as prisoners of war by the Americans. Mengele, initially registered under his own name, was released in June 1945 with papers giving his name as "Fritz Hollmann". From July 1945 until May 1949, he worked as a farmhand in a small village near Rosenheim, Bavaria, staying in contact with his wife and his old friend Hans Sedlmeier, who arranged Mengele's escape to Argentina. Mengele may have been assisted by the ODESSA network.

So we know that he did do all sorts of terrible experiments on prisoners, mostly biological in nature. We also know that he was never captured by the Russians or did he ever go to work for them. Now it is possible that the story of his going to South America is in fact a cover up for where he really was. Although it would have to be a cover up for the Odessa network moving him through Project Paperclip for the US. He was a prisoner of war of the US but we are to believe he was released by using a false name in 1945.

If some of the work Mengele did managed to get to the Soviets I believe it was unintentional. To see how the "aliens" used by the Soviets were created by Mengele I think we need to look at Gross Rosen, already mentioned.

Gross Rosen camp had primarily Jewish and Russian prisoners and was notorious for biological warfare experiments on Soviet prisoners. It was set up in the summer of 1940 as a satellite camp to Sachsenhausen, and became an independent camp on May 1, 1941. Initially, work was carried out in the camp's huge stone quarry, owned by the SS-Deutsche Erd- und Steinwerke GmbH. As the complex grew, many inmates were put to work in the construction of the subcamps' facilities. In October 1941 the SS transferred about 3,000 Soviet POWs to Gross-Rosen for execution by shooting. Biological experiments were carried out on them before their executions.

Gross-Rosen was known for its brutal treatment of Nacht und Nebel (political activist and resistance sympathizer) prisoners, especially in the stone quarry. The brutal treatment of the political and Jewish prisoners was not only due to the SS and criminal prisoners, but to a lesser extent also due to German civilians working in the stone quarry. In 1942 for political prisoners the mean survival time was less than two months. Due to a change of policy in August 1942, prisoners were likely to survive longer because they were needed as slave workers in German industries and companies such as IG Farben. The largest population of inmates, however, were Jews, initially from the Dachau and Sachsenhausen camps, and later from Buchenwald. During the camp's existence, the Jewish inmate population came mainly from Poland and Hungary; others were from Belgium, France, Netherlands, Greece, Yugoslavia, Slovakia, and Italy.

At its peak activity in 1944, the Gross-Rosen complex had up to sixty subcamps located in eastern Germany and occupied Poland. In its final stage, the population of the Gross-Rosen camps accounted for 11% of the total inmates in Nazi concentration camps at that time. A total of 125,000 inmates of various nationalities passed through the complex during its existence, of whom an estimated 40,000 died on site and in evacuation transports. The camp was liberated on February 14, 1945, by the Red Army.

Some of the prisoners were used in Project Riese, the codename for a mining and construction project that was never finished. It consisted of seven underground military and manufacturing facilities. Dissatisfied with the progress prisoners of the nearby concentration camps were assigned to forced labor. They were deployed in 13 camps and a hospital in the vicinity of the complexes. The complexes of the project were also captured by the red Army.

It is very possible that the red Army was able to capture much of the documentation into the experiments and methods of doctor Mengele and the other Nazi doctors/scientists. It is very possible that they recovered some survivors or bodies that were greatly disfigured. The Soviets could have very well continued to carry out the Nazi research for themselves.

Next we will look at the The Horten brothers and see if they did work for the Soviets after the war. Perfecting and developing an alien looking craft.

Walter Horten and Reimar Horten, sometimes credited as the Horten Brothers, were German aircraft pilots and enthusiasts, and members of the Hitler Youth and Nazi party. Though they had little, if any, formal training in aeronautics or a related field, the Hortens designed some of the most advanced aircraft of the 1940s, including the world's first jet-powered flying wing, the Horten Ho 229.

The Horten Ho 229, the world's first jet-powered flying wing with some style properties. Securing the allocation of turbojets was difficult in wartime Germany, as other projects carried higher priority due to their rank in the overall war effort. Although the turbojet-equipped Ho IX V2 nearly reached a then-astonishing 500 mph in trials, the project was soon given over to the low-tech aircraft company, Gothaer Waggonfabrik. The Ho 229 was captured by the U.S. Army at the end of World War 2, in which the completed but unflown V3 third prototype aircraft is presently housed at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington D.C. it was brought to the US as part of Operation Paperclip for evaluation. The Ho 229 was a fighter jet with great potential, but arrived too late to see service by the Nazis. Among other advanced Horten designs of the 1940s was the supersonic delta-wing H.X, designed as a hybrid turbojet/rocket fighter with a top speed of Mach 1.4, but tested only in glider form (as the Horten H.XIII). Its revolutionary stealth design included a special carbon layer that was able to reduce the radar range detection. The Horten brothers also worked on the Horten H.XVIII, an intercontinental bomber that was part of the Amerika Bomber project.

As the war ended, Reimar Horten emigrated to Argentina after failed negotiations with the United Kingdom and China, where he continued designing and building gliders and one twin-engined flying wing transport, which was unsuccessful commercially. Walter remained in Germany after the war and became an officer in the post-war German Air Force Luftwaffe. Reimar died on his ranch in Argentina in 1994, while Walter died in Germany in 1998.

In the late 1940s, the personnel of Project Sign, the U.S. Air Force's flying saucer investigation, seriously considered the possibility that UFOs might have been secret aircraft manufactured by the U.S.S.R. based on the Hortens' designs. This project very well could be cover up to misdirect from themselves.

After the armistice in 1945 when US troops occupied the town of Gotha, the designs of the Horten IX were kept in hiding and not handed over to American Military authorities. The original designs in possession of the Horten brothers were hidden in a salt mine in Salzdettfurt, but the model tested this was destroyed in April 1945. The original designs were recovered from Salzdettfurt by British authorities in the summer of 1945.

The Horten brothers, together with Dr. Betz, Eugen and Dr. Stueper, went to England in the late summer of 1945 where they remained for approximately ninety days. They were interrogated and questioned about their ideas and were given several problems to work on. However Reimer was very unwilling to cooperate to any extent whatsoever, unless an immediate contract was offered to him and his brother. Walter was unable to comply and Reimer was sufficiently stubborn not to move a finger. Upon their return to Germany Walter remained in contact with British authorities and was actually paid a salary by the British between October 1945 and April 1946, as the British contemplated but never did offer him employment. Walter subsequently had a final argument with his brother and the two decided to part.

In the spring of 1947 Walter Horten heard about the flying wing design in the United states by Northrop and decided to write Northrop for employment. He was answered in the summer of 1947 by a letter in which Northrop pointed out that he, himself, could not do anything to get him over to the States, but that he would welcome it very much if he could come to the United States and take up employment with the firm. He recommended that Walter should get in touch with USAFE Headquarters in Wiesbaden in order to obtain necessary clearance. It is believed that Walter may have contacted USAFE for possible evacuation to the United States under "Paper Clip".

As can be seen from the above, most of the Hortens' work took place in Western Germany. According to US intelligence sources as of December 1947, neither of the brothers ever had any contact with any representative of the Soviet Air Force or any other foreign power. In spite of the fact that Reimer is rather disgusted with the British for not offering him a contract, it is believed very unlikely that he has approached the Soviet authorities in order to sell out to them. The only possible link between the Horten brothers and the Soviet authorities is the fact that a complete set of plans and designs were hidden at the Gothaer Waggon Fabrik and the knowledge of this was known a number of other engineers. It is possible and likely that any of those having knowledge of the Horten IX would have sold out to the Soviet authorities for one of a number of reasons.
As far as the "flying saucer" is concerned, a number of people were contacted in order to verify whether or not any such design at any time was contemplated or existed in the files of any German air research institute. All the people contacted independently and at different times are very insistent on the fact that to their knowledge and belief no such design ever existed nor was projected by any of the German air research institutions. While they agree that such a design would be highly practical and desirable, they do not know anything about its possible realization now or in the past.

What we see in this information from US intelligence reports in late 1947 are all sorts of suspicions and some inaccurate information. It seems to indicate that the Soviets really did get some of the plans and research. The information about the Nazis not having any knowledge of flying sauces at the time was an accurate. Some crafts were recovered by the British and further developed by the RAF and built by companies including some from Canada. Perhaps the US we're just not aware of this in 1947, or were using misinformation.

The flying wing design in the United states by Northrop seems to indicate that they were given access to plans obtained by the British. The Allies would no doubt have been eager to develop the technology if indeed the Soviets had acquired the knowledge as well. The Northrop flying wing appears to be openly known about in spring of 47 so could have been secretly developed and tested in late 45 and 46 through 47. The Roswell incident occurred in June or July 1947, so the craft very well could have been a secret US advanced test craft. It is also very possible that the Soviets had some very advanced craft as well by 1947, developed by Soviet scientists working with Nazi-based technological developments.

It also seems possible that both of the brothers could have come to the US in project paperclip, and were allowed to travel freely. Their locations of residence provided to us to make us think they stayed in one area after the war. So we wouldn't suspect any involvement in military projects.

So we see there are indeed several possibilities to the composition of the human hoax theory about Roswell. That is was a project/mission conducted by the Soviets or conducted by the US. Another possibility of course is that just as how the Soviets/US allies worked together to defeat Nazi Germany, they worked together after the war to develop recovered technologies and sciences. Dividing it and pretending to be enemies to create the impression that much had to be put into these areas. That it was a joint psychological op by the US/British/Soviets and ex-Nazis. The US was able to get a lot of Nazi scientists in project paperclip so it is conceivable the Soviets had a similar project. There are some hints at such a program where Nazis who disappeared like Bormann were spirited away by the Soviets, possibly even working with them.

The last possibility that is more unbelievable is that the Roswell incident was actually the Nazis. Based upon the idea that the Third Reich had continued after the war secretly based in Antarctica or South America after. Project Odessa was supposedly a series of different organizations to establish and facilitate secret Nazi movement/escape routes throughout Europe, the Middle East, and South America. Developed as early as 1942. They also set up offshore holdings and an estimated 750 companies to move Nazi money, suggested at up to $175 billion. They were assisted by Switzerland and the Vatican. Odessa was the name of the verified plan for a fourth Reich made before the fall of the third. This was to be done by reorganizing in remote overseas Nazi colonies. It would make the most sense to have spread worldwide, South America, Middle East, Europe, the British Commonwealth, US, USSR, and even Asia (ie Japanese territory).

Anyways the theory as presented by the source in this book cannot be accurate. Either he mixed up some of the details because of his age, or the information is misinformation. The incident very well could have been created by the Soviets themselves. Using a craft developed by the Soviets based upon recovered Nazi plans. With creatures created by biological experimentation based upon the Nazi developments of Mengele. Not that there was direct collaboration between the Nazis and Soviets. The fact that the source suggests this by mixing up the two is suspicious of misinformation. To make the incident seem as though it could only be carried out by the worst and most insidious of humanity. So that we can't imagine that our own governments could be behind it. Once again if it was the US, they also used technology-based upon recovered Nazi advanced weaponry and human experimentation. One thing to note is that the bodies recovered could have never been alive and didn't survive creation.
So we see that it is completely possible that the Roswell incident was a hoax created by fully human groups. It needn't be extraterrestrials. It is likely that we will never know who was behind it but we have good ideas of the limited possibilities. The US appearing to be the most plausible. This new book appears to actually be misinformation and to make Area 51 mundane and less interesting.

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