Monday, September 26, 2011

Something Wonderful Comes This Way (or Is It Wicked?)

The US armed forces will be running A DEFCON 1 - maximum readiness alert drill tomorrow, September 27TH. Now, as many of you know Obama and Top NASA Officials will be in Denver. Here's where it gets Weird. Google Earth Coordinates- W104' 44' 30' N40' 36' 10' - These numbers correlate with Denver International Airport, which did Not exist in 1977. Why's this matter you ask? The Movie- Close Encounters Of The Third Kind was released in 1977. It featured a scene with THOSE Coordinates and they were given to Humans by Aliens. This is what else is ALL happening during Sept 27th: U.S. Congress in recess, British Parliament is Off, British Royals have Nothing scheduled, UN is Off, Pope?, Russian Congress/Duma is Off.

Defcon 1 is the Highest Readiness Alert, which means Nuclear War is Imminent, or something as deadly. The Highest Confirmed Defcon Ever was Level 2 during the Cuban Missile Crisis on October 22, 1962. What's Really going on here?

Well some scientists are now saying that the end of the Mayan calendar is actually October 18 this year. They do agree that the calendar was miscalculated, although some say December 28 2012 instead of December 22 or 23rd. What is interesting is that the now infamous Harold Camping is predicting the rapture on October 21 this year. He is the one who predicted it and the end of the world earlier this summer. The end of the world similar to what so many people have put out about the end of the Mayan calendar being disastrous. Although it technically only speaks of the beginning of a new age. And according to astrology we are in the process of entering the age of Aquarius, a new golden age. The millenniul kingdom of Jesus after Armageddon (end to the world) quite similar.

Something else that is happening in the October, the 17th modem precisely is that the alleged comet Elenin is expected to pass the closest to Earth ever. It has been connected to three massive earthquakes the three times it interacted with our planet. When it passes on the 17th it is expected to pass so close that it will be visible to millions.

Comets and meteors have long been considered astrological heralds of change seen as a sign of severe difficulties. Also a harbinger of the time of purification, a time when we are supposed to focus on purifying ourselves of negativity. Purification is always done before the start of a new era of positive global community. In the Bible we are told that some physical events in outer space (the heavens) are symbolic of a spiritual event.

Scientists, philosophers, theologists suggest that the new age will result in a paradigm shift in human consciousness, physiologically and spiritually, as well some sort of biological evolution. Scientific theory tells us that a base body passing very close to a planet will greatly affect its electrical field. This could greatly affect climate causing violent storms and weather. Specific electrical frequencies are also known to affect the brain and our biology. It can alter our thinking, put us in a trance, and even make us hallucinate hearing voices and seeing things that aren't really there. It can also induce religious and spiritual sensations or ecstasy.

What is really happening is that all of the governments are obviously afraid of something. Maybe simply taking precautions from a real legitimate threat. Perhaps the possibility a disaster that is going to occur as the comet passes. Harold and a new age where we wake up and they lose their power. Afraid of what the masses will do, to them or in general.

It could be something else entirely like the vote on (or creation of) a Palestinian state schedule for any day now. Maybe a terrorist attack, nuclear attack by Iran, or some other big thing such as further massive financial collapse, Conceivably even an attack on Syria. Of course nothing at all may have happen so don't despair. If anything does happen don't doubt that everything will be all right in the end. As always.

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