Sunday, June 5, 2011


There are many guys who are, or like to consider themselves, players. They may be good at picking up women but are usually thought of as rude or womanizing. If you are interested in being more attractive to women a more genuine rather shallow attitude could be more successful. Being sophisticated, intelligent, sensitive, and a gentleman. A well-rounded Renaissance man. It isn't true that nice guys always finish last, or that all women find bad boys attractive.

A modern player should be well read and knowledgeable in many areas. Have enough knowledge to make informed decisions and opinions but also be open-minded. Be sophisticated enough to be knowledgeable of poetry, art, fashion, music, food and wine. But also know how to cook and to dance, and be willing to go to cultural events such as Opera and ballet. This shows you are a real man, confident and secure in your manhood as well as sophisticated. Have good taste and be well-dressed and groomed. You should be knowledgeable of chivalry and etiquette. How to be polite, courteous, kind, virtuous, ethical, generous, charitable, protective of the weak, and have manners, You should also be romantic, manly but sensitive, caring, attentive, reliable and prompt, creative, thoughtful, a gentlemen but risque and adventurous. It is important to be honest and open, enjoy conversation, and have a good sense of humor. You can't be gross, cheap or vain or have too much hubris. It is also important that you like and are good with kids and animals.

Some good things to read would include;
Don Juan DiMarco, the Marquis De sade, Cassanova, the kama sutra
The works of Mesmer concerning animal magnetism
the works of Stephen Freud concerning human sexuality
other psychology books
books about hypnosis and magic
books about acupressure and massage, anatomy
books about flirtation and seduction
books about manners and etiquette, Emily Post
inspirational and positive motivational books

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