Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Dark Side

When we look up at the Moon, we always see the same side. The Moon is slightly lopsided, so over millions of years, gravitational forces have slowed its rotation so that the one side always faces our planet. The side facing away from us often used to be referred to as "the dark side of the Moon," but on average, the side we don't see receives just as much sunlight as the side we see.

For many hundreds of years, humankind wondered what the far side of the Moon was like. The mystery began to be revealed in 1959 when the Soviet Union's Luna 3 spacecraft flew to the far side of the Moon and photographed. Subsequent space probes, such as the Lunar Orbiter 4, succeeded in photographing the surface of the far side in much greater detail in 1967. Then in 1968, astronauts aboard Apollo 8, which circled the Moon in preparation for the Apollo 11 landing, saw the far side of the Moon with human eyes for the first time. Today, we have detailed photo maps of the far side, as well as topographic maps.

Yet the stories persist that there are still many secrets there. Stories fueled in part by the fact that since Apollo 17 in 1972, we have not returned to the Moon with a manned mission. The conspiracy minded suspect that there's a reasons for that.

One of the stories is of a secret base or secret bases. Either for military and military purposes, a colony, or intermediate transport. The owners of the base vary from Nazis, the US, Russia, to Aliens.

According to alternative history the first man on the moon was Kapitänleutnant Werner Theisenberg of the German Navy. The first landing on the moon by the Germans was at Mare Imbrium on August 23, 1942 at 11:26 MEZ, using a Miethe rocket. It took place without radio contact to the main control center at the Wilhelmshaven or the second control center located near Anzio, Italy. Ever since their first day of landing on the Moon, the Germans started boring and tunneling under the surface and by the end of the war there was a small Nazi research base on the Moon.

The free energy tachyon drive craft of the Haunebu-1 and 2 type were used after 1944 to haul people, materiel and the first robots to the construction site on the Moon. When Russians and Americans secretly landed jointly on the Moon in the early fifties with their own saucers, they spent their first night there as guests of the Nazi underground base. In the sixties a massive Russian - American base had been built on the Moon, that now has a population of 40,000 people, as the rumour goes. After the end of the war in May 1945, the Germans continued their space effort from their south polar colony.

The other base theory is that the far side of the Moon could harbor a base for extraterrestrials. Presuming they come from a distant planet in some other solar system, they must have a base from which they can make their regular visits to the Earth.

To bolster this claim, authors at such websites as Alien Presence on the Moon, site the words of Milton William Cooper, allegedly a former intelligence officer with the US Navy. In a 1989 press release allegedly from Cooper, he swears under oath that he was privy to information that the US government has knowledge of alien craft visiting Earth. "LUNA is the alien base on the far side of the Moon," the release states. "It was seen and filmed by the Apollo Astronauts. A base and a mining operation using very large machines, and the very large alien craft describe as mother ships exist there."

The UFO Casebook website says there are actual NASA and military photos of the bases on the far side of the Moon. A huge moon base complex. The website says they have solid proof, straight from the military, that in 1994 the US Navy sent a satellite called Clementine to the moon to image it for two months. During that time, the satellite took 1.8 million images. Out of those images, 170,000 images were made available to the public. The rest were classified which is suspicious.

One of the most fascinating pieces of "evidence" for alien bases on the far side of the Moon comes from psychic and remote viewer Ingo Swann. Swann, who was instrumental in creating the US government's remote viewing program in the 1970s, is one of the most respected remote viewers in the world. In an article called "To the Moon and Back, With Love" for American Chronicle, writer Gary S. Bekkum recounts Swann's remote viewing session about the Moon, an event reported in Swann's own 1998 self-published work, Penetration.

"Swann 'saw' with his mind's eye craters in darkness, and decided that he must be seeing the hidden side of the moon, the side that always faces away from the Earth. Upon achieving psychic 'contact' with the lunar surface, Swann first came upon what looked like trails of tractor-tread marks. In the depths of a crater he viewed a green, dusty haze lit by banks of artificial lights mounted on very large, tall towers. Swann was stunned by the realization that 'someone' or 'something' appeared, under the aegis of his mind's eye, to be building a base on the moon."

Like most such speculation, rumor and psychic reports, tales of mysterious goings-on and bases on the far side of the Moon have not been proved. Nor can they be proved or disproved until perhaps a return to the Moon. Returning to the Moon is no guarantee of disclosure.

Another persistent story is that Apollo 18 happened, as well as there being a crashed alien craft on the far side of the Moon with may or may not have contained aliens. The current movie Apollo 18 is somewhat based upon this idea which has been around for years. Although they added a twist. Most of this revolves around footage from Apollo 20 and interviews by William Rutledge one of the astronauts who not only went to the moon but claims to have entered a crashed alien craft and recovered an alien that has been called the Mona Lisa EBE. Somewhat similar to the events at the beginning of Transformers 3, minus an alien. Did William and Apollo 20 discover Alien life?

William Rutledge was the Commander of Apollo but what does he have to do with Apollo 18? Well he is the only one that apparently talks about those flights. NASA doesn’t deny Apollo 18 existed so why is he the only one that talks about the Apollo 18 moon landing? They are said to have never happened because NASA canceled the Apollo 18, 19 and 20 flights. Yet William appears to have footage and technical knowledge of the flight and talks in detail about Apollo 20. took place on August 16th 1976. was a joint Russian, American project. To go to the moon and investigate the object on the hidden side of the moon and retrieve it.

There is plenty of information on Apollo 20 and some on Apollo 19. That they actually secretly did happen. Which begs more questions, what happened to Apollo 18? Did that flight happen as well and get covered up? Did Apollo 18 meet its demise on the Lunar surface at the hands of some sort of alien life form? Did it bring something back? NASA maintains that Apollo 18, 19 and 20 did not happen.

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