Saturday, July 23, 2011

Coming Ground War & More

NATO-US are Planning a Ground War in Libya, Military Intervention in Syria

Pres. Obama has ordered the Pentagon to conduct the largest-ever US military training exercise on the east coast this summer. It is called Exercise Mailed Fist, and makes for convincing proof that the government is planning to invade Libya with ground forces in a little while.

The exercise is designed to test the capability of every type of Marine Corps aircraft, including MV-22 Ospreys and F/A 18 Hornets, as well as some Navy ships and Air Force planes. With thousands of Marines and other service members involved, it’s the biggest such drill ever on the U.S. East Coast. “Exercise Mailed Fist is the first exercise of its specific kind and the largest 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing exercise conducted in recent history,” said Staff Sgt. Roman J. Yurek, Marine Corps spokesman.

Europe has also seen similar large-scale training missions against a fictional enemy with characteristics that resemble Libya.

NATO has already approached the UN Security Council to modify the existing Libya resolution to allow ground forces. It is currently under discussion and will likely eventually pass. Some are estimating in late September or early October.

Even as the Obama administration prepares to launch a full ground war in Libya while expanding its drone attacks inside Yemen and Pakistan, US warships are being moved towards the Mediterrenean coast of Syria, precisely in line with forecasts that the Bilderberg Group intended to launch a massive new war in the Middle East, with Syria being its prime target.

In addition to information received by Infowars from military sources at Ft. Hood who tell us that troops are being readied for a full-scale U.S.-led ground invasion of Libya by October, the Obama administration is simultaneously considering opening up yet another front, by moving the USS Bataan amphibian air carrier strike vessel, along with 2,000 marines, 6 war planes, and 15 attack helicopters to a location just off the Syrian coast.

Veteran reporter Jim Tucker’s warning, provided to him by his routinely accurate inside sources, that the powerful Bilderberg Group was planning a gargantuan new war in the Middle East to outstrip anything taking place in Libya, is now moving forward.

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