Thursday, September 15, 2011

Where Were You?

All of the news and reflecting on 9/11 this week has got me thinking, where were you that fateful September day? I was sleeping in after a late night on the computer. My mother woke me up to tell me that a plane had hit the WTC. My reaction was something like "yeah right" or "no way". After being convinced it really happened I felt that it was an accident. I decided to keep dosing as I knew there would be plenty of coverage later to see. I remember it was a really nice day outside, quite sunny. I could hear the TV a little bit in the other room, and my parents having breakfast. I heard what sounded like just repeats about the first airplane when my mom came in. She told me that another plane just hit the other tower. She turned on CNN on my TV to hear. With this though I had to get up. I knew right away that this was no accident. As did the media who on every channel began to say that US was under attack. I was only watching until the first collapse. I felt shock like everybody but I also felt great disbelief. My senses were telling me that a collapse like that wasn't possible from an airplane strike. Immediately before the second collapse I was on the Internet starting to research. Nothing was adding up or making sense. Even with my basic understanding of science and physics I knew something was fishy. As well as having a strong feeling terrorists could pull this off. I have been researching every aspect since.

I also thinking about where I was in life at that time as well. I was in the first real serious relationship of my life. 9/11 marked the beginning of the end of it. The news of the day as well as a playlist from the time that is all about her that somehow played just two days ago has me thinking about her. I haven't thought about her in the over eight years. The relationship always complicated and it did not end very well. It is bittersweet and unpleasant to think about, even though it was the best time of my life.

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