Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The European E. coli

What is currently going on in Germany with E. coli in fact could actually be something that was manufactured and not E. coli at all. That would explain why if officials are so confused by this and cannot locate the source. They claim it is because it is a never before seen and powerful new version of E. coli. They could be claiming this just because they don't really know what it is and don't want the public to panic. Perhaps they suspect it might be something very deadly.

After computer modeling and development and lab testing the next step would be fields tests. If you were planning to test the epidemiological characteristics to determine the spread rate (pop density: social situation), lethality, etc. you would actually release an organism just to see the characteristics and how closely the characteristics match a model. So if you were to plan a more serious biological threat of some kind you would start by having these sort of test procedures. Which is completely normal and has been done before even in the US. The US has had a number of these tests in the past over large population centers to test different things like mild flu and similar things to see how far they spread and what it takes for it to subside and other attributes. E. coli is one of the most common organisms in the world but the threat is from more dangerous type viruses. These manufactured organisms can have their properties and signature disguised. They can combine several so you don't really know what they are. They can also be stealth and lay dormant in your bloodstream or physiology and something can then come along and activate the pathological aspects. The problem is with the threat analysis because you don't really know what it can mutate into. Viruses are the most mutational objects that we know of and they are continuously changing. The potential for a group that doesn't really care about casualties to release something much more deadly than E. coli exists. The patterns and characteristics discovered can pave the way to figure out how something much more severe could be implemented.

Using food as a delivery mechanism is right at the top of the list for platforms. Food safety is a priority that everybody should be looking at. Using hydroponics you can control everything. Purchasing completely organic or growing your own produce is the safest way to protect your self.

Germany would likely have been chosen because it is a perfect place to conduct such tests. It is centrally located in Europe, a major Western country, populated with the right demographics similar to Kansas in the US. A typical modern industrialized community. If it works there it would very likely work everywhere. Also Germany is where the largest biological pharmaceutical and chemical corporations are primarily located in Europe. The first of any such companies was in Germany, the motherland where all of these sort of companies originated worldwide.

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