Thursday, October 20, 2011

Lions, Tigers and Bears, Oh My.. It's The Humans That Kill?

Terry Thompson, the owner of Muskingum County Animal Farm in Ohio, set free the animals before committing suicide, the Associated Press reports. Nearly 50 animals on the loose, including lions, bears, monkeys, and 18 rare bengal tigers, were hunted down by officers.

These loose exotic animal stories always upset me and p me off. Almost every time they result in dead animals. The pictures of all of the dead big cats were so sad and made me angry. So again did the police saying it was taking too long to sedate them so they had no choice but to shoot to kill. And that stupid vet supporting them, of course he probably had some pressure to not make them look bad. I especially don't like how they got Jack Hanna to defend their actions or how everybody is calling it a tragedy. (Like it couldn't be avoided once they were loose). Does it bother anybody else that after one of these events they never discuss how to prevent killing the next time an animal is loose?

The reasons they give are disgusting to me. Claiming they were showing aggressive behavior, police aren't trained to read animals. They probably misinterpreted defensive behavior. Especially if the reports of previous neglect and abuse are true. A sheriff said they were worried that if shot with tranquilizers they would escape into the night before going down and would regain consciousness. What, are these inexperienced hunters who can't track attempting to tranquilize? Maybe there should be task forces organized for areas with exotic animals, ready for this and able to respond quickly. This sheriff said they didn't want the animals roaming around, but this was Wednesday apparently already after one night without incidents. I don't buy the story that it was taking too long. I have a feeling that they were wanting to or ready to do what they did all along. They just had to make it appear that they attempted to tranq. Sounds like after the first couple animals the police said you had enough time, now its us.

Usually police assess a situation before using force, yet here it is shoot to kill. Basically it's drive around until you see one and get out and shoot it, even if it doesn't threaten. Just because they might pose a possible threat to a human. They are just animals so it is okay, absolutely no respect for some of the most beautiful animals in the world. Another example of humanities pompous destructive self righteous ways.

I personally don't think they were all that dangerous. If they were left alone they probably wouldn't attack anybody. They are more likely to try to hide or go into the wilderness. All of those animals except for the lion are solitary animals that are weary of humans. There was plenty of time to sedate these animals. They likely weren't hungry and therefore not going to hunt, and they were familiar with what a human is. They should have told everybody to stay inside and have brought in a whole bunch of people capable of using a tranquilizer gun. To me the fact that they captured six without incident proves they could have captured most of them. Also how dangerous could they be if none of them attacked the guy as he released them, surely practically surrounded by animals.

It sounds like a bunch of people inexperienced with these kind of animals, taken over by fear, panic, and the chaos. A lot of the reports sound like exaggeration of the aggression to justify the actions.

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