Tuesday, October 4, 2011

6 Principles

Today I was watching a program on the history caramel about from boxer Mohammad Ali. I always knew he was a great man but I learned some new things. They showcased a kind of museum about him at the Mohammed Ali Center. It showed the racism he faced, why he became Muslim, the difficulties with opposing the Vietnam War, and about the flight with Parkinson's. For over 50 years Muhammad Ali has mesmerized the world with his achievements.
What I found out about are his six core principles for life: Confidence, Conviction, Dedication, Respect, Spirituality and Giving.

Looking at myself I am pretty good at four of the six, although I could do more giving. The ones I need to work on some are conviction and dedication. Sometimes I am wishy-washy and a little bit to easy-going or uncaring about decisions. Also with dedication I am often changing from one thing to another a lot, or not completely things. Yet there are some things I am very dedicated to and sometimes I am very convicted. How about you? Something to reflect on.

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