Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Iranian Intrigue

I am very doubtful about the reported recent thwarting of an assassination plot of a Saudi ambassador in Washington. What is doubtful is that it was an Iranian state-sponsored terrorist plot, if a plot even really existed. The two men charged Tuesday (October 11) could be assets in a show staged for the public. All to make Iran appear as even more of a threat but also as incompetent and inept. One of the men is said to be a member of Iran's Qud's Forces special foreign actions unit. Described as a force that extends Iranian influence through fear, violence, intimidation, assassinations, terror attacks, and kidnapping. This description sounds bad but they are all things the CIA and M16 do. There is no proof but US officials say the unit answers directly to Iranian leaders and that any operation would be vented at the top.

Despite being an elite unit this was described as an "unusually clumsy operation". The operatives made several mistakes that US officials say were because of Iran's relative inexperience carrying out covert operations in North America. They believe that the operation was partly conceived simply to see if it could be carried out. The US has long claimed that Iran has franchised terrorism abroad but described this as a publicly "dangerous escalation". Suggesting they think Iran is wanting to move to direct terrorist action. Interestingly the US is associating assassination with terrorism, yet for the US assassination is a currently accepted action

The fact that it was to be against a Saudi ambassador and that they were caught in Mexico are both significant. It will gain further Saudi support of the US against Iran and make Saudi Arabia even greater enemies of Iran. Also it will be a good excuse to increase security along the US Mexico border and push Mexico in security even more.

I was wondering how long it would be before terrorist plots would begin to be blamed on Iran. Soon as this assassination plot was blamed on Iran I knew that the US would use this to increase pressure on Iran and likely to increase sanctions. By adding this to Iran's stubbornness over the nuclear issue. Clinton has already said the US will work with its partners to increase pressure on and isolation of Iran and will call everybody to condemn this threat.

US officials are adding speculation that Iran might have followed the assassination if successful with a series of attacks against foreign embassies in the US. Apparently the idea was discussed but there was no actual plan. So why release that detail? It is to not actually say but suggest that Iran has other operatives in the US or is capable of directly assaulting the US. To put the idea in our heads. They are also speculating that Iran hoped it would be blamed on Al Qaeda. This could be a clue to the truth, that this was Al Qaeda but we are blaming it on Iran.

This is all part of another push to further demonize Iran on the heels of another highly boycotted speech by the president of Iran at the UN. Saudi Arabia is being credited with helping thwart the recent demonstrations in Bahrain. Bahrain supports the US but is in fact a abusive dictatorship controlled by a Sunni minority. The crackdown on the peaceful demonstrators calling for freedom and change was quite violent. It is not something that should be applauded. It was no different than any of the other Arab spring uprisings. The demonstrators were bribed the Shiite majority which is why the Sunni leaders and countries like Saudi Arabia must paint it as something terrible. The Sunni leadership in most of the Middle East hate the Shiites, which is why they hate Iran which is Shiite. Therefore they are now claiming that Iran supported the "bad" demonstrators. While the incredible violence of the crackdown by the Saudi military forces was not condemned the crackdown on demonstrators in Syria has been. Why?, because they are now claiming that Iran advised the Syrian leaders how to crackdown. Yet again the double standard.

Part of the push against Iran is the increasing attempts to associate Iran with Sunni extremists. The State Department claims that some operations are managed by the Qud's Forces Unit that carried out by proxies, including anti-Shiite Sunni extremists. Once again there is no proof. The group is also accused of providing overt cash and economic aid to the Afghan government while funnelling weapons like long-range rockets to the Taliban. By association Iran could therefore be partly to blame for Taliban attacks on NATO and US forces. Such as the helicopter crash that killed by US special forces.

The Qud's Unit is accused of carrying out some of the worst terrorist acts against US troops overseas. The media is pointing out one attack that occurred in Saudi Arabia in 1996. The US officials say the same long-range rockets were smuggled to Iraq for use by Shiite militant groups, such as an attack on a US Camp this June.

The plan is to begin to leave Afghanistan in 2014, currently the US is fully leaving Iraq, and NATO plans to leave Libya soon. Pakistan and Afghanistan are both considering peace talks with the Taliban. The new big bad threat being heavily talked about the last few days is the Haqqani network, supposedly supported by the ISI, who resides primarily in the northern tribal areas of Pakistan. Pakistan is being told to drop their ties through the ISI to militant groups. Although nothing is being said of ISI support by other countries such as the US, UK, and Saudi Arabia. The US clearly wants Pakistan to push into the northwestern areas and conduct military operations to get rid of those groups. Claiming that peace in Afghanistan isn't possible otherwise. There is an increase in sectarian violence in Pakistan, with an attack just today. A Pakistani governor of that area also narrowly escaped a missile attack. Something appears to be in the works to move conflict to the northwestern tribal areas of Pakistan. Watch for produced links between Iran and this Haqqani network.

Saudi Arabia (leader of the Arab union) has encouraged further protests in Syria. They have joined the US, UK, and Europe in calling for the Syrian government's removal. There will likely be an assault on Syria by the US and NATO in the months to come or in the next year.

Also Israel once again destroy a mosque in Lebanon obviously to anger them. Lebanon is a home to some of the militant groups supported by Iran. And the attack from Lebanon will be blamed on the Iranian support. Israel is also looking for a way out of destroying its Palestinian outposts as it promised. As well as a way to build more outposts. This will clearly anger the Palestinian militant groups, also supported by Iran.

It appears that any terrorist attack against/in the US is going to be attributed partly or completely to Iran. Whether by Shiite militant groups or Sunni extremists. As well as actions against US troops overseas partly indirectly blamed on Iran.

So the next couple years will likely see the US and Pakistan in northwestern Pakistan, US and NATO in Syria, and Israel in Lebanon and Palestine. We can't forget the US and Saudi Arabia in Yemen. All necessary to finally defeat the terrorists and if we are going to ever challenge Iran. We being the US, UK, NATO, Saudi Arabia, and the Arab League, possibly Afghanistan and Pakistan. Likely not India, and definitely not Brazil, China, or Russia. Sadly even if Iran is eventually taken up of temperature as a threat conflict will continue.

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