Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Sunscreen or Not To Sunscreen

Mother nature provides natural sun protection all can use safely. All this and more is provided in the new book "Sunscreens — Biohazard: Treat as Hazardous Waste".

Rather than protecting us and our children, sunscreens: increase the risk of melanoma.
Increase risk of skin cancers.
97% Americans have sunscreen chemicals in their blood.
Pass through the placenta, altering crucial male/female sex differentiation.
Pass into mother's milk, causing hormone disruption.
Cause men's breasts to grow.
Block vitamin D synthesis epidemic of vitamin D deficiency disease.

The ocean's ecosystem is also being impacted by the sunscreens left in its waters. The algae that the coral depend on dies, resulting in the coral dying. which greatly impacts Marine life. A sad ending will happen everywhere if tourists continue to believe the myth that sunscreens protect them and have not learned that they kill the world's precious marine ecosystem.Sunscreens need to be banned before more coral reefs are decimated.

Oceans and Seas of the World
Coral death within 96 hours of exposure.
Kills plankton: the crucial 1st level of the marine life food chain.

Lakes and Rivers of the World
Fish develop varying degrees of both male and female reproductive organs.
Bioaccumulation occurs in the food chain.

Sunscreens come in two different categories chemical, which work by absorbing the sun's rays and contain ingredients like Paba and Benzophenone and physical, which work by reflecting the sun's rays and contain the minerals, zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. Sunscreen blocks out harmful ultraviolet rays and allows the skin to tan instead of burn. UV rays damage DNA and increase wrinkling of the skin. While sunscreens do protect against sunburn, there is no scientific proof that they protect against melanoma or basal cell carcinoma. The increased use of chemical sunscreens could be the primary cause of the current skin cancer epidemic.

Skin is an open pathway to the blood stream. It easily absorbs products we put on it and carries it throughout the body. If we use chemical sunscreen there is concern that the chemicals in sunscreen will be absorbed and if you use sunscreen daily that could be quite a bit of chemical absorbtion. Up to 35% of what you apply absorbs into the skin, and the longer it is used the greater the absorption.

Many common sunscreen ingredients generate free radicals that damage DNA and skin cells, accelerate skin aging and cause skin cancer.
Benzophenones (Dixoybenzone, oxybenzone) and 4-MBC are notorious hormone disruptors. Avobenzone [butyl-methyoxydibenzoylmethane; Parsol 1789] is the only one currently allowed in Europe. However, its safety is questionable since it easily penetrates the skin and is a strong free radical generator.

The other potentially harmful chemicals include;
Rentinyl Palmitate or retinol, a type of vitamin A that is photocarcinogenic,
PABA and PABA esters (ethyl dihydroxy propyl PAB, glyceryl PABA, p-aminobenzoic acid, padimate-O or octyl dimethyl PABA).
Cinnamates (cinoxate, ethylhexyl p-methoxycinnamate, octocrylene, octyl methoxycinnamate)
Salicylates (ethylhexyl salicylate, homosalate, octyl salicylate)
Digalloyl trioleate. Menthyl anthranilate
Triethanolamine - combines with nitrite used as a preservative to create cancer-causing microsamines

some of the sunscreens are now combining chemicals to cover the entire solar spectrum. The more chemicals mixed together the more potential for a toxic reaction to happen.
These synthetic chemicals are foreign to the human body and accumulate in the fat stores, they are powerful free radical generators, and have strong estrogenic activity. Estrogenic - "Gender Bending" - chemicals interfere with normal sexual development and engendering a host of secondary medical problems.

Mineral sunscreens have the best safety profile, they are stable in sunlight, don't appear to penetrate the skin, and offer UVA protection. There are concerns that contained nano sized particles of the minerals. Another good choice is Mexoryl SX (ecamsule) although not very common. Tinosorb S and M are also good but not available in the US.

Natural sunscreen is just one of the ways to keep your skin healthy and help to prevent sun related aging. An olive oil and iodine mixture is supposedly really good natural sunscreen. Protects, repairs damage, and good for thyroid, vitamin D protection, radioactive protection
Sunscreen should never be your primary source of protection whether chemical or natural. Olive oil, coconut oil, and mineral oil are all good to apply while in the sun as well as a after.
A low antioxidant and high alkaline diet can contribute to skin cancer. Aloe vera is good for the skin and helps balance the pH in alkaline acidic people.
Primarily limit over exposure to sunlight especially at noon, look for shade, use umbrellas. Wear light colored clothing but consider buying sun protective clothing that provides actual SPF protection factors along with wearing a hat and sunglasses. Preferably a hat with a wide brim and wraparound sunglasses. Sun is good for your eyes and some evidence suggests sunglasses cause your pupils to dilate slightly and let UV rays reflect of your skin, the lenses, directing the harmful rays into the retina. Wraparound sunglasses prevent this. bilberries

Sunscreens all block the ability to produce vitamin D. Vitamin D is very important as it strengthens bones and the immune system, reduces the risk of various cancers, and regulates at least 1000 different genes governing tissue. It is recommended to receive 10 minutes of direct sun without sunscreen several times a week.

To increase your natural protection to the sun without using sunscreen it is important to eat a high antioxidant diet of fruit and vegetables, bright colored food. Eat foods high in vitamin D so you don't have to rely entirely on the sun for it.

What to Look For in Natural Sunscreen
Broad spectrum - UVA, UVB some even offer UVC protection.
Maintains a consistent level of protection.
Natural and safe sunscreen ingredients.
Nontoxic Ingredients
All other ingredients in the product are safe.
No animal testing.

Interesting fact: Historically Bloodroot also known as Bloodwart was used by native Americans to treat skin cancer

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