Friday, September 2, 2011

Proliferate Me

The downfall of the Gadhafi regime has become worriful to the international community for proliferation of weapons. Roughly 10 years ago Gadhafi got rid of his nuclear arsenal to rejoin the world and have UN sanctions removed. The nuclear arsenal was taken by the US and UK, and most of the chemical and biological weapons he had were disposed of.

According to many sources the West had planned to take out Libya even before that time. It appears the welcoming back into the greater global community had specific goals. Gadhafi was still disliked and distrusted. He was still in the way of the country becoming more entwined in the international structure controlled by the West. The oil was nationalized and they do not have a central bank that worked with the central banks organization.

The reduction of really dangerous weapons would be very useful if you were to go to war with them in the future. The removal of sanctions allowed him to purchase many more traditional weapons from the West. He stockpiled quite a few more modern weapons to go with the huge amount of Soviet era weapons. Libya had huge numbers of heatseeking missiles and other equipment that is greatly used to make IED's. Although the biological weapons were mostly destroyed they still have a lot of mustard gas. Another story is that weapons recently stolen from different Balkan countries have been turning up in Libya. Suspiciously they suspected terrorists stole them, in countries where Al Qaeda has operated.

All of these weapons are currently in abandoned weapons depots and dumps. Nobody is protecting them and the media are witnessing many people going in and taking weapons that are not secure. There is an influx of weapons going into the public and rebel forces.

What is most troubling is that the rebel forces are not just receiving help from NATO and intelligence agencies like the CIA, M16, and DGSE. Rumors of the Israeli Mossad as well. Apparently special forces such as Delta Force and the SAS were assisting the rebels. The creepy part is that Al Qaeda and known terrorist associates are part of the rebel forces. In fact one of the higher ups used to be an Al Qaeda member. The governments are right to worry about the weapons ending up in the hands of extremists or African rebels.

The conflict in Libya seems to be proving clearly that the West and CIA have always worked league with Al Qaeda. Like all other evidence most people will never likely be aware of this new evidence. If any of these weapons are involved in a future terrorist attack it seemed like their acquisition of involved weapons was facilitated by us. There is also a possibility that a conflict may spread to be between the new Libyan government and African neighbors. The African Union is refusing to recognize the new government, and are loyal to Gadhafi. The AU is also suggest possible mass killings of black workers.

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