Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Dare to Prepare

The increase of natural disasters and unstable weather are making it increasingly important to be prepared. There could easily be loss of power and telephone, even cell phone service. A power outage emergency can be caused by many — fires, winter storms, brown outs, floods, and wind damage... so many things can interrupt the flow of electricity to your home. This can affect your ability to get water and food (even in your home), to get relevant news and to communicate with others. Whatever the cause, a power outage is easier to get through when you're prepared, and being prepared means having emergency kits on hand, ready to use the moment they're needed. Survival essentials include all of the usual but there are now many technologies available to help. The government has said that when it gets bad there is a big chance they will not be able to help you.

Follow these basic steps to develop your family disaster preparedness plan:
Gather information about hazards in your area. Find out susceptible to severe storms and how you should respond. Learn local warning signals and evacuation plans. Post emergency telephone numbers by phones (also try to memorize them). Teach children how and when to call 911 or your local emergency medical services number. Choose a place outside your home to meet in an emergency, and a place away from your neighborhood in case you can't return home. Choose a friend or relative who lives out-of-state as your "family check-in contact". Practice and maintain your plan. Conduct periodic drills to make sure you are prepared in case of an actual emergency.

Keep important family documents (or copies) in a water and fireproof portable container. Health and insurance information. Extra keys for your house and vehicle. Include money, change for payphones, an extra credit card and checkbook or travelers checks. Keep a disaster preparedness response kit with items you may need in case of evacuation. Make sure it includes emergency food kits for the whole family. Store these supplies in sturdy, easy-to-carry containers, such as backpacks or duffle bags. Keep a smaller disaster preparedness emergency food kit in the trunk of your car, as well as an emergency roadside kit.

Inspect your home for potential hazards such as items that can move, fall break or catch fire, and correct them. Install safety features such as smoke alarms and fire extinguishers and instruct others how to use them properly. Check all of your equipment monthly. Test your smoke detectors and replace batteries as required. Test and recharge your fire extinguisher(s) according to manufacturer's recommendations. Know where your fire extinguishers, water shut off valve, floor drain, electrical panel, and gas valve are,

Discuss the information you've gathered. Ask questions to make sure your family remembers meeting places, phone numbers, and safety rules. Make sure everyone knows where to find your family's emergency food kits. Make sure that everybody knows how to use all of the equipment you have. Write down your emergency plan in detail and a have a laminated or secure copy.

Preparation programs have stated that you should have at least two weeks supply of food that does not require any cooking. Canned, jarred, and preserved food will greatly help you to survive. Food will last if the power is out for less than 24 hours. In a full freezer food will last 48 hours. Use a food thermometer to check the temperature of your food right before you cook or eat it. Throw away any food that has a temperature of more than 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Also make sure you have a portable camping tin cooking set. Some of the MRE (meals ready to eat) or food packets require warm water to activate as they are usually freeze-dried. Not much but be aware of what your food supply requires, don't just buy and store it. In this case a reusable portable heat source is necessary, one that uses quick heat easy to light fuel pellets. A supply of pellets, packaged individually and not in a big bag. As well as waterproof matches.

A terrific place to purchase a supply of food is Efoods Direct. They have from a seven day supply all the way to a one-year supply available. I would recommend their Liberty Unit. There are two kinds available. The best one for your health is the soy free (non.TVP).

They also recommend having two weeks worth of drinking water. The water supply is often the first thing affected during an emergency. Bare bones survival rations are one half gallon (two liters) per person every day for drinking and minimal food preparation. As well as one half gallon for other uses. If the majority of your storage food is dry or dehydrated you will need more water for preparation. Babies and chronically ill may require more than others. You will also need more if you live in a really hot area. Take into consideration the specific needs of your family.

Having access to clean water is key to your survival in an emergency situation. If or when a disaster happens, we should consider all water contaminated whether it comes from your home pipes, a cistern, a well or otherwise. If the emergency is an earthquake or an landslide, you may have to turn off your water from outside the house to avoid contamination to the water inside your water heater and pipes. In order to have drinkable water in an emergency, we will need to think about water storage barrels, water purification, filtration, and also, where to store it. Once you have your water barrels, learn how to clean, prepare and fill them. Make sure you have a good water filter and water purifying tablets.

If an earthquake or other catastrophe happened before you've had a chance to acquire your emergency water supply, you could find some around your home.
The hot-water heater is the first place to go. There is clean, drinkable water there. Depending on the size of your water heater, there should be 20-50 gallons. The trick is to get it out. Have a bucket handy and put it under the drain faucet. Then open a water faucet in a sink nearby to release the pressure and cause the water to flow. Before using the water from your water heater, it is imperative that you switch off the gas or electricity that heats the water. Leaving the heating part on while the water heater is empty could cause an explosion or burn out the elements, destroying your water heater. Don't turn on the water heater again until water services have been restored and the water heater is refilled.
There is also water in your pipes that can be used. Open a water faucet in the highest part of the house and then drain the pipes from the lowest faucet in the house.
Don't forget the liquids in most canned goods. Canned fruit, vegetables or broth have liquid that can be used to cook with or to drink if absolutely necessary.
Then there is the toilet tank (not the bowl). There is about 3 to 5 gallons of clean water in each tank. You can dip it out with a cup or ladle. If you are a little squeamish about drinking water from the toilet tank, use that water for your pet or for cleanliness.
A swimming pool or hot tub is a good source of emergency water supply, but use only as gray water for washing. Since there are chemicals in the pool and tub, they are not a good source for drinking water.
Water beds also have chemicals in the water to retard germ and algae growth. Use the water for washing only.

Try to get a water filter that removes up to 99.99% of pollutants and contaminants found in drinking water sources using its proprietary Ionic Adsorption Micron Filtration System. It contains Iodinated Resin and other proprietary media which effectively reduces virus and bacteria to six logs (99.9999%). Also make sure that you have a supply of the filters (media), although this will work without it loses efficiently and effectiveness.
A terrific manufacturer of water filters is Berkey.

If you have pets make sure that you have enough food and water for them as well.

Essentials include blankets, candles, waterproof matches, lighter, flint and striker, pen and paper, duct tape, a tool set, pocket knife, flashlight, extra batteries, whistle, compass, manual can opener, even paper towels.
A first-aid kit contains everything you will need to treat minor medical issues. (Assortment of bandages, gauze, adhesive tape, antiseptic cream, scissors, aspirin, instant ice and heat compresses). dust/pollutant masks.
An all-in-one multipurpose tool (pliers, knife, can opener, screwdriver, wire cutters, files, awl) keeps you ready to tackle unforeseen challenges.
A flashlight/radio that may be charged by solar power or a convenient hand crank. If cellular phone service is available, the built-in phone charger will keep you connected. They also sometimes contain an alarm. Make sure the radio has the weather and shortwave bands.
A really good extra flashlight that you shake which doesn't require batteries.
A collapsible solar panel would be very useful.
A lightweight, weather-resistant backpack. No one knows when a disaster will strike and adequate transportation may be limited. For these reasons, it is important to have portable water and food sources. Just throw it on your back and go.
If you are forced out into the environment you should have complete cold weather camping equipment. A really good sleeping bag, a small tent that has a rain cover, steel pegs. A collapsible fishing rod would be good. A small fuel operated stove and lantern. Change of clothing and footwear for everybody. Your other equipment you already have can be taken.
It would also be good to have survival, first-aid, and self-defense training. Be sure you know how to make shelter, find water and food, find your way around, make fire without matches or lighter. Have copies of important information laminated so you will have a guide.

Being able to stay in your house comfortably knowing you are safe and secure would be the greatest goal. Having a years supply of food and at least a six-week supply of bottled water stored in a dim cool place without sunlight. A garden and rainwater collection/storage system. Going green will also be beneficial for times of disasters, with solar and wind power generation, gray water recycling, reduction of resources required, and power/water storage.
There are some devices that can get water from air. They are over $1000 but would be a good investment if you have not love because you would never run out of water. They are capable of producing more than a couple people would need to survive.
You could create your own heat with a wood burning stoves that use pellets. Make sure it is properly vented if you get one.
You could generate your own electricity if you have a backup generator that is solar powered.

Solar powered backup generator
This is advertised on many radio programs, but you could create something that produces three times more power with over three times the battery capacity for 33% less. A decent starter off the grid system that uses solar. You need a solar power, charge controller, an inverter, some batteries, and some know-how. You could possibly find the following used to further reduce the price.
2 x Solartech Multi-Crystalline RV style Solar Panel 85 watt each. $400 + $60 shipping
ASC 12V 16A 192+ Watts Solar Panel Charge Controller $40 including shipping
VECTOR 2000 WATT POWER INVERTER UP TO 17.4 AMPS $150 + $15 shipping
2 x Trojan T-605 6V 210Ah Flooded Lead Acid GC2 Deep Cycle Battery$280 (buy local or have shipped to a reseller)
$50 for wire and an ammeter would be very cool. There's nothing like seeing how many amps you're getting.
$995 total.

Here are some good websites to further get you started;

Monday, September 26, 2011

Something Wonderful Comes This Way (or Is It Wicked?)

The US armed forces will be running A DEFCON 1 - maximum readiness alert drill tomorrow, September 27TH. Now, as many of you know Obama and Top NASA Officials will be in Denver. Here's where it gets Weird. Google Earth Coordinates- W104' 44' 30' N40' 36' 10' - These numbers correlate with Denver International Airport, which did Not exist in 1977. Why's this matter you ask? The Movie- Close Encounters Of The Third Kind was released in 1977. It featured a scene with THOSE Coordinates and they were given to Humans by Aliens. This is what else is ALL happening during Sept 27th: U.S. Congress in recess, British Parliament is Off, British Royals have Nothing scheduled, UN is Off, Pope?, Russian Congress/Duma is Off.

Defcon 1 is the Highest Readiness Alert, which means Nuclear War is Imminent, or something as deadly. The Highest Confirmed Defcon Ever was Level 2 during the Cuban Missile Crisis on October 22, 1962. What's Really going on here?

Well some scientists are now saying that the end of the Mayan calendar is actually October 18 this year. They do agree that the calendar was miscalculated, although some say December 28 2012 instead of December 22 or 23rd. What is interesting is that the now infamous Harold Camping is predicting the rapture on October 21 this year. He is the one who predicted it and the end of the world earlier this summer. The end of the world similar to what so many people have put out about the end of the Mayan calendar being disastrous. Although it technically only speaks of the beginning of a new age. And according to astrology we are in the process of entering the age of Aquarius, a new golden age. The millenniul kingdom of Jesus after Armageddon (end to the world) quite similar.

Something else that is happening in the October, the 17th modem precisely is that the alleged comet Elenin is expected to pass the closest to Earth ever. It has been connected to three massive earthquakes the three times it interacted with our planet. When it passes on the 17th it is expected to pass so close that it will be visible to millions.

Comets and meteors have long been considered astrological heralds of change seen as a sign of severe difficulties. Also a harbinger of the time of purification, a time when we are supposed to focus on purifying ourselves of negativity. Purification is always done before the start of a new era of positive global community. In the Bible we are told that some physical events in outer space (the heavens) are symbolic of a spiritual event.

Scientists, philosophers, theologists suggest that the new age will result in a paradigm shift in human consciousness, physiologically and spiritually, as well some sort of biological evolution. Scientific theory tells us that a base body passing very close to a planet will greatly affect its electrical field. This could greatly affect climate causing violent storms and weather. Specific electrical frequencies are also known to affect the brain and our biology. It can alter our thinking, put us in a trance, and even make us hallucinate hearing voices and seeing things that aren't really there. It can also induce religious and spiritual sensations or ecstasy.

What is really happening is that all of the governments are obviously afraid of something. Maybe simply taking precautions from a real legitimate threat. Perhaps the possibility a disaster that is going to occur as the comet passes. Harold and a new age where we wake up and they lose their power. Afraid of what the masses will do, to them or in general.

It could be something else entirely like the vote on (or creation of) a Palestinian state schedule for any day now. Maybe a terrorist attack, nuclear attack by Iran, or some other big thing such as further massive financial collapse, Conceivably even an attack on Syria. Of course nothing at all may have happen so don't despair. If anything does happen don't doubt that everything will be all right in the end. As always.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Risk TV

Watching prime time TV has become a real gamble the last couple years. There are so many shows you never know if the one you pick to watch will last. Often they are counseled without a resolution to the storyline. The networks don't really care about the viewers. Their primary concern is number of viewers and making money, beating the rival networks. You feel burned when it is a show you like and have dedicated time to watching every episode. It feels like it was a complete waste of your time. Although it was enjoyable while it lasted. I have been burned over 40 times in just the last five years. Yet I always watch the news shows risking getting screwed again. The whole time the thought is in the back of my head, they better not cancel this.

Currently in the balance are the shows - the Killing, Nikita, Chuck, Body of Proof, King. Chuck has been at risk of being canceled almost every year but has somehow survived. The following are a list of TV shows canceled since 2006 which I have seen every episode (* next to the best):
XIII, Endgame, the Cape, *Caprica,*the Defenders, the Event, the Gates, Human Target, Lone Star, No Ordinary Family, Chase, down Lie to Me, Secret Diary of a Call Girl, Off the Map, *Rubicon,*V, Dollhouse, Eastwick,*Heroes, Robin Hood,*Kings, Monk, Flash Forward, Knight Rider, Crusoe,*Life, Reaper,*Terminator Sarah Connor Chronicles, Pushing Daisies, Journeyman, *Traveler, Cavemen, Moonlight, Cane, Bionic Woman, Las Vegas, Phenomenon, the Riches, *Primeval, the Nine, Vanished, *Invasion, *Surface, Heist, Eve, Threshold

At least some of these had a good run instead of just one season. Such as Heroes, Monk, Las Vegas, and Primeval.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Billionaires of the World

1 Carlos Slim Helu & family Mexico 70 53.5 Mexico
2 William Gates III United States 54 53.0 United States
3 Warren Buffett United States 79 47.0 United States
4 Mukesh Ambani India 52 29.0 India
5 Lakshmi Mittal India 59 28.7 United Kingdom
6 Lawrence Ellison United States 65 28.0 United States
7 Bernard Arnault France 61 27.5 France
8 Eike Batista Brazil 53 27.0 Brazil
9 Amancio Ortega Spain 74 25.0 Spain
10 Karl Albrecht Germany 90 23.5 Germany
11 Ingvar Kamprad & family Sweden 83 23.0 Switzerland
12 Christy Walton & family United States 55 22.5 United States
13 Stefan Persson Sweden 62 22.4 Sweden
14 Li Ka-shing Hong Kong 81 21.0 Hong Kong
15 Jim Walton United States 62 20.7 United States
16 Alice Walton United States 60 20.6 United States
17 Liliane Bettencourt France 87 20.0 France
18 S. Robson Walton United States 66 19.8 United States
19 Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud Saudi Arabia 55 19.4 Saudi Arabia
20 David Thomson & family Canada 52 19.0 Canada
21 Michael Otto & family Germany 66 18.7 Germany
22 Lee Shau Kee Hong Kong 82 18.5 Hong Kong
23 Michael Bloomberg United States 68 18.0 United States
24 Sergey Brin United States 36 17.5 United States
24 Charles Koch United States 74 17.5 United States
24 David Koch United States 69 17.5 United States
24 Larry Page United States 37 17.5 United States
28 Michele Ferrero & family Italy 83 17.0 Monaco
28 Kwok family Hong Kong NA 17.0 Hong Kong
28 Azim Premji India 64 17.0 India
31 Theo Albrecht Germany 88 16.7 Germany
32 Vladimir Lisin Russia 53 15.8 Russia
33 Steven Ballmer United States 54 14.5 United States
33 Robert Kuok Malaysia 86 14.5 Hong Kong
35 George Soros United States 79 14.0 United States
36 Anil Ambani India 50 13.7 India
37 Paul Allen United States 57 13.5 United States
37 Michael Dell United States 45 13.5 United States
39 Mikhail Prokhorov Russia 44 13.4 Russia
40 Birgit Rausing & family Sweden 86 13.0 Switzerland
40 Shashi & Ravi Ruia India 66 13.0 India
42 Mikhail Fridman Russia 45 12.7 Russia
43 Jeffrey Bezos United States 46 12.3 United States
44 Savitri Jindal India 60 12.2 India
45 Donald Bren United States 77 12.0 United States
45 Gerald Cavendish Grosvenor & family United Kingdom 58 12.0 United Kingdom
45 John Paulson United States 54 12.0 United States
48 Abigail Johnson United States 48 11.5 United States
48 Jorge Paulo Lemann Brazil 70 11.5 Brazil
50 Roman Abramovich Russia 43 11.2 Russia
51 Susanne Klatten Germany 47 11.1 Germany
52 Iris Fontbona & family Chile NA 11.0 Chile
52 Forrest Mars Jr United States 78 11.0 United States
52 Jacqueline Mars United States 70 11.0 United States
52 John Mars United States 73 11.0 United States
52 Ronald Perelman United States 67 11.0 United States
57 Oleg Deripaska Russia 42 10.7 Russia
58 Vagit Alekperov Russia 59 10.6 Russia
59 Leonardo Del Vecchio Italy 74 10.5 Italy
59 Carl Icahn United States 74 10.5 United States
61 Vladimir Potanin Russia 49 10.3 Russia
62 Philip Knight United States 72 10.2 United States
63 Ricardo Salinas Pliego & family Mexico 54 10.1 Mexico
64 Mohammed Al Amoudi Saudi Arabia 65 10.0 Saudi Arabia
64 Ernesto Bertarelli & family Switzerland 44 10.0 Switzerland
64 Anne Cox Chambers United States 90 10.0 United States
64 George Kaiser United States 67 10.0 United States
64 Hans Rausing Sweden 84 10.0 United Kingdom
64 Joseph Safra Brazil 71 10.0 Brazil
70 Alexei Mordashov Russia 44 9.9 Russia
71 Viktor Rashnikov Russia 61 9.8 Russia
72 German Larrea Mota Velasco & family Mexico 56 9.7 Mexico
73 Sheldon Adelson United States 76 9.3 United States
74 Silvio Berlusconi & family Italy 73 9.0 Italy
74 Dan Duncan United States 77 9.0 United States
74 Kushal Pal Singh India 78 9.0 India
77 Nasser Al-Kharafi & family Kuwait 66 8.7 Kuwait
77 Francois Pinault & family France 73 8.7 France
79 Dmitry Rybolovlev Russia 43 8.6 Russia
80 Iskander Makhmudov Russia 46 8.5 Russia
80 James Simons United States 71 8.5 United States
82 Alberto Bailleres & family Mexico 77 8.3 Mexico
83 German Khan Russia 48 8.2 Russia
84 Eliodoro, Bernardo & Patricia Matte Chile NA 8.1 Chile
85 Edward Johnson III United States 79 8.0 United States
86 Kumar Birla India 42 7.9 India
87 Sunil Mittal India 52 7.8 India
88 John Fredriksen Cyprus 65 7.7 United Kingdom
89 Serge Dassault & family France 84 7.6 France
89 Petr Kellner Czech Republic 45 7.6 Czech Republic
89 Ananda Krishnan Malaysia 71 7.6 Malaysia
89 Tadashi Yanai & family Japan 61 7.6 Japan
93 Mohamed Bin Issa Al Jaber Saudi Arabia 51 7.5 Saudi Arabia
93 Len Blavatnik United States 52 7.5 United Kingdom
93 David & Simon Reuben United Kingdom 67 7.5 United Kingdom
93 Nobutada Saji & family Japan 64 7.5 Japan
93 Alain & Gerard Wertheimer France NA 7.5 NA
93 Vladimir Yevtushenkov Russia 61 7.5 Russia
99 August von Finck Germany 80 7.3 Switzerland
100 Lee Kun-Hee South Korea 68 7.2 South Korea
100 Alisher Usmanov Russia 56 7.2 Russia
100 Galen Weston & family Canada 69 7.2 Canada

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Most Influential People

Rank Name Organization Age
1 Hu Jintao President People's Republic of China 68
2 Barack Obama President United States of America 49
3 Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz al Saud King Saudi Arabia 86
4 Vladimir Putin Prime Minister Russia 58
5 Pope Benedict XVI Pope Roman Catholic Church 84
6 Angela Merkel Chancellor Germany 56
7 David Cameron Prime Minister United Kingdom 44
8 Ben Bernanke Chairman Federal Reserve 57
9 Sonia Gandhi President Indian National Congress 64
10 Bill Gates Co-Chair Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation 55
11 Zhou Xiaochuan Governor People's Bank of China 63
12 Dmitry Medvedev President Russia 45
13 Rupert Murdoch CEO News Corp. 80
14 Silvio Berlusconi & family Prime Minister Italy 74
15 Jean-Claude Trichet President European Central Bank 68
16 Dilma Rousseff President Brazil 63
17 Tim Cook CEO Apple Corp. 50
18 Manmohan Singh Prime Minister India 78
19 Nicolas Sarkozy President France 56
20 Hillary Clinton Secretary of State USA 63
21 Carlos Slim Helu & family Chairman Telmex 71
22 Larry Page Co-Founder Google 38
22 Sergey Brin Co-Founder Google 37
23 Michael Bloomberg Mayor New York City 69
24 Benjamin Netanyahu Prime Minister Israel 61
25 Michael Duke CEO Wal-Mart 61
26 Ali Hoseini-Khamenei Grand Ayatollah Iran 71
27 Yoshihiko Noda Prime Minister Japan 64
28 Timothy Geithner Secretary of the Treasury United States of America 49
29 Ashfaq Parvez Kayani Chief of Army Staff Pakistan 59
30 Lou Jiwei Chairman China Investment Corporation 60
31 Kim Jong-il Supreme Leader North Korea 69
32 Li Changchun Propaganda Chief People's Republic of China 67
33 Warren Buffett CEO Berkshire Hathaway 80
34 Mukesh Ambani Chairman Reliance Industries 54
35 Jeffrey Immelt CEO General Electric 55
36 Li Ka-shing Chairman Hutchison Whampoa & Chueng Kong Holdings 83
37 Christine Lagarde Managing Director IMF 55
38 Masaaki Shirakawa Governor Bank of Japan 61
39 Dalai Lama Dalai Lama Tibet 75
40 Mark Zuckerberg Founder Facebook 27
41 Ban Ki-moon Secretary-General United Nations 67
42 Lloyd Blankfein CEO Goldman Sachs 56
43 Bernard Arnault Chairman Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy 62
44 Lakshmi Mittal Chairman ArcelorMittal ADS 61
45 Robert Zoellick President The World Bank Group 57
46 Robin Li CEO Baidu 42
47 Jamie Dimon Chairman JPMorgan Chase 55
48 Larry Fink CEO BlackRock 58
49 Rex Tillerson CEO ExxonMobil 59
50 Jill Abrahamson Executive Editor The New York Times 57
51 Sebastian Pinera President Chile 61
52 Igor Sechin Deputy Prime Minister Russia 50
53 Abdalla Salem El-Badri Secretary General OPEC 71
54 Charles Koch CEO Koch Industries 75
54 David Koch Executive Vice President Koch Industries 71
55 Masayoshi Son CEO SoftBank 53
56 Khalifa bin Zayed Al-Nahyan President UAE 63
57 Ayman Al-Zawahri Leader Al Qaida 53
58 Eike Batista CEO EBX Group 54
59 Bill Gross Co-Founder PIMCO 67
60 Joaquin Guzman Loera Drug Trafficker Sinaloa Cartel 56
61 Ratan Tata Chairman Tata Sons 73
62 Wang Yong Chairman State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council of China (SASAC) 56
63 Dawood Ibrahim Kaskar Leader D-Company 55
64 Oprah Winfrey Media Personality The Oprah Winfrey Show 57
65 Joseph "Sepp" Blatter President International Federation of Association Football (FIFA) 75
66 Jeff Bezos CEO Amazon 47
67 Jacques Rogge President International Olympic Committee 69
68 Julian Assange Editor-In-Chief WikiLeaks 40
69 Steve Jobs Chairman Apple Corp. 56
70 Steve Wozniak Co-founder Apple Corp. 61
71 Ronald Wayne Co-founder Apple Corp. 77
72 Larry Ellison CEO Oracle Corp. 67
73 Paul Otellini Pres. and CEO Intel Corp. 60

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Where Were You?

All of the news and reflecting on 9/11 this week has got me thinking, where were you that fateful September day? I was sleeping in after a late night on the computer. My mother woke me up to tell me that a plane had hit the WTC. My reaction was something like "yeah right" or "no way". After being convinced it really happened I felt that it was an accident. I decided to keep dosing as I knew there would be plenty of coverage later to see. I remember it was a really nice day outside, quite sunny. I could hear the TV a little bit in the other room, and my parents having breakfast. I heard what sounded like just repeats about the first airplane when my mom came in. She told me that another plane just hit the other tower. She turned on CNN on my TV to hear. With this though I had to get up. I knew right away that this was no accident. As did the media who on every channel began to say that US was under attack. I was only watching until the first collapse. I felt shock like everybody but I also felt great disbelief. My senses were telling me that a collapse like that wasn't possible from an airplane strike. Immediately before the second collapse I was on the Internet starting to research. Nothing was adding up or making sense. Even with my basic understanding of science and physics I knew something was fishy. As well as having a strong feeling terrorists could pull this off. I have been researching every aspect since.

I also thinking about where I was in life at that time as well. I was in the first real serious relationship of my life. 9/11 marked the beginning of the end of it. The news of the day as well as a playlist from the time that is all about her that somehow played just two days ago has me thinking about her. I haven't thought about her in the over eight years. The relationship always complicated and it did not end very well. It is bittersweet and unpleasant to think about, even though it was the best time of my life.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Global 500

2010 Most Profitable Companies

Rank - Company - Global 500 Rank - 2009 Profits (millions) - % change from 2008
1 Gazprom 50 24,555.7 -17.8
2 Exxon Mobil 3 19,280.0 -57.4
3 Industrial &Commercial Bank of China 87 18,832.2 18.1
4 BP 4 16,578.0 -21.6
5 China Construction Bank 116 15,627.9 17.3
6 Petrobras 54 15,504.0 -17.9
7 Barclays 96 14,648.3 82.3
8 Microsoft 115 14,569.0 -17.6
9 Wal-Mart 1 14,335.0 7
10 Vodafone 80 13,782.3 165.6
11 Procter &Gamble 66 13,436.0 11.3
12 IBM 48 13,425.0 8.8
13 Goldman Sachs 134 13,385.0 476.4
14 Merck 294 12,901.3 65.2
15 AT&T 21 12,535.0 -2.6
16 Royal Dutch Shell 2 12,518.0 -52.4
17 Banco Santander 37 12,430.3 -4.3
18 Wells Fargo 46 12,275.0 362.3
19 Johnson &Johnson 108 12,266.0 -5.3
20 Bank of China 143 11,867.5 28.2
21 Total 14 11,740.9 -24.3
22 J.P. Morgan Chase 25 11,728.0 109.2
23 EXON 27 11,670.0 529.8
24 China Mobile 77 11,656.3 1.9
25 Petronas 107 11,649.1 -23.9
26 General Electric 13 11,025.0 -36.7
27 Telefónica 68 10,808.3 -2.7
28 Bristol-Myers Squibb 405 10,612.0 102.2
29 Chevron 11 10,483.0 -56.2
30 China National Petroleum 10 10,272.5 0
31 Nestlé 44 9,604.0 -42.4
32 Agricultural Bank of China 141 9,514.1 28.5
33 Pfizer 140 8,635.0 6.6
34 GlaxoSmithKline 163 8,625.6 2.2
35 Novartis 160 8,400.0 2.5
36 BNP Paribas 18 8,106.2 83.3
37 Berkshire Hathaway 28 8,055.0 61.3
38 Hewlett-Packard 26 7,660.0 -8
39 Samsung 32 7,562.1 50.4
40 AstraZeneca 226 7,521.0 23.3
41 Enel 60 7,498.8 -3.2
42 Sanofi-Aventis 169 7,318.1 29.8
43 Roche Group 153 7,168.9 -13.5
44 Lukoil 93 7,011.0 -23.3
45 Deutsche Bank 113 6,912.2 N.A.
46 Coca-Cola 245 6,824.0 17.5
47 Google 355 6,520.4 54.3
48 Rosneft Oil 211 6,514.0 -41.4
49 Philip Morris 331 6,342.0 -8
50 Bank of America 15 6,276.0 56.6

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Everybody Wants to Rule the World

If you want to know where the true power of the world lies, follow the money - cui bono. This article I will look into who controls the money and who makes the money. As well as who has lots of the money. For with control of money can come control of energy, food, health, and our very lives. Lots of money is made by corporations and goes to its owners. While other wealthy control things to manipulate events that effect money and companies. With interests in who directs the control of money and who makes the most. Governments and institutions also influence and control much of what happens. Also themselves controlled.

bechtel $16 billion, k=ch industries $50 billion , Mars $18.2 billion,
The most influential companies all making over $1 billion are AIG (American international group), General Electric, Apple, Unilever, J.P. Morgan Case, Wal-Mart, News Corporation, Toyota, Saudi Aramco, Monsanto, Huawei, Google, 3M, Autodesk, China Mobile, Jarden, Intuit, Japan steelworks, Nielsen, Microsoft, Nike
Some up and coming influential companies are Sirius XM, YKK, Li&Fung Ltd., Facebook,HCL Technologies, Craigslist, SKS Microfinance, Twitter

According to Global Finance magazine, as of 2010 the world’s five biggest banks are all based in Rothschild fiefdoms of UK and France. They are the French BNP ($3 trillion in assets), Royal Bank of Scotland ($2.7 trillion), the UK-based HSBC Holdings ($2.4 trillion), the French Credit Agricole ($2.2 trillion) and the British Barclays ($2.2 trillion). In the US, a combination of deregulation and merger-mania has left four mega-banks ruling the financial roost. According to Global Finance, as of 2010 they are Bank of America ($2.2 trillion), JP Morgan Chase ($2 trillion), Citigroup ($1.9 trillion) and Wells Fargo ($1.25 trillion). They are the big four of US banking. Fifth on the list is Goldman Sachs ($880 billion). Speculators led by Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley. Some of the largest finance companies in the world are Chinese.

The big four petrochemical companies are:: Exxon Mobil, Chevron Texaco, BP Amoco and Royal Dutch/Shell.
Largest refiners and marketers of crude oil in all of its various end-product forms. Combined they own all of the pipelines and most of the tankers. They control over half of the worlds uranium reserves.
- Royal Dutch/Shell number one producer in natural gas, ENCOAL and Evergreen Mining, BHP Billiton largest mining company tin and gold, close to 2nd largest mining firm - Rio Tinto, aluminum, sulphur, timber, Anglo Potash and Athabasca Potash trying to get control of 30% of potash, with Potash Corp
- Exxon Mobil owns Duke Energy natural gas, interests in power generation like owning Hong Kong-based China Light & Power, leading coal producer and second-largest reserves, Superior Oil and Falconbridge Mining, Canada’s largest producers of platinum and nickel. Hecla Mining, one of the top copper and silver producers, and Carter Mining, one of the top five phosphate producers needed to process uranium, while phosphoric acid is key to petrochemical production,.
- Chevron Texaco owns Dynegy natural gas, Pittsburgh & Midway Coal Mining, 20% of AMAX mining group leading producer of tungsten
- BP Amoco Arco bauxite where we get aluminum, one of the top six
- Conoco Phillips, Burlington resources largest coal reserves

Largest defense contractors are BAE Systems, Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics, Raytheon, EADS, Finmeccanica, L-3 Communications, Thales Group. 14 of the top 20 are American, the first being British and the next five American

The top car companies Toyota, General Motors, Volkswagen, Ford, Honda, Nissan, PSA Peugeot, Hyundai, Suzuki, Fiat

Top Petrochemical Companies: BASF Largest Chemical Corporation, Dow: Exxon Mobil, Shell,.Lyondellbasell, Ineos, Sabic, Sinopec, Mitsubishi Chemical, DuPont

Cargill $108 billion, BASF $63 billion, Archers Daniels Midland $61 billion, DOW $54 billion, Bunge Ltd. $52.5 billion, Sysco Corporation $37 billion, DuPont $33 billion, Tyson Foods $27 billion, CHS Inc. $26 billion, Monsanto $10 billion, Syngenta $11 billion, felleskjepet $10.8 billion, agrium foods $10 billion, navistar international $10 billion, AGCO Massey Ferguson $7 billion, the Mosaic Company $7 billion, Dole $7 billion, JR Simplot, $5 billion, Land O Lakes $5 billion, Perdue Farms $5 billion, Chiquita Brands International $4 million, Golden State foods $4 billion, agriliance llc $2 billion, COFCO China agri-industries holdings Ltd.

Cargill, JBS, and Tyson control over 80% of beef-packing, most of the cattle feedlot industry, dominate the pork, chicken and turkey industries. Cargill is also the largest grain processor, handling half of global grain supplies.
The largest seed producers: Monsanto, DuPont, syngenta
The largest food companies: Nestlé, Unilever, PepsiCo, Kraft, Coca-Cola, General Mills

"Today, seven Jewish Americans run the vast majority of US television networks, the printed press, the Hollywood movie industry, the book publishing industry, and the recording industry. Most of these industries are bundled into huge media conglomerates run by the following seven individuals:
Gerald Levin, CEO and Director of AOL Time Warner
Michael Eisner, Chairman and CEO of the Walt Disney Company (Shamrock Holdings)
Edgar Bronfman, Sr. Chairman of Seagram Company Ltd
Edgar Bronfman, Jr, President and CEO of Seagram Company Ltd and head of Universal Studios
Sumner Redstone, Chairman and CEO of Viacom, Inc
Dennis Dammerman, Vice Chairman of General Electric
Peter Chernin, President and Co-COO of News Corporation Limited
Those seven Jewish men collectively control ABC, NBC, CBS, the Turner Broadcasting System, CNN, MTV, Universal Studios, MCA Records, Geffen Records, DGC Records, GRP Records, Rising Tide Records, Curb/Universal Records, and Interscope Records.
Most of the larger independent newspapers are owned by Jewish interests as well. An example is media mogul is Samuel I. "Si" Newhouse, who owns two dozen daily newspapers from Staten Island to Oregon, plus the Sunday supplement Parade; the Conde Nast collection of magazines, including Vogue, The New Yorker, Vanity Fair, Allure, GQ, and Self; the publishing firms of Random House, Knopf, Crown, and Ballantine, among other imprints; and cable franchises with over one million subscribers."
The other major media controllers include Ted Turner, and Rupert Murdoch, chairman and CEO of news Corp., owner of Fox, Wall Street Journal, the British Sun, the Times and Sunday Times, 20th Century Fox, DirecTV, dow Jones

Disney $38 billion, news Corp. $32 billion, Time Warner $27 billion, Bertelsmann $15 billion,Viacom $9 billion, Comcast $37 billion, General Electric $80 billion, Sony $48 billion, Seagram $14 billion

CBS Leslie Moonves chairman, Nancy Tellem president
Comcast Brian L Roberts chairman, president and CEO
Gannett Co. Craig A Dupbow chairman president and CEO
90 daily newspapers, 1000 weekly newspapers, 23 TV stations
Hearst Corp. George Randolph Hearst Jr Chairman, Frank A Bennack Jr Vice Chairman and CEO
15 daily 38 weekly newspapers, 300 magazines, 29 TV stations, A&E 37.5% ESPN 20% TSN 30% lifetime 50%, Cosmopolitan, Country Living, Esquire, Good Housekeeping, Harper's Bazaar, Marie Claire, O, The Oprah Magazine, Popular Mechanics, Redbook, Seventeen, SmartMoney, Teen, Town & Country, King features syndicate
New York Times company Arthur Ochs Sulzberger Jr Chairman, 18 other newspapers
Vivendi SA, organizacoes globo, Lagardere group
Bell Canada George Cope CEO $16 billion
Bell CTVglobemedia ivan fecan president CEO, Thompson family 40% Bell Canada 15%, Ontario teachers 25%, Torstar 15%, TSN, discovery communications 80%
Rogers Alan Horn chairman, Nadir Mohamed CEO $11 billion
Shaw communications $11 billion, global television, starchoice satellite, JR Shaw chairman Peter J bissonnette president
discovery communications 28 brands and 100 camels, 180 countries $4 billion
Axel Springer AG Matthias dopfner CEO and chairman $3 billion 230 magazines and newspapers, 36 countries

Top Telecommunications Companies: AT&T, China Mobile, Vodafone, Verizon, Bharti Airtel, Telefonic, Deutsche Telekom, America Movil, NTT Como, France Telecom, Nippon T & T

Prominent Food Companies
$35 billion JBS S.A. is the world’s largest processor and marketer of chicken, beef, and pork. Smithfield Foods is the world's largest pork processor and hog producer.
DuPont (Ellen Kullman) and Monsanto Company are the leading producers of pesticide, seeds, and other farming products.
Both Archer Daniels Midland (Patricia woertz) and Cargill process grain into animal feed and a diverse group of products. ADM also provides agricultural storage and transportation services, while Cargill operates a finance wing.
$52.5 billion Bunge Limited is a global soybean exporter and is also involved in food processing, grain trading, and fertilizer.
$109 billion off of Nestlé is the world's largest food and beverage company.
$49 billion Kraft is apparently the world's second largest food company, following its acquisition of Cadbury in 2010.
$71 billion Unilever is an Anglo-Dutch company that owns many of the world's consumer product brands in foods and beverages.
$57 billion PepsiCo is the largest U.S.-based food and beverage company.
$35 billion Coca-Cola Co.
$7 billion Dole Food Company is the world's largest fruit company. Chiquita Brands International $4.8 billion, another U.S.-based fruit company, is the leading distributor of bananas in the United States. Sunkist Growers, Incorporated is a U.S.-based grower's cooperative.
$37 billion Sysco Corporation, mainly catering to North America, is one of the world's largest food distributors.
$14 billion General Mills is the world's sixth biggest food manufacturing company.

$9.5 billion Grupo Bimbo is one of the most important baking companies in brand and trademark positioning, sales, and production volume around the world.

The largest pharmaceutical companies are Johnson and Johnson, Pfizer, Roche, GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, Sanofi-Aventis, AstraZeneca, Abbott laboratories, Merck and Co., Bayer, Eli Lily, Bristol-Myers Squibb. They are all located in the United States, United Kingdom, Switzerland, France, and Germany. Six of the 12 are headquartered in the US. Two in Switzerland at two in the UK.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Proliferate Me

The downfall of the Gadhafi regime has become worriful to the international community for proliferation of weapons. Roughly 10 years ago Gadhafi got rid of his nuclear arsenal to rejoin the world and have UN sanctions removed. The nuclear arsenal was taken by the US and UK, and most of the chemical and biological weapons he had were disposed of.

According to many sources the West had planned to take out Libya even before that time. It appears the welcoming back into the greater global community had specific goals. Gadhafi was still disliked and distrusted. He was still in the way of the country becoming more entwined in the international structure controlled by the West. The oil was nationalized and they do not have a central bank that worked with the central banks organization.

The reduction of really dangerous weapons would be very useful if you were to go to war with them in the future. The removal of sanctions allowed him to purchase many more traditional weapons from the West. He stockpiled quite a few more modern weapons to go with the huge amount of Soviet era weapons. Libya had huge numbers of heatseeking missiles and other equipment that is greatly used to make IED's. Although the biological weapons were mostly destroyed they still have a lot of mustard gas. Another story is that weapons recently stolen from different Balkan countries have been turning up in Libya. Suspiciously they suspected terrorists stole them, in countries where Al Qaeda has operated.

All of these weapons are currently in abandoned weapons depots and dumps. Nobody is protecting them and the media are witnessing many people going in and taking weapons that are not secure. There is an influx of weapons going into the public and rebel forces.

What is most troubling is that the rebel forces are not just receiving help from NATO and intelligence agencies like the CIA, M16, and DGSE. Rumors of the Israeli Mossad as well. Apparently special forces such as Delta Force and the SAS were assisting the rebels. The creepy part is that Al Qaeda and known terrorist associates are part of the rebel forces. In fact one of the higher ups used to be an Al Qaeda member. The governments are right to worry about the weapons ending up in the hands of extremists or African rebels.

The conflict in Libya seems to be proving clearly that the West and CIA have always worked league with Al Qaeda. Like all other evidence most people will never likely be aware of this new evidence. If any of these weapons are involved in a future terrorist attack it seemed like their acquisition of involved weapons was facilitated by us. There is also a possibility that a conflict may spread to be between the new Libyan government and African neighbors. The African Union is refusing to recognize the new government, and are loyal to Gadhafi. The AU is also suggest possible mass killings of black workers.