Friday, July 29, 2011

What a Waste

According to a policy brief issued by the UN food and agriculture organization close to half of all food produce worldwide is wasted or lost. Food loss occurs as a result of inefficiencies in production and processing, while food waste occurs when retailers and consumers throw out edible food. The contributors to waste are farmers, manufacturers, supermarkets, restaurants and commercial enterprises (schools, hospitals). Worldwide 30% of all food produced for human consumption is wasted (1.3 billion tons), 20% in Australia (43.5 million tons), EU 30-40% (186 million tons), 40% in Canada (9 million tons), 50% in the US (66 million tons), Japan is as bad (20 million tons), up to 70% in Britain (16 million tons). Consumers do not escape blame for the waste problem, in food rich countries waste a combined 222 million tons a year.

The mammoth waste problem is taking on growing significance as food prices skyrocket. The food shortages sparking crisis and riots around the world stand in sharp contrast. Elimination of food waste could lift 1 billion people out of hunger.

In much of the West, produce is destroyed every day of every week, on a much larger scale, and for aesthetic reasons. We’ve grown accustomed to fancy supermarkets with shiny, unblemished fruits and vegetables. But it’s no accident that all that perfect produce lines the shelves: fruits and veggies are culled to ensure that only those with the right size, shape, style or colour end up for sale. A hint of wear is fatal for something otherwise perfectly edible, which then winds up in the trash. Appearance has trumped taste.

Supermarket waste is just one part of a colossal and growing environmental problem: food waste. And consumers share the blame. The way food is produced in the West has changed more in the past 50 years than in the previous 10,000. The agricultural industry can now produce unlimited quantities of meat and grains at remarkably cheap prices, creating an abundance of food, and profits. Consumers, lulled by cheap prices, are unaware of the hidden costs of producing so much, or the staggering waste required to stock the supermarket machine. For example every pound of beef produced consumes 10 pounds of grains and corn that could otherwise feed people. Overconsumption of meat can also be considered a form of food waste.

The global fisheries is an industry plagued by greed, ignorance, corruption and terminal shortsightedness, responsible for some of the worst examples of waste. The UN Environmental Programme estimates that humans eat barely half of all fish caught. (When waste from scraps, rot, fishmeal and inedible matter are taken into account, the amount of fish-based protein actually consumed amounts to just 10 per cent of the marine animals removed annually from the oceans.

Plenty of waste also comes from profit driven reasons, where produce never even heads to market. Between 25 and 40 per cent of most fruit and vegetable crops are in fact rejected by Western supermarkets. A farmer estimated that fully one-third of his crop is out-graded for cosmetic reasons, creating mountains of reject potatoes. Also there are different farming organizations that manage supply and keep demand as well as prices high. Often they ask farmers to destroy crops to boost prices. In the US alone 6 billion pounds of produce never leaves the farm. It routinely gets plowled under if the market is not there. Take potatoes for example, in 2006 alone 6.8 million hundredweight potato sacks never reached North American markets. 680,000,000 pounds of perfectly good potatoes were plowed right back into the ground

That raises the obvious question: why wouldn’t growers and supermarkets give away the food instead of throwing it out? The effort required to bag up waste produce instead of just chucking it in a dumpster with the rest is often the only reason. Lots of retailers would rather throw it a away than donate it for fear to of being sued if something is wrong. In the US, to encourage supermarkets to donate excess food, Congress enacted an act, which protects supermarkets from legal liability if they donate in good faith. Most supermarkets insist they donate surplus food to charity, though it isn't clear whether food was diverted from waste. In 2007, 10 per cent of its annual discard is diverted, a figure typical of the industry. The amount is increasing today but the reality is that most waste still goes straight to the landfill.

Some waste is inevitable, but the trouble is how much of this has been built into the manufacturing process. Systemic wastage has been dubbed “overproduction waste.” That is, manufacturers will make more of a product than supermarkets can actually sell; in the convenience-food sector overproduction waste levels reach 56 per cent of a company’s total output, meaning that more food is being wasted than sold.

So how did we get here? Government largesse, and the industrialization of agriculture, have brought food prices to historic lows: between 1974 and 2005, food prices on world markets fell by fully 75 per cent in real terms. Until 1952, Americans spent more than 20 per cent of their incomes on food. Last year that portion hit an all-time low of 5.6 per cent. (In Pakistan, by comparison, the percentage of spending on food can reach 75 per cent of income.) Waste and the amount of food available per person have risen inexorably in tandem. One British study from 1938 put food waste at two to three per cent; studies from the 1960s and ’70s put wastage levels at seven per cent. Now rich countries, which produce up to 200 per cent more food than needed to satisfy their population requirements, waste more than 25 per cent of household food. The high availability and low prices, along with advertising, encourage overconsumption. Also now the food often doesn't last as long before going bad.

All of this matters most when you consider the massive environmental trade-off that comes with buying a third more food than we actually eat. The environmental fallout goes far beyond the wasted food. To the heap, add the resources spent to grow the food: fertilizers, pesticides, oil for the tractor and for transport. In the U.S., the energy-intensive food system uses 19 per cent of fossil fuels, more than any other sector of the economy. Modern farming is thought to contribute more greenhouse gases to the atmosphere than anything else North Americans do. Factory farms have become one of the biggest sources of pollution on the continent. So when we waste from the industrial food system, we are also wasting oil, releasing greenhouse gases, polluting waterways and hastening global warming. The large quantities of wasted food translate into equally large amounts of water. Almost half of water consumed annually to grow food is lost or wasted.

Even worse, many of the environmental costs of creating, then wasting, so much food such as deforestation, water depletion and soil erosion are being foisted on developing countries, where increasing amounts of cereals, grains and produce are being grown to sate the West’s growing appetite.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Henry Sinclair

There are some claims that a man named Henry Sinclair was the first European to discover North America and create a colony. Here is the basic story of Henry Sinclair.

Robert of St. Clair Normandy
Sir William Sinclair
Sir Henry, William, Annabel, Gregory
Sir William, John Wolf killed 1330
William, Margaret, Thomas, John 1367
Henry, David
-Henry Sinclair was a vassal of the Kings of both Scotland and Norway, considerably wealthy and powerful, owned a fleet of 13 ships, also a Duke in Denmark
-1358 at 13 proclaimed Lord of Rosslyn, nary granddaughter of King of this week Sweden, Norway and Scarnia (magnus Eriksson 4 of Sweden, 7 of Norway)
-at death of maternal grandfather became competitor for Earl of Orkney
-1379 King Haakon Magnusson 6 of Norway invests Henry as Earl of Orkney and Lord of Shetland with stipulation to not build castles
-breaks agreement and builds Kirkwall Castle, Charter from King Robert 3 to build Roslin dumgeon and walls
-1389 coronation of King Eric of Norway
-1391 Henry assisted with conquest of faeroe, meets Venetian Nicolo Zeno made him captain of his fleet
-Nicolo and brother Carlos the lion pioneered the use of Canonns, Carlos might have been a Mediterranean pirate
-next Congress the Shetland Islands
-goes with Nicolo and Antonio to discover rumored rich and populous land to the west
-landed southwest of Ireland to Icara Kerry Island, sailed on to Greenland 1392, any Norse settlements would have been in decline, 1406-1410 Norwegian ship winter at abandoned settlement, only find wild cows
-April 1397/1398 leaves Orkney with 12 or 13 ships to Newfoundland and Nova Scotia, most of the ships returned
-two remained and continue to Massachusetts, Rhode Island and returned year after

Much has been written through conjecture about his supposed career as an explorer. In 1784, he was identified by Johann Reinhold Forster as possibly being the Prince Zichmni described in letters allegedly written around the year 1400 by the Zeno brothers of Venice, in which they describe a voyage throughout the North Atlantic under the command of Zichmni.
Zichmni d'Orcades Engroueland translated as Sinclair of Orkney Greenland
They also describe Berman pitch deposits, great many people half wild, and living in caves, small stature and very timid. It exactly matches a place in Nova Scotia and the Micmac natives.

Intertwined with the Sinclair voyage story is the claim that Henry Sinclair was a Knight Templar and that the voyage either was sponsored by or conducted on the behalf of the Templars, though the order was suppressed almost half a century before Henry's lifetime.

There is the 18th century tale that some Templars escaped the suppression of their order by fleeing to Scotland during the reign of Robert the Bruce and fought in the Battle of Bannockburn. Claims persist that Rosslyn Chapel contains Templar imagery. Rosslyn Chapel was built by Sir William St Clair, last St Clair Earl of Orkney, who was the grandson of Henry. According to Lomas, Sir William, the chapel builder, is also the direct ancestor of the first Grand Master of Masons of Scotland, also named William St Clair (Sinclair).

The Sinclairs and their French relatives the St. Clairs were instrumental in creating the Knights Templar. He claims that the founder of Templars Hugh de Payns was married to a sister of the Duke of Champaine (Henri de St. Clair), who was a powerful broker of the first Crusade and had the political power to nominate the Pope, and to suggest the idea and empower it to the Pope.

It is speculated that the Knights Templar discovered under the Temple Mount in Jerusalem a royal archive dating from King Solomon's times that stated that Phoenicians from Tyre voyaged to a westerly continent following a star called "La Merika". The Templars knew that to sail to that continent, they had to follow a star by the same name, which became the origin of the name "America". Sinclair supposedly followed this route. The theory also makes use of the supposed Templar connection to explain the name Nova Scotia ("New Scotland" in Latin).

Monday, July 25, 2011

America Eden

The history of North America is much different than the history books and the official story. There have been many visitors before Columbus and there is some doubt as to the naming of North America. This article will demonstrate some of the "prehistory" discovery of the continent. It will also include the first European explorers and some of the very first colonies.

Prehistoric Asian forebears of natives migrating across Bering Strait
Egypt black African discovery around 3000 years ago
the Phoenicians reportedly before the Norse
800-500 BC pu&ic and Celtic explores
either 332 or 400 BC Pytheas discovers albion, continues six days North to a place he called thule either Norway, Scandinavia, the Orkney Islands, Shetland Islands, Iceland, or Greenland, Ireland was called Ieme. The work of several ancient writers seemed to rule out the Islands and the Viking territories leaving Iceland or Greenland
north and west of Ireland and Britain, over such beyond the faroes, most of scythia, Arctic Circle, close to ice covered sea, no night in summer, no day in winter, large island with 25 tribes.
ultima thule any distant place located beyond the borders of the known world, the northernmost habitation of people
the Arctic was an inaccessible place. the birthplace of the North Wind (Boreas).
in Greek myth Hyperborea was a land farther north beyond the north winds. It was a vast region, perfect, rich in gold, of rich soils, soft azure skies, gentle breezes, fecund animals, and trees that bore fruit even in winter, a blessed atmosphere, suggests Association with the Garden of Eden. There is a theory that the Garden of Eden was in fact North America. The inhabitants were thought to be the oldest of the human races, compassionate in temperament, knowing no want, of a contemplative bent.
If Thule was a culture of Iceland and sub arctic territories (Inuit), the Boreas the uninhabited Arctic, then Hyperborea is likely North America. Going north of the North from Europe you end up going south on the other side of the world. Which suggests that Greeks knew of North America. Making South America the vast lost continent on the other side of the world, Atlantis. They could have discovered Hyperborea in the battles with and defeat of Atlantis. They could have gotten the location of Atlantis from the Egyptians who were made a tribute colony and trade partner.

The fortunate isles, blessed isles are a land in celtic legends beyond the sunset, associated with Avalon where King Arthur went to the west
the Irish visited a place called Iargalon, the land beyond the Sunset
late 900's Irish monk Brendan
1197 Welsh prince Madog
late 800s Norwegian Viking sail to Iceland
861 Naddod discovers man he calls Snowland
862 Gardar went to find it and spent one year there, people began to call it Gardar Island
roughly 867 Floki visits and calls Gardars Isle Iceland
870 Ingolf and Leif flee from Norway, settle in Iceland
roughly 932 Gunnbjörn Ulfsson discovers Greenland by accident
roughly 970 Thorvald and his son Eric the red sails to Iceland
978 Snøbjørn Galte Holmsteinsson travels to Greenland
? 979 Thorvald travels westward to explore Greenland, his men and him settled for two years
981 returns to Iceland
982 Eric the red banish from Iceland, goes to Greenland
985 Bjarni Herjolfsson blown off course, sees unknown land
1001 Eric the red's son Leif Eriksson sails to discover this land Scandinavian Amt for district and Eric gives you Amterik land of Eric
around the beginning of the 11th century sailors called the place Oh-meh-ric-eh an old norse word meaning farthest outland
Ommerike said to derive from the Gothic Amalric which means kingdom of heaven
1002 Norsemen in North America, Newfoundland and Nova Scotia, Vinland
also discovered Newfoundland (Markland, Forestland or borderland), Baffin Island (helluland, land of flat stones), Labrador South Coast (furdustrandir): Cape Breton (Kjarnes), bjarney, hop
thorfinn ka|lsefni leads settlers to new lands, after fights with natives the Vikings gave up their settlement
1347 last documented voyage to Greenland, colony collapsed shortly after
European fishermen visited the grand Banks regularly by middle 14th century 1350
1372 last bishop of Greenland died three
1389 Henricus (Eric) consecrated as Bishop of Greenland

1398 - Henry Sinclair reaches Nova Scotia, May have mixed the Mi'kmaq (micmac) Indians - Malecite Beothuk
their tribal leaders confirm oral histories of three ways of early contact with Europeans
Henry Sinclair, Templar colony in Newport Rhode Island, end of the 14th century, Scottish
1492 - Christopher Columbus supposedly discovers North America
1497 - first voyage, 1499/1500 Amerigho Vespucci
America from district in Venezuela called Amerique famous for gold, country of perpetually strong wind, or land of wind (creator Spirit)
1497 - Giovanni Caboto claims Cape Breton Island for England, named it after Richard Ameryk
1500 - Gaspar Corte Real Benefits of Portugal explores East Coast and takes native slaves
1513 - Ponce De Leon in Florida, tries to settle Florida
1521 - Cortes conquers Mexico
1521 - Joao Alvarez Fagundes of Portugal attempts a settlement
1524 - Italian Giovanni da Verrazamo sent by French King Francis the first to find shorter route to China
1526 - Lucas Vazquez de Is Ayllon tries to settle in North Carolina
1530 - Jacques Cartier explores the Gulf of St. Lawrence, trades with Indians
1536 - Cabeza de Vaca reaches Mexico City after exploring North American southwest
1539 - Hernando de Soto explores the interior from Florida to Arkansas
1540 - Coronado travels from Mexico to eastern Kansas
1541 - Failed French settlement at Quebec City (Cartier and Roberval)
1542 - Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo on the California coast.
1559 - Failed Spanish settlement at Pensacola, Florida
1562 - Failed Huguenot settlement in South Carolina (Charlesfort-Santa Elena site)
1564 - French Huguenots at Jacksonville, Florida (Fort Caroline)
1565 - Spanish found Saint Augustine, Florida
1566-87 - Spanish in South Carolina (Charlesfort-Santa Elena site)
1570 - Failed Spanish settlement on Chesapeake Bay (Ajacan Mission)
1576: Martin Frobisher on the coast of Labrador and Baffin Island
1585 - Failed English settlement in North Carolina (Lost Colony), the Roanoke colony
1598 - Failed French settlement on Sable Island off Nova Scotia
1600 - Pierre De Chauvin, with DuPont, and Champlain
1602 - San Miguel - Spanish
1603 - Francois Grave DuPont, which Champlain
1604 - Pierre Dugua de Mon, with DuPont, Champlain
1605 - French habitation at Port Royal, destroyed 1613
1607 - Samuel Champlain
1607 - Jamestown - English captain Christopher Newport, first English colony
1607 - Popham Colony - English
1608 - Quebec - French
1610 - Cuper's Cove - English
1610 - Kecoughtan, Virginia - English
1610 - Santa Fe - Spanish
1611 - Henricus - English
1615 - Fort Nassau - Dutch
1615 - Renews, Newfoundland - English
1618 - Bristol's Hope - English
1620 - St. John's, Newfoundland - English
1620 - Plymouth Colony - English
1622 - William Alexander, colony of Charlesfort failed, reestablish as Port Royal by his son 1629, later becomes Annapolis Royal

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Coming Ground War & More

NATO-US are Planning a Ground War in Libya, Military Intervention in Syria

Pres. Obama has ordered the Pentagon to conduct the largest-ever US military training exercise on the east coast this summer. It is called Exercise Mailed Fist, and makes for convincing proof that the government is planning to invade Libya with ground forces in a little while.

The exercise is designed to test the capability of every type of Marine Corps aircraft, including MV-22 Ospreys and F/A 18 Hornets, as well as some Navy ships and Air Force planes. With thousands of Marines and other service members involved, it’s the biggest such drill ever on the U.S. East Coast. “Exercise Mailed Fist is the first exercise of its specific kind and the largest 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing exercise conducted in recent history,” said Staff Sgt. Roman J. Yurek, Marine Corps spokesman.

Europe has also seen similar large-scale training missions against a fictional enemy with characteristics that resemble Libya.

NATO has already approached the UN Security Council to modify the existing Libya resolution to allow ground forces. It is currently under discussion and will likely eventually pass. Some are estimating in late September or early October.

Even as the Obama administration prepares to launch a full ground war in Libya while expanding its drone attacks inside Yemen and Pakistan, US warships are being moved towards the Mediterrenean coast of Syria, precisely in line with forecasts that the Bilderberg Group intended to launch a massive new war in the Middle East, with Syria being its prime target.

In addition to information received by Infowars from military sources at Ft. Hood who tell us that troops are being readied for a full-scale U.S.-led ground invasion of Libya by October, the Obama administration is simultaneously considering opening up yet another front, by moving the USS Bataan amphibian air carrier strike vessel, along with 2,000 marines, 6 war planes, and 15 attack helicopters to a location just off the Syrian coast.

Veteran reporter Jim Tucker’s warning, provided to him by his routinely accurate inside sources, that the powerful Bilderberg Group was planning a gargantuan new war in the Middle East to outstrip anything taking place in Libya, is now moving forward.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Rebuffed Fox

Weeks before the latest Transformers movie came out some new rumors came to surface as to why Megan Fox was not in it. Originally her departure was credited to her quitting, now according to sources she was fired on the demands of Steven Spielberg for remarks towards Michael Bay. Even though she was contracted to do the third movie. She made the offending remarks to British magazine Wonderland shortly before production was scheduled to begin on the third instalment of the franchise.

"He's like Napoleon and he wants to create this insane, infamous madman reputation," she said of Bay. "He wants to be like Hitler on his sets, and he is. So he's a nightmare to work for but when you get him away from set, and he's not in director mode, I kind of really enjoy his personality because he's so awkward, so hopelessly awkward. He has no social skills at all. And it's endearing to watch him. He's vulnerable and fragile in real life and then on set he's a tyrant. Shia and I almost die when we make a Transformers movie. He has you do some really insane things that insurance would never let you do."

So, what are his thoughts? “I love her,” he told USA Today in November 2009. “It’s just, she’s young. Everyone’s got to give her a break, she only…23? It’s just hard. I’ve traveled around the world with her and she’s just like this world symbol now, you know?” So are her diatribes something that shouldn’t be taken seriously? “Absolutely,” he said. “She called me (after the Hitler comment) and goes, ‘It’s all bullsh—t, Mike.’ The press, they just like to prey, and stalk, and pounce and find a good little juicy thing. But she’s always wanted to do these crazy comments. That’s just her. She’s great.” He also said, “She’s got a great part in Transformers 3,” and he said he’s currently working on the script. So Bay’s not planning on getting revenge by, say, killing her off? “No, no. no,” he said, dismissing it. “She gets enough of that already.” So it sounds like he never intended to replace her.

Many were quick to call her remarks anti-Semitic but I don't see how they are racist towards Jews. Also some were claiming that she was trying to compare what she goes through on the set to what the Jews went through in World War II. I get tired of anything negative is said towards or about somebody Jewish, whether you are aware they are or not, it is called anti-Semitic. And why should racism, when it is racism, towards Jewish people is somehow worse than regular racism towards others. Personally I think she was just trying to say that Michael Bay is demanding and like a dictator on set. Bay has a reputation of being an jerk of epic proportions, exploding on set, having a bad temper, as well as being quite sexist and not really respecting women. Megan felt deliberately humiliated on set. So maybe her remarks aren't that far off and nobody else has the guts to say it.

Judging by what she says in interviews she isn't a terrible person, is shy, and not very confident. She is intelligent and knows what she's about and she says what she thinks. I don't think what she said was intended to be mean. I can understand her disliking him with being made to act sexual and be filmed levaciously. She was an extra in one of his movies at 17, underage, where she was given a role as a stripper and filmed dancing under a shower in a club. It is also rumored that for her audition to Transformers she had to wash Michael Bay's car in a bikini, which he filmed. Bay's appointment of Fox was not universally popular. In an open letter posted on Michael Bay's website, a Transformers crew member disparaged Bay's decision to cast her over more experienced actors. "He told everyone around to just trust him on his choice …" Clearly he liked Megan Fox alot. I can't help wondering if either of the stories are true and in fact he tried something with her and she either was angry and quit or he felt spurned and fired her. She says she did part two because she owed Michael Bay anything he wanted because he gave her her career. He could have misunderstood her gratitude.

Previously it had been rumored that Fox quit because Bay made her act like a stripper. Co-star Shia LaBeouf told the LAT:
“Megan developed this Spice Girl strength, this woman-empowerment [stuff] that made her feel awkward about her involvement with Michael, who some people think is a very lascivious filmmaker, the way he films women,” LaBeouf said. “Mike films women in a way that appeals to a 16-year-old sexuality. It’s summer. It’s Michael’s style. And I think [Fox] never got comfortable with it. This is a girl who was taken from complete obscurity and placed in a sex-driven role in front of the whole world and told she was the sexiest woman in America. And she had a hard time accepting it. When Mike would ask her to do specific things, there was no time for fluffy talk. We’re on the run. And the one thing Mike lacks is tact. There’s no time for [LaBeouf assumes a gentle voice] ‘I would like you to just arch your back 70 degrees. Rosie (Huntingdon-Whitley) comes with this Victoria’s Secret background, and she’s comfortable with it, so she can get down with Mike’s way of working and it makes the whole set vibe very different.”

This is still before she was replaced. Lately since her firing he has been not so much defending her or making excuses. Some of his more recent comments include.
- The project is a ship and Bay is the captain: and you simply don't bad mouth your captain, that's just something that you never do.
- Criticism is one thing. Then there’s public name-calling, which turns into high school bashing. Which you can’t do. She started sh-t-talking our captain.
It is of interest that people are saying that his character isn't as nice anymore and is rather jaded. We have found out that they had a fling while filming Transformers 2. Could her leaving the franchise and going back to Brian Austin Green be behind his comments. Shia says he loves Megan and misses her, but their characters became like one character. With the new character there is a new perspective.. It doesn't sound like he is sorry she isn't in Transformers 3.

According to interviews and her publisher Megan quit because of her desire to pursue other acting opportunities. She wants to become a better actress and to be taken seriously, to not just be seen as a sex symbol. She personally doesn't think the acting she did in either Transformers was very good. She admits to being not very confident or feeling like she even looks like a woman. She seems somewhat embarrassed to be seen as sexy. It sounds like she was a tomboy because she says that she always got along with boys better and liked the things they did. She wasn't popular because the other girls didn't like her for this, and were likely jealous of her looks. She has become aware of her ability to use her looks but says that this is just in recent years. Although it sounds like when she does it is all an act, kind of like how Marilyn Monroe was acting even in real life. Her unfavorable comments of Bay are probably a case of her being mouthy, as she says she has always been sassy and mouthy. She likes to give men a hard time and tease rudely or with insults.

She says she loves Shia and the crew and would come back for them anytime they needed her, but doesn't think would need her. Clearly she grew tired of his ways. She doesn't feel special, and is tired of everybody telling her Michael Bay made her an (sex) icon. I don't know how much she likes the crew, at least some of them, now.

Three members of his "Transformers 2" crew leapt to Bay's defense with a ferocious mean-spirited letter, snarking on everything from Fox's tattoos to her work ethic and intelligence level. It kind of sounds like the guy who was upset Kate Middleton didn't like him, some men who felt they deserved something. They are clearly people who feel self important and that it was beneath them to work with somebody who isn't a veteran actor as the lead. They didn't like her even before she was hired and didn't agree with her hiring. They sound very petty, jealous, and like they are trying to make her look bad. They insinuate that she is ungrateful, grumpy, dumb, and that anything she says is a lie. They call her trailer trash and say she poses like a porn star. They seem to forget that that is the desire and doing of Michael Bay. They even complain about having to do a little bit more makeup work because of a few tattoos. It mentions that she wasn't very interested in crew members and was very ungracious. Sounds like they desperately wanted to be noticed and be her best friends. Since when should an actor be intensely grateful for crew members who are doing their job? They claim everybody quit saying hi to her but comments other places have indicate conflicting opinions about her. In fact she is quite intelligent and she may have been grumpy because of breaking up with Brian Austin Green for awhile and the relationship with Shia that couldn't go anywhere. If the director were also hitting on her privately you could see why she might be unhappy.

Meanwhile, another Transformers collaborator has spoken up to defend Fox against the criticism. A letter written by production assistant Anthony Steinhart reads, "I read the letter by the three unnamed crew people and was blown away by their description of Ms Fox. I have personally never been nor ever witnessed Ms. Fox being rude or inconsiderate of people's feelings or the work to be done. Everyone is entitled to their good days and bad. Contrary to popular belief, she is like us (human) and has both good and bad days as well."

In a quick post on his Web site, Bay leapt to Fox's defense: "I don't condone the crew letter to Megan. And I don't condone Megan's outlandish quotes. But her crazy quips are part of her crazy charm. The fact of the matter I still love working with her, and I know we still get along. I even expect more crazy quotes from her on Transformers 3."
Bay also removed the crew members' letter from his official site, though by now copies are easily found online. He seems like he is trying to ingratiate himself to Megan and the fans.

Megan herself reached out to her disgruntled colleagues to smooth out the controversy. She says in a statement, "I have spoken with the parties involved privately. I am very fortunate to be involved in this amazing franchise and look forward to Transformers 3."

In an article with GQ magazine he commented, again seeming to want to ingratiate himself. He book lames Spielberg:
- She was in a different world, on her BlackBerry. You gotta stay focused. And you know, the Hitler thing. Steven [Spielberg] said, “Fire her right now.”
- I wasn’t hurt, because I know that’s just Megan. Megan loves to get a response. And she does it in kind of the wrong way. I’m sorry, Megan. I’m sorry I made you work twelve hours. I’m sorry that I’m making you show up on time. Movies are not always warm and fuzzy.
- Listen, I mean, Rosie came in and she would say hello to the crew. She would acknowledge the crew. She’d say thank you.

Ehren Kruger (screenwriter, Transformers series): She was there for rehearsals. But she seemed like an actress who didn’t want to be a part of it. She was saying she wanted to, but she wasn’t acting like it.
Julie White (actor, Transformers series): I texted [Megan] and was like, “Come back, Lassie!” Because I think she’s magic. She is the My Little Pony of Transformers.

Ian Bryce (producer, Transformers series): On the plus side of the column, Rosie has done an enormously wonderful job for being a newcomer.

So what is the truth? I can only offer my personal opinion. Everybody involved in Transformers 2 admit disappointment in the movie. They felt like the characters had basically become the same, and this was too one-dimensional. They wanted to make part three more serious, and more sexual with a sensual (good girl) girlfriend. They possibly thought they needed something "new" to attract fans. I think it is true that Megan Fox only did part two as a favor and wasn't comfortable with the nature of part three. The unfortunate comments sound like they were used as an excuse either to cover up her quitting or real reasons she was fired. I kind of suspect Spielberg said to make up the thing about him ordering it to help Michael Bay save face. He knows it won't hurt his career. Maybe the director did try something with her and nobody wants the truth to come out. That she really did quit.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Sunshine at Night

This picture of the Sun is hardly high-definition. But, in its own way, it is extraordinary. Why? Because it was taken at night. It was taken looking down through the Earth. And it was taken not with light but with neutrinos.

Neutrinos are ghostly subatomic particles which are created in abundance by the sunlight-generating nuclear reactions in the core of the Sun. To them solid matter is as transparent as a pane of glass.

Hold up your hand. You would never know it but about a 100 million million neutrinos are passing through every square centimetre of your flesh every second. That’s why it is possible to image the Sun on the other side of the Earth by looking down through almost 13,000 kilometres of rock.

This picture was obtained by the Japanese Super-Kamiokande neutrino detector, situated in the Kamioka metal mine in the Japanese Alps. While sunlight takes about 30,000 years to work its way out from the centre to the surface of the Sun, neutrinos take just two seconds.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

New Ages 2 - Timeline

Comets and meteors have long been considered astrological heralds of change seen as a sign of severe difficulties. Also a harbinger of the time of purification, a time when we are supposed to focus on purifying ourselves of negativity. Purification is always done before the start of a new era of positive global community. Appearance of the blue Star in October 2007 announces immense changes, It is predicted to bring seven years of earth changes such as severe weather, earthquakes, wars and floods. Interestingly comet Holmes 17P travels in an orbit around the sun which would make a 7 year purification period from 24th of October 2007 until 24th of October 2014.
The West and power hierarchies based on materialism begin to collapse. Increasing chaos as a secondary meteor approaches just as a planetary alignment happens, possibly to interact with it. New stabilizing vortex opens November 2011 to help us get through the transition to then new age, October 2011 through October 2014. The following is all conjecture but the timing fits (actual comet estimates). Arrival of false golden age, actually secret beginning of New World Order government. Seven years in secrecy until roughly 2022, coinciding with the return of Holmes. Strangely in the Bible the antichrist rules seven years peacefully and deceiving most eventually revealing his true self and becoming evil destructive and violent the next seven years. Could the 2022 return coincide with the revealing of the antichrist and NWO. If it were then there will be seven years of the Antichrist and his government until roughly 2029 and once again the return of two comets Holmes and Elenin. Biblically speaking after the Antichrist's 14 years is the beginning of Armageddon. This could be when World War III starts. Scientists are warning that another seven years later, in 2036, when Holmes so would be and Elenin return, Elenin may hit us. If it does it is estimated to be a ELE (extermination level event) and destruction by fire. In the Bible at the end of Armageddon is the second coming and destruction by fire. We aren't told how long Armageddon will last, it very well could be seven years.

Purification coming of new age 24th of October 2007 until 24th of October 2014.
November 18, 2007-November 12, 2008.
November 17, 2009 Leonids return of the one move
February 27, 2010 alignment, big earthquake
November 16, 2010 Leonids
March 11, 2011 alignment, big earthquake
May 2011 six planet conjunction
summer 2011 solar cycle 24 begins high activity
September 28, 2011 alignment
October 17, 2011 closest
Sirian vortex November 11, 2011
November 17, 2011 peak of Leonids
November 22, 2011. Alignment
December 21, 2012 winter solstice, six planetary alignment
May 2013 solar cycle 24 peak
October 24, 2014
early 2015 solar cycle 24 exits high activity
regular activity and solar minimum 2016-2027, enters maximum high activity for 2030-2033
2029-2036 Elemin

For more than a decade we have been in a time of unprecedented changes and shifts. And the feelings we have been able to hold down in our sub-conscious for so long are no longer going to remain buried and quiet. Each of us is now being challenged to go through these shifts on a very personal level. things are falling apart and this gives us an opportunity to put them back together

Scientists, philosophers, theologists and even TV shows indicate the new age will result in a paradigm shift in human consciousness, physiologically and spiritually, as well some sort of biological evolution. The idea comes from the belief of the ancients and some new age theological thinking. In history meteors, comets, conjunctions, and eclipses have all been omens. Understanding is starting to come around that when the ancients talked about the end of the world and time they were talking about the end of a current age. After which a new age was expected. Where we would see a new direct relationship with God and "the great of purification", removing the old ways. The old system crumbling as we transcend domination over another political system. The new age would see unity consciousness, making us more collective and come together in a different kind of global ceremony. Destroying false thought structures of nationality and religion and we would come together in a collective governments,

The changes of the new age not beginning until the end of the world as we know it on December 21, 2012, the official beginning of the new age. Perhaps not the beginning of a golden era but in fact a false age of new world order reasoning it is necessary to fight this comet threat to humanity in 2036,

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

New Ages 1 - Changes

New Ages
To teach their children about their spiritual beliefs the Hopi use figurines called katsinas, which they carve. In Hopi mythology there is a prophesy that states that, at the End of Time, a katsina (blue star) will ‘appear in the Heavens’ and immense changes will take place on the Earth. The Hopi say that a katsina called Saquasohuh will then ‘remove his mask for the children during a dance in the plaza’ and a new world will be born. The ancient Mayans have a similar prophesy for the End of Time, which states that ‘we will witness the display of Bolon Yokte Ku in his full costume and regalia’. The belief held that World War III may start during that time and would be initialized by the very people who first revealed the light (ancient nations). The conflict will be fought materially but will be spiritual in nature, ultimately by spiritual beings behind it. Some will create a new one world one nation under the power of great spirit.

The Comet Holmes appears to be the blue Star and to have removed it's mask. Although normally a very faint object it became temporarily bright by a factor of about half a billion during it's October 2007 return. It was the largest known outburst of a comet and became visible to the naked eye as its coma expended to a size greater than the sun. Images showed a star sized object with a blueish tinge and a blue ion tail. It faded from visibility over a period of several weeks. The Comet was discovered by Edwin Holmes on November 6, 1892. It's been calculated to have an orbital period of 6.9 years. Its appearances in 1899 and 1906 were observed but it was lost after until rediscovery at July 16, 1964.

Fifth Night and Comnjunction
This brightening happened near the start of the final fifth night of the ancient Mayaan calendars, expected to be a trying time for the Globe. November 18, 2007-November 12, 2008. The time ruled by the energy of the God of the underworld. Starts the last attempts of the West and power hierarchies based on materialism to remain in control and strengthen their power in some new oppressive way. The calendar measures time from an evolutionary perspective, it is a tool that tracks the development of our collective consciousness. This was the first of the five prophetical calendars to expire. All five having expired or going to expire within a 10 year period, the last of which is the long count calendar which is said to expire at the winter solstice, December 21, 2012.

A similar, although less aligned conjunction, as we witnessed this May and June is supposed to on this date as well. Visible in the early morning sky, six of the planets roughly aligned with the path of the Sun. Mercury Venus, Jupiter and Mars, and faint Uranus and Neptune. Planetary alignments in history caused a lot of alarm for many cultures which associated them with bad omens. Some claim that due to the gravitational stress on the earth caused by the combined gravity of the planets that, colossal tides, massive earthquakes, and other disasters can happen. Scientists say that despite the dire prophecies the planets are too far away to have any severe effect.

The Vortex
In 2011, a major opening of the Sirian vortex will take place as we move through the shortest cycle of the calendar of the Mayans, who studied the esoterics of the movements of the stars. The opening is due on 11/11/11 and, when it happens, the vortex will expand to encompass miles of area. The vortex will stay open for a year or two and allow the Earth to release negative energy which has accumulated "for eons" as well as survive potential damage from the impending arrival of Planet X. This energy vortex is going to keep the Earth stable during the transition. As it opens it forms a cross overtop of the Four Corners area, bordered by four sacred mountains. The US states of Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico and Utah meet and in the only place that is shared by four states. In 1931, The Four Corners Monument was placed at that location, in a sacred valley, and the Navajo Nation assumed responsibility for it. The Hopi say that, within these four mountains, is a sacred site that will play a very special role in the future of mankind.

Each of the states governs our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual ‘bodies’. The opening of the vortex will create an accelerated merging of these four bodies. It will deliver an intense energy of cleansing, purifying, readying and preparing. As we move further into the energies of 2011, things will be brought to the surface to reveal deeper truths. The truths will expose the illusions and wil reveal the control of those illusions, both in our personal selves and the World Stage. All we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.

Every 26,000 years, energies flow in to our planet from the Galactic Center by way of Sirius, a star that is twenty times brighter than the Sun. The purpose is to stabilize the Earth prior to its receiving the energies at the end of a particular cycle of Time. As a binary system, Sirius is composed of one star, called Sirius A, around which orbits a small, white dwarf star called Sirius B. Energetically, one star represents our physical body; the other represents our Spirit. There are many stars and planets that are vortexes through which energy enters our universe. But the grandest is the star Sirius, the vortex of the Goddess. It’s the birth canal of the Universe.

The Other Comet
Comet Elenin entered our solar system in 1991. Previously unknown it was discovered December 10, 2002 by an amateur astronomer named Leonid Elenin. Retracing it's path it was discovered that before we knew about it, it aligned with the Earth and Sun at six times the distance as the Earth to the Sun. On February 27 2010. The exact date of the fifth largest earthquake in recorded history. The 8.8 one in Chile that they say shifted the Earth's axis and shotened days. Almost exactly a year later on March 11, 2011 another alignment occured. This time Elenin was only twice the distance between the Sun and Earth from us. On this date we experienced the new fifth largest earthquake in recorded history, between a 8.9 and 9.1 off the coast of Japan.

Flash forward six months from the Japanese earthquake we come to September 11, 2011. This is when Elenin is supposed to pass the closest to the Earth, at half the distance between the Earth and the Sun. It is expected to align between the Earth and the Sun on September 28. It may be close enough to cause an eclipse of the Sun. October 17 2011 it is expected to be its absolute closest, closer to us than the Sun. Another alignment with it will occur November 22, 2011. We need to be prepared for possible large earthquakes on these alignment dates. They may be extra pronounced because of the planetary alignment this May which will mean the planets are still close in the fall.

Early predictions about Elenin were that it wouldn't pass its first pass in 2029 when it would be close enough to see. They were saying that it wouldn't be a threat to the planet until it's second pass in 2036. Projections show it will be so close that a slight change in its orbit could make it hit us. Russian scientists are saying that they would like to work with the US and that we should look into a way to deflect it or handle this threat. What if they moved these predictions back so as not to scare us. If the passing close is actually 2011, then the danger is in 2018.

In the movie 2012 the poles shift just before the core of the planet begins to make the planet fall apart. First the planets align ((May 2011), the sun is blacked out (September 2011?), massive solar flares erupt, before the Earth begins to quake everywhere. Birds fall from the sky, hail and brimstone. The past year we have witnessed birds falling from the sky and massive fish breaches.

Debris Field
The Leonids are a prolific meteor shower associated with the comet Tempel-Tuttle. The Leonids get their name from the location of their radiant in the constellation Leo: The meteors appear to radiate from that point in the sky and tend to peak in November. Meteor showers occur when the Earth moves through the stream of particles left from the passage of a comet. The stream comprises solid particles, known as meteoroids, ejected by the comet as its frozen gases evaporate under the heat of the Sun. The Leonids are a fast moving stream which come close to or cross the path of the Earth. Leonids in particular are well known for having bright meteors or fireballs which enter into the atmosphere. Sometimes these trails of meteoroids cause meteor showers and sometimes meteor storms. The meteoroids left by the comet are organized in trails in orbits similar to though different from that of the comet. They are differentially disturbed by the planets, and to a lesser extent by radiation pressure from the sun.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Elenin Coming

Comet Elenin entered our solar system in 1991. Previously unknown it was discovered December 10, 2010 by an amateur astronomer named Leonid Elenin. Something you may find interesting. In the movie Deep Impact in 1998 the comet was discovered by a boy named Leo at a viewing with an amateur astronomer teacher. In deep impact the Earth is threatened by the comet they discover. Also in Armageddon the asteroid is discovered by an amateur. In both movies although the true danger is known by officials in advance, by the time the public is there is little time left. In deep impact the character Leo reports it a year in advance. Mysteriously the man he tells is killed in an accident, and there are only whispers of an "Ellie" throughout the government. It is rumored to be a mistress but turns out to be not a name but an acronym. ELE which stands for an Extinction Level Event. Ellie is the codename used to refer to the comet. Interestingly it is spotted in the southern sky, the same location Elenin. In Deep Impact they have seven months, in Armageddon they have 18 days, and in 2012 mankind is completely unprepared.

If we look at the name of the guy who discovered Elenin is also something interesting about his first name. The Leonids are a prolific meteor shower associated with the comet Tempel-Tuttle. The Leonids get their name from the location of their radiant in the constellation Leo: the meteors appear to radiate from that point in the sky. They tend to peak in November.
Earth moves through the meteoroid stream of particles left from the passages of a comet. The stream comprises solid particles, known as meteoroids, ejected by the comet as its frozen gases evaporate under the heat of the Sun when it is close enough. The Leonids are a fast moving stream which come close to or cross the path of the Earth. Leonids in particular are well known for having bright meteors or fireballs which enter into the atmosphere. Sometimes these trails of meteoroids cause meteor showers and sometimes meteor storms. The meteoroids left by the comet are organized in trails in orbits similar to though different from that of the comet. They are differentially disturbed by the planets, and to a lesser extent by radiation pressure from the sun.
So could it be that we are being told Leonid Elenin is a code word for a comet which will cause a meteor shower that will strike the Earth and cause an extinction level event like in the movies..

Retracing its path it was discovered that before we knew about it, it aligned with the earth and sun at six times the distance as the earth to the sun. On February 27 2010. The exact date of the fifth largest earthquake in recorded history. The 8.8 one in Chile that they say shifted the earths axis and shortened the day. In the movie 2012 the poles shift just before the core of the planet begins to make the planet fall apart. First the planets align, the son is blacked out, massive solar flares erupt, before the Earth begins to quake everywhere. Birds fall from the sky, hail and brimstone. The director of 2012 also directed other end of the world movies like Independence Day, and The Day after Tomorrow. Almost exactly a year later on March 11, 2011 another alignment occured. This time Elenin was only twice the distance between the sun and Earth from us. On this date we experienced the new fifth largest earthquake in recorded history, between a 8.9 and 9.1 off the coast of Japan.

On the 2010 TV show flash forward everybody in the world simultaneously lose consciousness. In this event everybody gets a glimpse six months into their own futures. The question posed by this show is if you know future events can you change fate? In most cases the answer is no. Are we getting clues to look six months ahead when we will see attributes like on Heroes begin to come about because of an eclipse caused by the comet?

Shows like Heroes indicating it will bring some kind of physiological and possibly spiritual changes this time. The changes of the new age beginning until the end of the world as we know it on December 22, 2012, the official beginning of the new age. Perhaps not the beginning of a golden era but in fact a false age of the new world order reasoning they are necessary to fight this threat to humanity in seven years. Co-incidentally Deep Impact, Armageddon, 2012, and the TV show Heroes & Flash Forward all have a black president.

So if we now take this idea and flash forward six months from the Japanese earthquake we come to September 11, 2011.  This is when Elenin (September or October) is supposed to pass the closest to the earth, at half the distance between the Earth and the sun. It is expected to align between the Earth and the sun on September 28. It may be close enough to cause an eclipse of the sun. We saw this in the opening credits of the TV show Heroes. October 17 2011 it is expected to be its absolute closest, half the distance closer to us than the sun. Another alignment with it will occur November 22, 2011. We need to be prepared for possible large earthquakes on these alignment dates. They may be extra pronounced because of the planetary alignment this June 25 which will mean the planets are still close in the fall.

Early predictions about Elenin were that it wouldn't pass its first pass in 2029 when it would be close enough to see. They were saying that it would be a threat to the planet until it's second pass in 2036. Projections show it will be so close that with a slight change in its orbit could make it hit us. Russian scientists are saying that they should look into a way to deflect it or handle this and would like to work with the US. In both Deep Impact and Armageddon it was a US Russian endeavor. Now what if they moved these predictions forward so as not to scare us. If the passing close is actually 2011, then the danger is in 2018. Interestingly seven years, the length of time the antichrist appears to be good before revealing his true self.

We have to ask if Elenin is really a comet and not actually a brown dwarf star, a planet, or something else. Currently scientists are watching something only visible by infrared. It is most likely a brown dwarf they are calling Hercolubus. Many people believe that it is the legendary planet X, Nibiru. This object is twice the size of Jupiter and it has at least four orbiting planets. Just like the ancient legends supposedly say. It was first photographed in 2007 from a southern hemisphere telescope. At one time when you entered its coordinates into Google Earth you could faintly see it but now that area of space is blacked out. Some people say that when it passes indicates the fall of Lucifer to Earth, the beginning of the antichrist. Luke 10:18 refers to Satan as lightning falling from heaven. Attempting to bring Armageddon to attempt to destroy us in seven years. Elenin being Apophis the destroyer, Appolyan, wormwood of the Bible.. Right now simply a comet bringing the beginning, later becoming the instrument of God's judgment at the end. Physical events in the heavens are said to correlate with spiritual events.

The Russian defense minister Serdyukov says that calculations suggest that this celestial object is under some type of  "intelligent control" and will approach the Earth much closer than originally thought. This would technically make it an alien threat, remember the speech Reagan made about an alien threat and what it would do for humanity. The same things Deep Impact, Armageddon, and Independence Day tell us. Then it would bring every country of the world together for a common cause and remove our differences. Independence Day suggests a military alliance of all countries of the world revelation 16:24 speaks of this alliance. Armageddon refers to us as becoming citizens of humanity instead of a country, and referred us to the challenge of the meteor as Armageddon.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Counting the Days

There are officially only 17 more days to reach a compromise to avoid default. Both sides sound serious and has similar ideas but can't agree on some simple issues. Everybody does agree that no matter what the US will not default. In a press conference today Pres. Obama said that if they are running out of time. He also laid out what the Democrats and he are thinking of. It is a well-rounded plan and sounds most fair for everybody. They would like to take care of the problem for at least a couple years. While the Republicans plan would see this debate revisited in around a year. Obama would like to make small across-the-board cuts, including to defense. Also looking at payroll taxes and entitlements. This is besides raising the debt ceiling a little bit. He was also once again talking about revoking the tax cuts for the wealthy and close some big corporate loopholes. They are talking of around $4 trillion in cuts. The primary Republican plan seems to be for roughly a $2 trillion raising of the debt ceiling and $1 trillion in cuts. They also want all of taxes and tax breaks to remain as they are. Either way it seems like a compromise will be reached just in time. It is just a matter of how long whatever they do is beneficial.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Financial Trouble

Close up on This is one video you need to see no matter where you are from especially if you are American. It demonstrates the real potential for chaos in US society being really near, and the size of a world financial crisis it could create. Much greater than 2008 or the 1920s. The way of life in America could be about to change, major collapse in national monetary system, and normal way of life.
End of America 3: Investment Advisory
Another video that helps clarify is called;
The Ultimate American Dollar Collapse
On the July 10 episode of the radio program Coast-To-Coast similar expectations were talked about.

The US government is borrowing so much money using short-term loans, soon no longer able to even afford the interest. Have to borrow money just to maintain the status quo. in 2008 all of the bad debts were absorbed by the world's governments. When several US companies were going to collapse the US government guaranteed their outstanding debts and have had to absorb their losses since (hundreds of billions). The costs associated are piling up at the U.S. Treasury. These losses and trillions in other private obligations are now the responsibility of the of the US government. Even before the financial crisis the government was deeply in debt. With each additional commitment they sink deeper into debt closing in upon the moment they can no longer afford the interest payments on obligations.

The total public debt outstanding is over 14.5 trillion, it is the sum of intergovernmental and public holdings. It is a measure of the obligations of the United States government. The federal government spending is roughly $3.6 trillion with a $1.4 trillion deficit. Deficit is the amount of spending more than tax revenue. Even if the government is able to reduce the deficit by $1 trillion like they are hoping to do the US will still be adding to the debt. The national debt is calculated by adding up all of the deficits throughout US history. There is also state that (almost $1.2 trillion), local debt (almost $1.8 trillion), and personal debt per person (over $51,000). Total debt is calculated by adding together household, business, state, local, federal, and financial institution debt. The federal government's financial condition deteriorated rapidly last year, far beyond the $1.5 trillion in new debt taken on to finance the budget deficit, a USA TODAY analysis (June 13) shows. The government added $5.3 trillion in new financial obligations in 2010, largely for retirement programs such as Medicare and Social Security. That brings to a record $61.6 trillion the total of financial promises not paid for (total debt).

Over $4.6 trillion is held by foreign countries. Roughly 65% of foreign reserves are still in US dollars, 25% Euro, 10% other. Foreign countries holding the debt are already starting to reduce their US dollar holdings as reserve as a US dollar loses value (32% in the last decade). As foreign diversification from one dollar accelerates they will cease or stop purchasing U.S. Treasuries. Which is used to float the 1.2 trillion deficit. If the US cannot borrow more money it will cause the US to default which would see prices for everything go up and the stock markets to go down severely. Reducing the deficit and government spending to only delay default without a raising of the debt ceiling. You can't really raise the debt ceiling without causing interest rates and inflation to increase. At least the debt wouldn't increase for at least a year.

Besides raising the debt ceiling they are also looking at some large spending cuts. They are discussing primarily cutting Medicare Medicaid over $820 billion, Social Security over $714 billion, income security is over $420 billion, as well as programs like food stamps. There is over $212 billion of interest on the debt which can't be cut. They are also ignoring defense/military over $700 billion, and federal pensions over $211 billion which they would look at if they were really serious. The tax cuts for the extra wealthy as well as tax benefits of companies who don't pay any tax should be revoked to increase finances. It would be useful if the country was less dependent on oil which costs over $446 billion. They could also go after those as possible for the 2008 crisis, the people going to jail, and the corporations paying fines. Instead of a people not be named, corporations getting deferred prosecution and handouts. Financial handouts that could be much more wisely spent. The US could easily begin to reduce the debt (national at total). Congress and the president should also demand to see into the Defense Department black budget, estimated at $32 billion 2008, $50 billion 2009, possibly around $85 billion now even though they say only 56.7 billion.

To deal with a debt countries can raise taxes, print money, sell off privatized national assets, repudiate the debt, or plunder wealth through warfare. We may see one of these options but it seems like the following is most possible. We need to hope for a turnaround to happen and prevent the chaos. There are total income assets of over $75.5 trillion in the US that they could nationalize, (corporate, small business, household).

Wednesday July 13 Moody's placed its U.S. Aaa government bond rating and related ratings, like those of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, on review for possible downgrade. Standard & Poor's late Thursday placed the United States on negative credit watch, saying there is a "one-in-two" chance it will cut the AAA/A-1+ sovereign rating within 90 days. Moody's cited the "rising possibility that the statutory debt limit will not be raised on a timely basis, leading to a default on U.S. Treasury debt obligations, possible as soon as mid July". S&P cited two "separate but related" issues, both the "continuing failure to raise the U.S. government debt ceiling" and "our current view of the likelihood that Congress and the administration will agree upon a credible, medium-term fiscal consolidation plan in the foreseeable future."

The U.S. Treasury, forewarned, reacted immediately, as it did after the similar announcement from Moody's. They said, "Today's action by S&P restates what the Obama administration has said for some time: that Congress mukst act expeditiously to avoid defaulting on the country's obligations and to enact a credible deficit reduction plan that commands bipartisan support".Negotiators seem torn between a short-term lifting of the borrowing ceiling without substantial deficit reduction -- and a much larger package extending that would shrink the accumulated deficits over that time by trillions of dollars. Treasury's borrowing limit must be raised by midnight Aug. 2 to avoid default of its obligations, from the refinancing of Treasuries to a vast array of government payments, including Social Security benefits.

To maintain the value of their currency countries must produce at least as much as they consume from around the world otherwise the value will begin to fall causing prices to rise and it's standard of living to decline. The only source the US can likely borrow from to overlay default is the IMF. The IMF will likely call for austerity measures as a requirement. The US could be forced to raise taxes, raise interest rates, reduce social services, privatize government properties, reduce the work week, freeze wages or devalue it's currency. The US credit rating would be reduced, T-bills dumped, and reserve status lost. If the credit rating is reduced you will see increased dumping of US holdings on the market. Huge foreign selling of US dollars will drive US interest rates and inflation through the roof.

After World War II, via the Marshall plan, the US gave billions to help the European countries rebuild, and the US was forced forced to prop up British economy with foreign aid. It would be quite similar, IMF and primarily European partners, would be technically giving the US aid after a global war. The British pursued a socialist national agenda, and the government took over all of the major industries to spread the wealth around like the communists. Pretty soon they were flat broke and the final straw was in 1967 when the Labour Party decided to devalue the currency overnight by 14%. They thought this would make it easier for people to pay off their debts but it only made everybody that amount poorer. And it made everything much much more expensive in the coming years.

Losing status as the world currency happens all the time when countries get to far in debt or they consume to much and produce to little, and it has major repercussions. If oil is no longer priced in dollars the price of oil for Americans to skyrocket. The US has been blessed with cheap oil which has made gas cheaper in the US than almost anywhere in the developed world. The US averages $2.80, while gasoline ranges from $7.40 in Norway, to $6 something throughout Europe, to $3.80 in Canada which is a major oil producer. Airline travel will get much more expensive, as well as the cost to ship goods by truck and rail to stores, farming, going to work, taxis, public transit, just about everything. For this to happen all that is needed is for other countries to start preferring payments in something besides US dollars. Commodity (oil, food, lumber...) prices would soar, most banks would close, credit cards would stop working, no longer be able to buy gold or foreign currencies, or food stamps would no longer valid. You could even see electrical and water restrictions. American citizens may experience higher gasoline prices, commodity prices, and taxes as well as lower wages, much more equal to the rest of the world. There may also be massive strikes, riots, and civil unrest such as never seen in the US before. I can imagine if Congress were to force through austerity measures we could see similar events as in Greece. Although the riots weren't real rough until a second round went through. I just hope it doesn't happen because the US is much more set for massive civil disobedience. You just have to look online about renovated empty prisons and FEMA camps, trains, and "coffin" hordes. There are also the reports of them purchasing huge amounts of MREs add the military training for domestic actions.

A debt default by the government would be inevitable if it were not for the anomaly of being able to print more money. It is the one thing that has saved the US so far. The US is the only debtor nation that can legally print US dollars. The US government can't go broke because it can simply print more money to pay for its bad debts. America is only country in the world that doesn't to pay for its imports in a foreign currency.

The US is able to consume as much as wanted without worrying about acquiring the money to pay for it because US dollars are accepted around the world. The US hasn't had to do anything except borrow the money to purchase imports. This is done by issuing treasury bills which they purchase. Today the US government owes more money to more people than anyone else in the world. With all of the bad debts piling up the US has had to begin repaying debts by printing trillions of new dollars. Once the creditors figure this out they are going to be angry and will either stop accepting dollars as repayment or greatly discount the value. It's already happening and that will make our consumption way of life impossible to afford. Countries are starting to purchase oil in Euros. Even the IMF, one of the most powerful institutions, is recommending countries peg their currency to the Euro. It is now big enough to become the world's reserve currency. Most of the world is already preparing for a new world currency. The IMF is calling for a new global currency called the Bancor. It will likely be backed by gold and precious metals, possibly silver.

People from other countries who want to buy oil for example have to convert their currency into dollars to buy because oil is priced in US dollars. The value of their currencies is very important to foreign countries. To maintain the value of their currency they must produce at least as much as they consume from around the world otherwise the value will begin to fall causing prices to rise and it's standard of living to decline. Basically they must produce things to export to make US dollars which they can use to purchase imports that require. Otherwise most of the money would have to be converted to US dollars reducing their own money supply causeing inflation. The most successful countries are those who do not need to import as much as others.

It happened to Great Britain in the 70s. British Sterling was the reserve currency for most of the world for nearly 200 years. It continued to play this role until after World War II when America was forced to prop up British economy with foreign aid. Just like the Marshall plan when the US gave billions to help the European countries rebuild. Unfortunately the British pursued a socialist national agenda, and the government took over all of the major industries to spread the wealth around like the communists. Pretty soon they were flat broke and the final straw was in 1967 when the Labour Party decided to devalue the currency overnight by 14%. They thought this would make it easier for people to pay off their debts but it only made everybody that amount poorer. And it made everything much much more expensive in the coming years. It created one of the worst decades in British modern history. In the 1970s the government put a freeze on wages and there were strikes in nearly every sector. In 1974 they imposet a three day work week. The businesses were limited to using electricity on only three specified days a week and were not allowed to work longer hours on those days. TV companies were required to cease broadcasting at 10:30 PM to save electricity. Things got so bad that many hospitals were only accepting emergency patients. In 1975 inflation skyrocketed 27%. The extreme problems gave Britain the nickname the sick man of Europe.
Power being turned off, candles for light and heat. Animal fat candles because the regular were sold out.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Sunscreen or Not To Sunscreen

Mother nature provides natural sun protection all can use safely. All this and more is provided in the new book "Sunscreens — Biohazard: Treat as Hazardous Waste".

Rather than protecting us and our children, sunscreens: increase the risk of melanoma.
Increase risk of skin cancers.
97% Americans have sunscreen chemicals in their blood.
Pass through the placenta, altering crucial male/female sex differentiation.
Pass into mother's milk, causing hormone disruption.
Cause men's breasts to grow.
Block vitamin D synthesis epidemic of vitamin D deficiency disease.

The ocean's ecosystem is also being impacted by the sunscreens left in its waters. The algae that the coral depend on dies, resulting in the coral dying. which greatly impacts Marine life. A sad ending will happen everywhere if tourists continue to believe the myth that sunscreens protect them and have not learned that they kill the world's precious marine ecosystem.Sunscreens need to be banned before more coral reefs are decimated.

Oceans and Seas of the World
Coral death within 96 hours of exposure.
Kills plankton: the crucial 1st level of the marine life food chain.

Lakes and Rivers of the World
Fish develop varying degrees of both male and female reproductive organs.
Bioaccumulation occurs in the food chain.

Sunscreens come in two different categories chemical, which work by absorbing the sun's rays and contain ingredients like Paba and Benzophenone and physical, which work by reflecting the sun's rays and contain the minerals, zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. Sunscreen blocks out harmful ultraviolet rays and allows the skin to tan instead of burn. UV rays damage DNA and increase wrinkling of the skin. While sunscreens do protect against sunburn, there is no scientific proof that they protect against melanoma or basal cell carcinoma. The increased use of chemical sunscreens could be the primary cause of the current skin cancer epidemic.

Skin is an open pathway to the blood stream. It easily absorbs products we put on it and carries it throughout the body. If we use chemical sunscreen there is concern that the chemicals in sunscreen will be absorbed and if you use sunscreen daily that could be quite a bit of chemical absorbtion. Up to 35% of what you apply absorbs into the skin, and the longer it is used the greater the absorption.

Many common sunscreen ingredients generate free radicals that damage DNA and skin cells, accelerate skin aging and cause skin cancer.
Benzophenones (Dixoybenzone, oxybenzone) and 4-MBC are notorious hormone disruptors. Avobenzone [butyl-methyoxydibenzoylmethane; Parsol 1789] is the only one currently allowed in Europe. However, its safety is questionable since it easily penetrates the skin and is a strong free radical generator.

The other potentially harmful chemicals include;
Rentinyl Palmitate or retinol, a type of vitamin A that is photocarcinogenic,
PABA and PABA esters (ethyl dihydroxy propyl PAB, glyceryl PABA, p-aminobenzoic acid, padimate-O or octyl dimethyl PABA).
Cinnamates (cinoxate, ethylhexyl p-methoxycinnamate, octocrylene, octyl methoxycinnamate)
Salicylates (ethylhexyl salicylate, homosalate, octyl salicylate)
Digalloyl trioleate. Menthyl anthranilate
Triethanolamine - combines with nitrite used as a preservative to create cancer-causing microsamines

some of the sunscreens are now combining chemicals to cover the entire solar spectrum. The more chemicals mixed together the more potential for a toxic reaction to happen.
These synthetic chemicals are foreign to the human body and accumulate in the fat stores, they are powerful free radical generators, and have strong estrogenic activity. Estrogenic - "Gender Bending" - chemicals interfere with normal sexual development and engendering a host of secondary medical problems.

Mineral sunscreens have the best safety profile, they are stable in sunlight, don't appear to penetrate the skin, and offer UVA protection. There are concerns that contained nano sized particles of the minerals. Another good choice is Mexoryl SX (ecamsule) although not very common. Tinosorb S and M are also good but not available in the US.

Natural sunscreen is just one of the ways to keep your skin healthy and help to prevent sun related aging. An olive oil and iodine mixture is supposedly really good natural sunscreen. Protects, repairs damage, and good for thyroid, vitamin D protection, radioactive protection
Sunscreen should never be your primary source of protection whether chemical or natural. Olive oil, coconut oil, and mineral oil are all good to apply while in the sun as well as a after.
A low antioxidant and high alkaline diet can contribute to skin cancer. Aloe vera is good for the skin and helps balance the pH in alkaline acidic people.
Primarily limit over exposure to sunlight especially at noon, look for shade, use umbrellas. Wear light colored clothing but consider buying sun protective clothing that provides actual SPF protection factors along with wearing a hat and sunglasses. Preferably a hat with a wide brim and wraparound sunglasses. Sun is good for your eyes and some evidence suggests sunglasses cause your pupils to dilate slightly and let UV rays reflect of your skin, the lenses, directing the harmful rays into the retina. Wraparound sunglasses prevent this. bilberries

Sunscreens all block the ability to produce vitamin D. Vitamin D is very important as it strengthens bones and the immune system, reduces the risk of various cancers, and regulates at least 1000 different genes governing tissue. It is recommended to receive 10 minutes of direct sun without sunscreen several times a week.

To increase your natural protection to the sun without using sunscreen it is important to eat a high antioxidant diet of fruit and vegetables, bright colored food. Eat foods high in vitamin D so you don't have to rely entirely on the sun for it.

What to Look For in Natural Sunscreen
Broad spectrum - UVA, UVB some even offer UVC protection.
Maintains a consistent level of protection.
Natural and safe sunscreen ingredients.
Nontoxic Ingredients
All other ingredients in the product are safe.
No animal testing.

Interesting fact: Historically Bloodroot also known as Bloodwart was used by native Americans to treat skin cancer

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Savague Diet

Here are some books with interesting simplified diets;
The Mediterranean Diet
the Atkins Diet and Philosophy
the Paleo.Diet
the Primal Blueprint
Primal Body, Primal Mind
the Adam and Eve Diet
Creationist Diet
Deep Nutrition

Primal Body, Primal Mind - a new book that promotes a much more simple diet, along the lines of several other books suggested they have a more healthy diet. Some of what this book suggests is;
Avoid processed, artificial sweeteners, artificially saturated fats, trans fats, hydrogenated oils, carbohydrates, sugar, natural sugars, starch potatoes grains legumes soy, over eating, gluton, glucose, fructose
complex carbohydrates brown rice, beans
simple carbohydrates White rice, bread, cereals, pasta, potatoes

if you were to take out all of those things you start to wonder "what is there left to eat?"
Moderate protein intake less than half a pound a day, 3 ounces a meal, steak, chicken, fish
fiberous vegetables and greens, above the ground vegetables
dairy, milk
infrequent fruit
water: green drinks
We require some salt, natural Celtic sea , not refined

Try to eat nutrient dense and minimize caloric value. A down void carbohydrates and starches as much as possible
modified caloric restriction, provides the body with all the nutrients it needs without overburdening the organs and systems function. If you restrict the barley only to what you need to maintain a physical and active lifestyle, your body automatically tones down its basal metabolic rate to consider energy. Occasional cleansing detoxify.
Among some of the things suggested to take is iodine.

Most of the primal and Paleolithic diets differ in that they suggest consuming high levels of animal protein, even the famous Atkins diet does. Calcium loss is caused by diets high in animal protein, sodium, phosphorus, and caffeine, lack of weight-bearing exercise. So we see you should not overconsume animal protein, make it preferably lean. Try to avoid processed artificial, high carbohydrate, high starch, phosphorus, have minimal sodium and caffeine. And not forget to exercise, cardio and weight bearing.

By eating primarily God-given foods one could design a very healthy diet for yourself.
Edenic Diet: Raw fruits and vegetables, raw nuts and seeds, and possibly raw grains.
Antediluvian Diet: The above foods, plus: cooked fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds, whole grains, legumes [including soybeans and peanuts], vegetables oils (especially olive oil, [canola, walnut, almond, and flax seed oils]).
Noahic Diet: The above foods, plus: lean, trimmed, "clean" meats, skinless chicken/ turkey, "clean" fish.
Promised Land Diet: The above foods, plus: milk and milk products, and honey.

God-given foods:
Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts, Seeds, Whole grains, Legumes, Lean trimmed "clean" meats, Skinless chicken/ turkey, "Clean" fish, Vegetable, nut, and seed oils, Eggs (in very limited amounts only), Honey, Milk and milk products
Not God-given foods:
Refined grains, Refined sugars, Unclean meats, Fatty red meats, Processed meats, Chicken/ turkey with the skin, or if deep fried, [Butter], margarine, lard, Hydrogenated oils, Fried foods

The 20 The first passage is Genesis 1:29, “And God said, ‘See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food.’

The second passage is Genesis 2:16. But verse nine will also be included for background, “And out of the ground the LORD God made every tree grow that is pleasant to the sight and good for food. ... And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, ‘Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat’ (Gen 2:9, 2:16).

The last pertinent verse in these chapters is the second half of Genesis 3:18, "And you shall eat the herb of the field."

In these verses, God has given us every kind of plant food for food: fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains, and legumes. So any and all of these would be included in a Creationist Diet.

It was not until after the flood that permission was given to eat meat (redmeat, poultry, fish). God told Noah and his family, "Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. I have given you all things, even as the green herbs" Genesis 9.3 So eating flesh foods is appropriate just as eating plant foods is. As such, it cannot be said it is intrinsically wrong on ethical, spiritual, moral, or health reasons. However a case to be made for avoiding meat-based on differences between how animals are treated and how these foods are produced . It would be best to buy the from small-scale farms instead of the large-scale meet processing operations, where animals are regularly mistreated in various ways to increase the yield. There are also the environmental problems such as the large amount of waste produced by the animals, or fishing species of fish to extinction. There are also world hunger concerns. Growing grains to feed animals and then eating the animals is a much less efficient method of food production than eating the grains directly. It takes 16 pounds of plant food to produce to produce 1 pound of beef.
The biblical times meet would have been leam and not the more atty meet generally consumed today.
The Bible does give some limitations on eating meat. The first restriction is in regards to clean for us unclean animals. Generally speaking, animals listed as clean in the Bible are herbivores, lawyer most of the unclean animals are carnivores and scavengers. The next restriction concerns blood and fat. God says, "but you shall not eat flesh with its life, that is, it's blood," Genesis 9.4. So it's not okay to eat it with the blood still in it. Later in Mosaic law God combines the blood restriction with another, "this shall be a perpetual statute throughout your generations in all your dwellings you shall eat neither the fat nor blood" Lev 3.17 Lev 7. 23, 24. So when eating meat today make sure the blood is either drained or completely clicked from the meat and any outer fat is trimmed from it and choose lean cuts. The skin on chicken probably would also qualify as a fat.
Verses concerning eggs, honey and milk
not to complain about unsalted food or the taste of eggs job 6:6
suggests they ate eggs and that it was a good gift Luke 11:12, 13
bring into a good land flowing with milk and honey Exodus3:8
eat only a sufficient amount of honey, don't get sick or indulge Proverbs 25:16
other sweeteners natural and unnatural or not mentioned
milk and butter of a calf Genesis 18:8 often milk references are of sheep and goats, various milk products

These are the foods that are recommended to approximate a Paleolithic Diet. There is no way that we can exactly replicate the food of the Paleolithic period, so substitutions must be made in some cases.
Meats and Eggs
Meats (including seafood) and eggs are perhaps the most important components of the Paleolithic Diet. Ideally, the animals from which the eggs and meat come from are fed a natural (to the animal) organic diet. That is, chickens have access to greens, insects, etc, as well as grain. Cattle eat grass and other pasture greenery. Fish should come from the wild, or at least be fed what wild fish eat.
In any case, meats should be free of breading of any kind.
today's meats are much higher in saturated fat so we should seek out low fat meats and then supplement with fats from other sources.
Vegetables are encouraged, although some versions of the diet except green beans and peas as they are legumes. Some versions simply say that if it can't be eaten raw, don't eat it (though this doesn't mean that it must be eaten raw, only that it should be able to be eaten raw). Potatoes and other starchy tubers (e.g. cassava) are not allowed.
Fruits are generally allowed. Audette (NeanderThin) advises that people who need to lose weight should limit consumption of high sugar fruits. He allows juices in limited quantities. Cordain suggests avoiding juices altogether and limiting dried fruits.
Nuts and Seeds
Nuts and seeds are generally allowed, though Cordain suggests that those who want to lose weight limit them to four ounces per day. Note that peanuts are legumes and NOT allowed. Audette doesn't allow cashews since they can't be eaten raw. Unsweetened almond milk and coconut milk are often used as substitutes for dairy.
Though authors vary on recommended oils, basically the consensus seems to be that the oils from allowed plants are fine. Olive oil, nut oils, and flax seed oil are universally endorsed. Cordain recommends canola oil, but not coconut oil. Fish oil supplements are often recommended.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Gone Country

I don't know what it is about listening to country music that takes me back. Back to memories of childhood, mostly the 80s. Maybe it is the soulfulness of it brings back sentimental mental images. I think mostly the 80s because the town where I grew up is a small town on the prairie. I thank God I am a country boy. What a lot of the songs sing about; small towns, pickup trucks, fields, the end of flat top, pretty country girls, and cowboy lifestyle. A simple spiritual life feeling all right and having a good time. Not to mention there is really good country music, especially the rockin country. The 80s brings back good memories of a lost time but also simpler probably a product of childhood. Either way they are memories I cherish. I have vague memories of warfare and troubles on the news but barely.
This was an age where we got three TV stations which were sometimes fuzzy, and only get am radio until I was around 11. I still remember when I got a small portable radio cassette player and sitting on our back deck picking up the newly available fm stations we listened to when we went into the city. There was no Internet available and decent video game systems weren't around until I was seven or eight. Computers were also just coming out at that age but you really couldn't do much of anything on them. Our parents didn't even really have to monitor what we were watching or listening to on the radio. Parents had to be more concerned with what we were up to outside for hours on our own. Not that it wasn't safe for us to be out on our own. Back then it isn't an exaggeration that everybody knew everybody in town The kids didn't really have far to go or much to get into. Usually we could hear being called home or lunch or supper wherever we were. We were either going to the store, at neighbors, the playground, or the school, biking or just hanging out on the street. Our town was so small that the only traffic was usually our parents coming home, mostly dads. Our mothers mostly at home providing a childhood different than most experience today. Otherwise it was usually dead quiet the rest of the time, amazingly peaceful. Except for us kids a lot of the time. We all seemed to get along most of the time probably because selection was limited to like six or seven households. Usually all the siblings regardless of age. Everything was so close that a lot of times taking a bike seemed to take too long. It was easier to just cut across the empty lots or even yards. Nobody was very particular about us kids doing that although we all knew who didn't like it. Everybody in town walked to school and home after school that is if we weren't distracted and just dropped our bags to spend time at the playground. Those who had a real swimming pool were popular and we were lucky enough to be them for awhile. Our house was lucky enough to be the first with a Nintendo video game system when they first came out.

Speaking of school it was a very small almost intimate school of grades K through 6. It was a neat little school for elementary where recess was spent in the playground or playing marbles and games in a fenced in front yard of the school. The town kids all went home for lunch daily except for on the favorite hot dog days. In town all there was besides houses was the school, Catholic church, bank, general store and post office, gas station/garage and convenience store, as well as a grain elevator. In the town's past there was also a water tower, livery, convent as well as another store and garage. The town was only around 300 people for the longest time, so small that there were still lots of empty lots and even farm fields just beyond our house. All of the streets in town were gravel except for main street which was the highway going through town. Eventually the 2nd Ave., the primary avenue, was paved as well. There were only around 7 streets and 2 1/2 avenues in total. There is a set of train tracks along a street dividing the town. To the north of the town is a river whose name is the towns namesake that we crossed to get into town. Back then we used to regularly get a truck to deliver water to our cistern. There was no town water or sewer system. Crossing the bridge into town was like entering a different place, quiet, peaceful, calm and slow paced. In the summer you could hear the birds and insects, kids playing, sprinklers going, sometimes a radio or dog barking, and smell the barbecues cooking mixed with the abundantly fresh air.

For the longest time, like my first 10 years, this is how it stayed but after around 87/88 changes began to happen more frequent and faster. A new hall was built and the old town hall which was much loved by everybody was burnt down (intentionally). It was a big and sad event for the town. The gravel provincial highway through town was moved south of the town. A town water system and basic sewer system were eventually installed. As the population grew the school had to add temporary huts and when I was in grade 6 a new school was built and the old one torn down. The general store lost prominence and almost reached a state of closing down. A small seniors home was built. Everything almost the same for the next while, a mechanic shop and a small restaurant opening in the store, and some small home businesses. In the last roughly 10 years the bank was rebuilt, a inn with restaurant, lumber hardware store, grocery store, and recently second gas station were built. Many new residential developments have been built and there are very few empty lots, the town is very little like it used to be. Since the early 90s there is no way to go back to town I remember growing up. Today there are so many people it is impossible to know everybody anymore. The now paved streets with covered ditches are busy and the town is no longer quiet. You tend to hear traffic instead of children. Speaking of streets there are now over 20 streets (including avenues). The highway to town is no longer ever desolate.

I still have good memories of during summer vacation in late August. Coming home late in the afternoon after six from going shopping. The sun already having a more orange color like in the fall. Still fairly high in the sky but in the eyes driving. Cruising down the smaller not very busy single lane highway to town with the windows down and the radio playing either country or classic rock. The breeze coming in very refreshing on an otherwise very warm and nice day. The coolness and noise of the air dying away as soon as slowing down approaching town. The quiet except for the barely audible hum of the tires and insects almost amazing. You could almost feel yourself decompressing as entering town.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Fish and Chips

One of the channels on TV that I enjoy watching is the Food Network. I often get ideas for different restaurants I could create, the menu, decor, everything. Drive-in's Diners and Dives is one of the worst shows for giving me ideas. Having my very own business that is a restaurant is appealing to me. You can be very creative in the industry if you are passionate about it. I have always liked cooking and been very creative and adventurous with recipes. Some of my favorite cooking shows are the competitions, like Top Chef, Next Network Star, Chopped, Iron Chef, Restaurant Wars, Dither Party Wars, Hells Kitchen and the new masterchef. I also like the reality ones, Kitchen Nightmares, Restaurant Impossible, Restaurant Makeover, Opening Soon, and The Opener.
A lot of times on the challenges I find myself coming up with ideas different from most of the contestants and wondering if I could have one. On one of the competition shows recently there was a challenge with salmon. Now the contestants are usually rewarded for originality, simplicity, and unique ways to showcase the ingredient. With the salmon everybody was doing the usual pan frying, roasting, or steaming. I thought to myself something that would stand out is using salmon and making fish and chips. Instead of the usual white fish beer batter the salmon and deep fry it. Looking online I discovered it wasn't so far-fetched an idea and saw many references of it being done. I was also thinking how to make it even more of a standout and not just a piece of fish and some fries. The idea came to me to pair it with some deluxe poutine, cheesy gravy potato with bacon and mushrooms.. I have included my creations below.

Delicious Deep Fried Salmon Fish and Chips
A cup of all purpose flour
A few nice salmon fillets
A can or bottle of dark beer
An egg (beaten)
1 pinch of cayenne pepper
1 tsp Salt and pepper
Oil for deep frying.

Mix flour with salt and pepper and spice. Add egg. Add beer slowly while stirring until batter has a nice thick and creamy texture. You won’t need the entire beer, just drink the rest.
Cut salmon fillets into reasonable sized chunks. Dust with flour.
Heat the oil to around 375 degrees. Don’t worry, you don’t need a thermometer, Just heat it until it seems good and drop some batter into the oil to test it.
Dip fillet chunks into battery liquor, and quickly place into frying oil. Don’t cook more than 3 at once. Depending on how thick your fish is, it will take between 5-10 minutes to cook.
Remove with a slotted spoon, drain oil on paper towel.
Serve with pickles and french fries. Even better might be to try and coat the pickles and deep fry them. Also replacing the french fries with deluxe poutine.

Poutine à la Laval
4 Potatoes
6 mushrooms
1 large onion
4 cloves garlic
Miscellaneous spices (personal preference)
¼ cup oil and ¼ cup white flour
1 liter vegetable oil
2 cups vegetable stock
cheese Kurds (as much as desired)
bacon bits
paper towel

Slice potatoes into fries. Bathe them in cold water for at least an hour. Let dry completely. You may prefer to give them a coating before deep-frying.
Fry the bacon until crisp. Set aside on paper towel.
Dice onion, mushrooms and garlic, sauté in an oiled frying pan. Set aside.
Make a roux by mixing oil and flour. Heat it up slowly on a medium pot, and then add cooked mushrooms, onion and garlic. Add vegetable stock, followed by those pesky spices. Let simmer and thicken while cooking your fries.
Heat vegetable oil in a big pot or wok and dump fries in. Cook for 8 minutes, then pull them out and let them degrease on a paper towel-covered plate. Reheat oil, and put the fries back in for 2-3 minutes, to double fry. Pull the fries out once more, this time placing them into a salt and peppered container. Shake that around until your fries are covered in spicy goodness.
Serve fries covered cheese Kurds and then drenched in the hot gravy. Crumble the bacon on top.