Monday, August 29, 2011

Social Controls

In a previous article I pointed out how food is one of the ways we, society, are controlled. There are several techniques used by different controllers such as the elite, governments, corporations, and organizations. They use different theories of technique such as divide and conquer, chaos theory, mind manipulation, and breaking. Another of these theories/techniques to get people happy and controlled often used by the military is called heart and minds. It is basically a method to win the people over to your side or way of thinking. Influencing the mind is easy through propaganda, education, mind control, media, and fear. Influencing the heart is basically influencing emotional response. It uses some of the mind techniques but also sickness, poverty, racism and hatred, finances, etc. All of these techniques are most effective when the majority are unaware they are being used against them.

Chaos theory is the idea of using confusion, chaos, and destruction to your advantage and rebuilding afterwards. It involves climate change, disasters, food shortages, warfare, financial collapse, terrorism, politics, and over information.

One of the best ways to control a population is through the food supply. We have all heard that the best way to a man's heart is through his stomach. The food supply can easily be used subvertly to manipulate people mentally and physically, and therefore emotionally. Not just negatively but what is seen by the elite as positive. Such as using fluoride to calm and minorly sedate the masses. Our diet is controlled via genetic engineering, chemical fertilizer, pesticides, antibiotics and hormones, nutrient reduction, industrial farming, processed and artificial foods,fluoride and chemicals in the water, pricing , and even overmedication. Bad nutrition can affect our bodies physically and mentally, making or contributing to other controls. Other controls that food can help are health, education, willpower and finances.

Finances are also one of the great controls. It can affect our ability to access quality food, education, information, and healthcare as well as actually acquiring money. Another aspect is the worship of the god of money Mammon, being materialistic and trying to keep up with the Joneses. A lot of people will almost do anything for money, they will sell out morals and ethics, overwork, and even compromise their families.

Education or lack of education is also one of the big controllers. The ability to read greatly determines one's success in life. Without it computers, now almost necessary, are impossible to use. Books and the Internet have become the greatest sources of knowledge available. Although it could also be used as disinformation and it is necessary to be able to compare different sources. Standardized science and formal education are ways that alternative and different information is kept from society.

Education goes hand-in-hand with the media (movies, TV, music, news, literature), and advertising. It uses mind control, propaganda, and is one of the best methods of divide and conquer. The media can affect your education and finances. Giving misinformation or making you materialistic, along with desiring bad food or technology to make you less social. The media is also connected to the occult using occult symbolism and terminology. Media can control us via;
desensitization - overexposure of violence, hatred, sex
distraction - multimedia, sports, Internet, work, shopping
over stimulation, information overload

Organized religion has often been considered the largest method of control over mankind. It is just one of the methods which uses misinformation, hatred, and enthusiasm. Organized religion is very much like a large corporation. Other corporations that use any of these methods to control are petrochemicals, chemicals, big oil, finance, pharmaceuticals, big corporations, media, military industrial complex, defense security, and of course government. Many of these work in cooperation with non-governmental agencies, thainternational groups and think tanks. Elite members of all of the above are often members of secret societies with ideals against the majority of society. This is why occult symbolism and terminology is used a lot unbeknownst to most people. They believe that it can be used to increase their power and ability to control us.

These groups use technology to monitor us, manipulate us, and affect our biosphere living conditions. Technology is used to make us less social and to directly affect us. Security is monitoring with CCTV, handheld devices, satellite cameras, CCTV equipped with loud speakers and microphones, behavior monitoring AI. They ruined our biosphere with pollution - water (medicine, chemicals, chlorine, sewage), air (greenhouse gases, chemtrails, noise), soil degradation, radiation, electronic. As well as weather control and manipulation. Which is a good part of chaos theory.

According to occult thought another control is that of magick said to be in use by secret societies and the "shadow government". They believe it gives some power over others to them. The magick (to differentiate from stage magic) of today is a combination of ceremonial black magic, hermetic, Kabbalah, enochian, thelema, grimoires. They also practice witchcraft with it's influences of ceremonial magic, folk magic, Freemasonry, Theosophy, Romanticism, Druidry, classic mythology and Asian religions, masonry and Rosicrucians, Golden Dawn (hermetic Kabbalah, proper magic), aa Argenteum astrum (Aleister Crowley), Curch of Satan (Anton LeVay). Neopaganism is religion influenced by pagan and sometimes dark traditions, witchcraft, the craft, gardener Wicca, Alexandrian Wicca,

All of these social controls are used by the controllers, the elite, secret societies, government and nongovernment agencies, and big corporation. The next post will list some of the controllers.

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