Friday, October 21, 2011

Greenlight Syria

With the killing of Gadhafi yesterday there will likely be a wrap up to combat in Libya soon. At least for NATO. They will now be free to move on to the next target which all expect. As I mentioned in an earlier article would be coming. The other news today was Hillary Clinton demanding that Pakistan do more, including combat and talks which I also mentioned as coming.

Once again the original reports are different than what has been moulded to the official media story. Just like they are really making us think he was like evil incarnate, the devil himself. How easily they forget the last years before now. None of the stories mentioned the renewed relations with the West. Or how he was accepted again, even if that heart it wasn't liked.

It is all so familiar to Saddam Hussein. Hiding out in his hometown, located in a covert, disheveled and with a pistol. It sounds like they had wanted to have a international criminal Court trial and executed Gadhafi, the same.

Originally they said he tried to flee the city in a convoy which was stopped by a NATO airstrike. They had taken him into custody but were ambushed. Apparently he got away and went to hide. The rebels found him and eventually dragged him out to take him in when he was shot in the head. They said it was unclear if it was the rebels were his own people. Seeing as the interim government wanted to charge him with crimes against humanity I think it was one of his own that.shot him. To save him from likely a circus execution.

Although by the end of the day they were saying that the rebels killed him summarily. Al Qaeda associated rebels, don't forget.

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