Thursday, October 6, 2011

Great Outdoors Decompression

Studies have shown that humans subconsciously desire to connect with the natural world, by being around plants, wilderness, and the seas. Termed 'biophilia' by medical professionals, it has brought to light a fact we always knew, that the outdoors have a positive effect on a persons quality of life. Time spent in the outdoors is the perfect way to rejuvenate the body, mind and soul. Stress levels can significantly decrease in nature, without all the worries and complications of everyday life; it allows you to clear your mind and look at your current situations from another perspective. Or maybe you don't want to think while outdoors, with a clear mind and a cleansed spirit you can tackle those situations when you return, knowing you are renewed and can give it your all.

Any activity spent away from electronics and outdoors is greatly beneficial. The invigorating fresh air and exercise is great for your health. Simple things like sitting outside to watch the sunset, to think, or to read. Spending a summer evening or afternoon sitting outside talking. Going for walks or taking the dog for a walk. Going for a bike ride. Having a small bonfire in the back yard. If you are a bit more willing to do work having a pool is good for getting out daily for a swim. You don't have to simply relax, you can also do yard work or worked in flower beds and a garden. Doing all of this you should leave your iPod or similar device behind to get the most benefits. Instead being in the moment and paying attention, and noticing your surroundings. Maybe go to the beach for a day or some other outdoor sightseeing.

The next time you want to get away from the hustle and bustle of city life, and enjoy a tranquil weekend in the midst of nature, go camping. It is one of the best recreational activities, and a favorite among families, youth and couples all over the world. The benefits of camping are multifarious, with each person gaining something different from the experience. Camping includes a leisurely trip at a campground using tents, motor homes or cabins in the back country with no facilities.

Going camping is possibly your cheapest/most cost effective holiday option. Money spent on airline tickets and hotel rooms can be scratched out and replaced by significantly smaller amounts spent on driving to your camp site and on reusable camping equipment. A camping trip can fit into the amount of time you have to spare and does not require much prior planning. A camping trip can be for one night, a weekend, a week or more. For a spontaneous trip, you can drive to the nearest camping ground and spend the night there. Armed with a few hiking and camping tips, exploring nature's wondrous beauty is easy.

The invigorating fresh air and exercise that a camping trip affords you is great for your health. A weekly or monthly camping trip will not only refresh your mind, but also do your body loads of good. Apart from the hikes and rowing, even everyday tasks like collecting wood provide a great workout. Camping opens up the option of several other activities. Many campgrounds come equipped with pools, lakes, and trails, which allows you to go fishing, swimming, canoeing, or biking. Armed with a little bit of research before you leave, you could also try some stargazing or birdwatching.

Camping is one of the best ways to connect and bond with your family. Especially if you have a hectic work schedule. With no television, computers and cell phones to serve as distractions, activities such as setting up camp, fishing and cooking will have everyone working and spending quality time together. For families with younger children, the importance of camping activities should not be ignored. While older children and adults can connect with nature, younger children tend to get bored and would need fun camping activities to enjoy longer camps. Add fun activities such as camping games and bonfires, and everyone will have a blast. Finding a good stick to roast marshmallows or cook a weiner can even be fun.

There can be numerous advantages of camping for children. Camping can help children learn to be aware of their surroundings and what is taking place around them. It can teach them basic survival skills, enabling them to better handle a problem if one should arise. Camping can help children understand nature and the earth, its importance, and how to take care of it. Camping gives children something to connect to and tasks that even small children can perform, increasing their self-esteem and confidence.

One of the biggest advantages of taking your kids camping is that it will inculcate in them a love for nature. You can be assured of raising responsible caring individuals, who will leave the planet in better shape than they received it in. They will also pick up basic survival skills and create lasting memories. If you are a nature lover, you can revel in the magnificent outdoors and enjoy some solitude and quiet. One of the best things about camping is that it is a simplified way of life. It removes you from the structured, amenity dependent life in the city and allows you to get in touch with your untamed side. A nutshell experience of the lives of our ancestors. Camping is not only a way to identify with the past of our ancestors but to prepare for the future.

For those who think that a few days away from indoor plumbing and air conditioning is torture, a star filled night sky away from city lights and the magnificence of creation, is exactly what they need to change their mind.

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