Wednesday, July 20, 2011

New Ages 2 - Timeline

Comets and meteors have long been considered astrological heralds of change seen as a sign of severe difficulties. Also a harbinger of the time of purification, a time when we are supposed to focus on purifying ourselves of negativity. Purification is always done before the start of a new era of positive global community. Appearance of the blue Star in October 2007 announces immense changes, It is predicted to bring seven years of earth changes such as severe weather, earthquakes, wars and floods. Interestingly comet Holmes 17P travels in an orbit around the sun which would make a 7 year purification period from 24th of October 2007 until 24th of October 2014.
The West and power hierarchies based on materialism begin to collapse. Increasing chaos as a secondary meteor approaches just as a planetary alignment happens, possibly to interact with it. New stabilizing vortex opens November 2011 to help us get through the transition to then new age, October 2011 through October 2014. The following is all conjecture but the timing fits (actual comet estimates). Arrival of false golden age, actually secret beginning of New World Order government. Seven years in secrecy until roughly 2022, coinciding with the return of Holmes. Strangely in the Bible the antichrist rules seven years peacefully and deceiving most eventually revealing his true self and becoming evil destructive and violent the next seven years. Could the 2022 return coincide with the revealing of the antichrist and NWO. If it were then there will be seven years of the Antichrist and his government until roughly 2029 and once again the return of two comets Holmes and Elenin. Biblically speaking after the Antichrist's 14 years is the beginning of Armageddon. This could be when World War III starts. Scientists are warning that another seven years later, in 2036, when Holmes so would be and Elenin return, Elenin may hit us. If it does it is estimated to be a ELE (extermination level event) and destruction by fire. In the Bible at the end of Armageddon is the second coming and destruction by fire. We aren't told how long Armageddon will last, it very well could be seven years.

Purification coming of new age 24th of October 2007 until 24th of October 2014.
November 18, 2007-November 12, 2008.
November 17, 2009 Leonids return of the one move
February 27, 2010 alignment, big earthquake
November 16, 2010 Leonids
March 11, 2011 alignment, big earthquake
May 2011 six planet conjunction
summer 2011 solar cycle 24 begins high activity
September 28, 2011 alignment
October 17, 2011 closest
Sirian vortex November 11, 2011
November 17, 2011 peak of Leonids
November 22, 2011. Alignment
December 21, 2012 winter solstice, six planetary alignment
May 2013 solar cycle 24 peak
October 24, 2014
early 2015 solar cycle 24 exits high activity
regular activity and solar minimum 2016-2027, enters maximum high activity for 2030-2033
2029-2036 Elemin

For more than a decade we have been in a time of unprecedented changes and shifts. And the feelings we have been able to hold down in our sub-conscious for so long are no longer going to remain buried and quiet. Each of us is now being challenged to go through these shifts on a very personal level. things are falling apart and this gives us an opportunity to put them back together

Scientists, philosophers, theologists and even TV shows indicate the new age will result in a paradigm shift in human consciousness, physiologically and spiritually, as well some sort of biological evolution. The idea comes from the belief of the ancients and some new age theological thinking. In history meteors, comets, conjunctions, and eclipses have all been omens. Understanding is starting to come around that when the ancients talked about the end of the world and time they were talking about the end of a current age. After which a new age was expected. Where we would see a new direct relationship with God and "the great of purification", removing the old ways. The old system crumbling as we transcend domination over another political system. The new age would see unity consciousness, making us more collective and come together in a different kind of global ceremony. Destroying false thought structures of nationality and religion and we would come together in a collective governments,

The changes of the new age not beginning until the end of the world as we know it on December 21, 2012, the official beginning of the new age. Perhaps not the beginning of a golden era but in fact a false age of new world order reasoning it is necessary to fight this comet threat to humanity in 2036,

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