Sunday, July 17, 2011

Elenin Coming

Comet Elenin entered our solar system in 1991. Previously unknown it was discovered December 10, 2010 by an amateur astronomer named Leonid Elenin. Something you may find interesting. In the movie Deep Impact in 1998 the comet was discovered by a boy named Leo at a viewing with an amateur astronomer teacher. In deep impact the Earth is threatened by the comet they discover. Also in Armageddon the asteroid is discovered by an amateur. In both movies although the true danger is known by officials in advance, by the time the public is there is little time left. In deep impact the character Leo reports it a year in advance. Mysteriously the man he tells is killed in an accident, and there are only whispers of an "Ellie" throughout the government. It is rumored to be a mistress but turns out to be not a name but an acronym. ELE which stands for an Extinction Level Event. Ellie is the codename used to refer to the comet. Interestingly it is spotted in the southern sky, the same location Elenin. In Deep Impact they have seven months, in Armageddon they have 18 days, and in 2012 mankind is completely unprepared.

If we look at the name of the guy who discovered Elenin is also something interesting about his first name. The Leonids are a prolific meteor shower associated with the comet Tempel-Tuttle. The Leonids get their name from the location of their radiant in the constellation Leo: the meteors appear to radiate from that point in the sky. They tend to peak in November.
Earth moves through the meteoroid stream of particles left from the passages of a comet. The stream comprises solid particles, known as meteoroids, ejected by the comet as its frozen gases evaporate under the heat of the Sun when it is close enough. The Leonids are a fast moving stream which come close to or cross the path of the Earth. Leonids in particular are well known for having bright meteors or fireballs which enter into the atmosphere. Sometimes these trails of meteoroids cause meteor showers and sometimes meteor storms. The meteoroids left by the comet are organized in trails in orbits similar to though different from that of the comet. They are differentially disturbed by the planets, and to a lesser extent by radiation pressure from the sun.
So could it be that we are being told Leonid Elenin is a code word for a comet which will cause a meteor shower that will strike the Earth and cause an extinction level event like in the movies..

Retracing its path it was discovered that before we knew about it, it aligned with the earth and sun at six times the distance as the earth to the sun. On February 27 2010. The exact date of the fifth largest earthquake in recorded history. The 8.8 one in Chile that they say shifted the earths axis and shortened the day. In the movie 2012 the poles shift just before the core of the planet begins to make the planet fall apart. First the planets align, the son is blacked out, massive solar flares erupt, before the Earth begins to quake everywhere. Birds fall from the sky, hail and brimstone. The director of 2012 also directed other end of the world movies like Independence Day, and The Day after Tomorrow. Almost exactly a year later on March 11, 2011 another alignment occured. This time Elenin was only twice the distance between the sun and Earth from us. On this date we experienced the new fifth largest earthquake in recorded history, between a 8.9 and 9.1 off the coast of Japan.

On the 2010 TV show flash forward everybody in the world simultaneously lose consciousness. In this event everybody gets a glimpse six months into their own futures. The question posed by this show is if you know future events can you change fate? In most cases the answer is no. Are we getting clues to look six months ahead when we will see attributes like on Heroes begin to come about because of an eclipse caused by the comet?

Shows like Heroes indicating it will bring some kind of physiological and possibly spiritual changes this time. The changes of the new age beginning until the end of the world as we know it on December 22, 2012, the official beginning of the new age. Perhaps not the beginning of a golden era but in fact a false age of the new world order reasoning they are necessary to fight this threat to humanity in seven years. Co-incidentally Deep Impact, Armageddon, 2012, and the TV show Heroes & Flash Forward all have a black president.

So if we now take this idea and flash forward six months from the Japanese earthquake we come to September 11, 2011.  This is when Elenin (September or October) is supposed to pass the closest to the earth, at half the distance between the Earth and the sun. It is expected to align between the Earth and the sun on September 28. It may be close enough to cause an eclipse of the sun. We saw this in the opening credits of the TV show Heroes. October 17 2011 it is expected to be its absolute closest, half the distance closer to us than the sun. Another alignment with it will occur November 22, 2011. We need to be prepared for possible large earthquakes on these alignment dates. They may be extra pronounced because of the planetary alignment this June 25 which will mean the planets are still close in the fall.

Early predictions about Elenin were that it wouldn't pass its first pass in 2029 when it would be close enough to see. They were saying that it would be a threat to the planet until it's second pass in 2036. Projections show it will be so close that with a slight change in its orbit could make it hit us. Russian scientists are saying that they should look into a way to deflect it or handle this and would like to work with the US. In both Deep Impact and Armageddon it was a US Russian endeavor. Now what if they moved these predictions forward so as not to scare us. If the passing close is actually 2011, then the danger is in 2018. Interestingly seven years, the length of time the antichrist appears to be good before revealing his true self.

We have to ask if Elenin is really a comet and not actually a brown dwarf star, a planet, or something else. Currently scientists are watching something only visible by infrared. It is most likely a brown dwarf they are calling Hercolubus. Many people believe that it is the legendary planet X, Nibiru. This object is twice the size of Jupiter and it has at least four orbiting planets. Just like the ancient legends supposedly say. It was first photographed in 2007 from a southern hemisphere telescope. At one time when you entered its coordinates into Google Earth you could faintly see it but now that area of space is blacked out. Some people say that when it passes indicates the fall of Lucifer to Earth, the beginning of the antichrist. Luke 10:18 refers to Satan as lightning falling from heaven. Attempting to bring Armageddon to attempt to destroy us in seven years. Elenin being Apophis the destroyer, Appolyan, wormwood of the Bible.. Right now simply a comet bringing the beginning, later becoming the instrument of God's judgment at the end. Physical events in the heavens are said to correlate with spiritual events.

The Russian defense minister Serdyukov says that calculations suggest that this celestial object is under some type of  "intelligent control" and will approach the Earth much closer than originally thought. This would technically make it an alien threat, remember the speech Reagan made about an alien threat and what it would do for humanity. The same things Deep Impact, Armageddon, and Independence Day tell us. Then it would bring every country of the world together for a common cause and remove our differences. Independence Day suggests a military alliance of all countries of the world revelation 16:24 speaks of this alliance. Armageddon refers to us as becoming citizens of humanity instead of a country, and referred us to the challenge of the meteor as Armageddon.

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