Tuesday, July 19, 2011

New Ages 1 - Changes

New Ages
To teach their children about their spiritual beliefs the Hopi use figurines called katsinas, which they carve. In Hopi mythology there is a prophesy that states that, at the End of Time, a katsina (blue star) will ‘appear in the Heavens’ and immense changes will take place on the Earth. The Hopi say that a katsina called Saquasohuh will then ‘remove his mask for the children during a dance in the plaza’ and a new world will be born. The ancient Mayans have a similar prophesy for the End of Time, which states that ‘we will witness the display of Bolon Yokte Ku in his full costume and regalia’. The belief held that World War III may start during that time and would be initialized by the very people who first revealed the light (ancient nations). The conflict will be fought materially but will be spiritual in nature, ultimately by spiritual beings behind it. Some will create a new one world one nation under the power of great spirit.

The Comet Holmes appears to be the blue Star and to have removed it's mask. Although normally a very faint object it became temporarily bright by a factor of about half a billion during it's October 2007 return. It was the largest known outburst of a comet and became visible to the naked eye as its coma expended to a size greater than the sun. Images showed a star sized object with a blueish tinge and a blue ion tail. It faded from visibility over a period of several weeks. The Comet was discovered by Edwin Holmes on November 6, 1892. It's been calculated to have an orbital period of 6.9 years. Its appearances in 1899 and 1906 were observed but it was lost after until rediscovery at July 16, 1964.

Fifth Night and Comnjunction
This brightening happened near the start of the final fifth night of the ancient Mayaan calendars, expected to be a trying time for the Globe. November 18, 2007-November 12, 2008. The time ruled by the energy of the God of the underworld. Starts the last attempts of the West and power hierarchies based on materialism to remain in control and strengthen their power in some new oppressive way. The calendar measures time from an evolutionary perspective, it is a tool that tracks the development of our collective consciousness. This was the first of the five prophetical calendars to expire. All five having expired or going to expire within a 10 year period, the last of which is the long count calendar which is said to expire at the winter solstice, December 21, 2012.

A similar, although less aligned conjunction, as we witnessed this May and June is supposed to on this date as well. Visible in the early morning sky, six of the planets roughly aligned with the path of the Sun. Mercury Venus, Jupiter and Mars, and faint Uranus and Neptune. Planetary alignments in history caused a lot of alarm for many cultures which associated them with bad omens. Some claim that due to the gravitational stress on the earth caused by the combined gravity of the planets that, colossal tides, massive earthquakes, and other disasters can happen. Scientists say that despite the dire prophecies the planets are too far away to have any severe effect.

The Vortex
In 2011, a major opening of the Sirian vortex will take place as we move through the shortest cycle of the calendar of the Mayans, who studied the esoterics of the movements of the stars. The opening is due on 11/11/11 and, when it happens, the vortex will expand to encompass miles of area. The vortex will stay open for a year or two and allow the Earth to release negative energy which has accumulated "for eons" as well as survive potential damage from the impending arrival of Planet X. This energy vortex is going to keep the Earth stable during the transition. As it opens it forms a cross overtop of the Four Corners area, bordered by four sacred mountains. The US states of Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico and Utah meet and in the only place that is shared by four states. In 1931, The Four Corners Monument was placed at that location, in a sacred valley, and the Navajo Nation assumed responsibility for it. The Hopi say that, within these four mountains, is a sacred site that will play a very special role in the future of mankind.

Each of the states governs our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual ‘bodies’. The opening of the vortex will create an accelerated merging of these four bodies. It will deliver an intense energy of cleansing, purifying, readying and preparing. As we move further into the energies of 2011, things will be brought to the surface to reveal deeper truths. The truths will expose the illusions and wil reveal the control of those illusions, both in our personal selves and the World Stage. All we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.

Every 26,000 years, energies flow in to our planet from the Galactic Center by way of Sirius, a star that is twenty times brighter than the Sun. The purpose is to stabilize the Earth prior to its receiving the energies at the end of a particular cycle of Time. As a binary system, Sirius is composed of one star, called Sirius A, around which orbits a small, white dwarf star called Sirius B. Energetically, one star represents our physical body; the other represents our Spirit. There are many stars and planets that are vortexes through which energy enters our universe. But the grandest is the star Sirius, the vortex of the Goddess. It’s the birth canal of the Universe.

The Other Comet
Comet Elenin entered our solar system in 1991. Previously unknown it was discovered December 10, 2002 by an amateur astronomer named Leonid Elenin. Retracing it's path it was discovered that before we knew about it, it aligned with the Earth and Sun at six times the distance as the Earth to the Sun. On February 27 2010. The exact date of the fifth largest earthquake in recorded history. The 8.8 one in Chile that they say shifted the Earth's axis and shotened days. Almost exactly a year later on March 11, 2011 another alignment occured. This time Elenin was only twice the distance between the Sun and Earth from us. On this date we experienced the new fifth largest earthquake in recorded history, between a 8.9 and 9.1 off the coast of Japan.

Flash forward six months from the Japanese earthquake we come to September 11, 2011. This is when Elenin is supposed to pass the closest to the Earth, at half the distance between the Earth and the Sun. It is expected to align between the Earth and the Sun on September 28. It may be close enough to cause an eclipse of the Sun. October 17 2011 it is expected to be its absolute closest, closer to us than the Sun. Another alignment with it will occur November 22, 2011. We need to be prepared for possible large earthquakes on these alignment dates. They may be extra pronounced because of the planetary alignment this May which will mean the planets are still close in the fall.

Early predictions about Elenin were that it wouldn't pass its first pass in 2029 when it would be close enough to see. They were saying that it wouldn't be a threat to the planet until it's second pass in 2036. Projections show it will be so close that a slight change in its orbit could make it hit us. Russian scientists are saying that they would like to work with the US and that we should look into a way to deflect it or handle this threat. What if they moved these predictions back so as not to scare us. If the passing close is actually 2011, then the danger is in 2018.

In the movie 2012 the poles shift just before the core of the planet begins to make the planet fall apart. First the planets align ((May 2011), the sun is blacked out (September 2011?), massive solar flares erupt, before the Earth begins to quake everywhere. Birds fall from the sky, hail and brimstone. The past year we have witnessed birds falling from the sky and massive fish breaches.

Debris Field
The Leonids are a prolific meteor shower associated with the comet Tempel-Tuttle. The Leonids get their name from the location of their radiant in the constellation Leo: The meteors appear to radiate from that point in the sky and tend to peak in November. Meteor showers occur when the Earth moves through the stream of particles left from the passage of a comet. The stream comprises solid particles, known as meteoroids, ejected by the comet as its frozen gases evaporate under the heat of the Sun. The Leonids are a fast moving stream which come close to or cross the path of the Earth. Leonids in particular are well known for having bright meteors or fireballs which enter into the atmosphere. Sometimes these trails of meteoroids cause meteor showers and sometimes meteor storms. The meteoroids left by the comet are organized in trails in orbits similar to though different from that of the comet. They are differentially disturbed by the planets, and to a lesser extent by radiation pressure from the sun.

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