Saturday, October 1, 2011

Distracting Unthreat

Well it seems that comet Elenin isn't a threat after all. Apparently it is currently breaking up, it's brightness having dimmed greatly this last month. It is just one of thirty comets in our solar system and is believed to be one of the smallest.

Anybody who has access to NASA equipment or government funding cannot simply go out and tell the public about asteroids or meteors. They have to go through one of the two release agencies, GPL or other. Their news is all homoganized and filtered. They have orders to not cause international or public panics. Elenin became public because it was initially discovered by a Russian amateur astronomer. Yet there was only one interview with him in Russian and no one has been able to locate him since. Most of the information on Elenin is coming from organized disinformation campaigns. So combined with the information from NASA and amateur information nobody knows what is true.

It very well may have been used to distract us from something else, or several other things. One must ask why they are rapidly building infrared telescopes in large numbers on the southern atmosphere and Antarctica. An infrared telescope is used to search for heat signatures wouldn't be used to monitor an icy comet like Elenin.

Why have they announced that they now think that most solar systems are binary systems (two orbiting stars). And that most solar system have Jupiter sized rogue planets.

What was the information given at a classified meeting between Hillary Clinton and all of the US ambassadors of the world. It was organized by her and it was the first ever completely in person meeting of such levels. Nobody knows what the clearly highly sensitive matter they were informed about was.

Also why did the US go to Defcon one and apparently Europe and Russia go to respective military prep levels. It appears now that it was just a coordinated test for some future threat. It is unclear why now though, as the last time was over 30 years ago.

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