Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Anointed One

Jesus had a dual nature. In addition to being fully divine, Jesus is fully human. He has both an infinite divine mind and a finite human mind. He has a human body, emotions, mind and will, but this doesn't compromise his deity in any way. He was born, grew up, experienced being a child and a youth. He got tired, hungry and emotional. His body had the normal physical weaknesses and he died. Jesus experienced the full range of emotion. He marveled, was sorrowful, deeply moved, troubled, and even cried. Many suggested that he was always serious because a sense of humor is never mentioned in the Bible. There shouldn't be any doubt that Jesus also had times of happiness, laughed, joked around, and enjoyed family friends and life. He probably enjoyed music, food, nice weather, friendship, and beauty in its many forms. His childhood was probably quite normal, playing games, having passtimes, tantrums and general badness. He had the normal fears and desires. He likely grew angry at times but there is evidence that he had much better control of his emotions and will. He was intelligent, insightful, spiritual and increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God greater than most. Upon his baptism he could be said to know all things. He was fully aware of his divinity and his mission, possibly at a young age. Most of his childhood and young adulthood are likely left out of the Gospels because they were so normal. Another possibility is that the gospel authors simply weren't aware of his youth. There is some evidence that he traveled with his relatives and learned from many different sources.

He is also known as the Christ Jesus, Messiah Yehoshua (Yeshua God saves), Christos Iesous, Mesah Isa. He has also been called Joshua (God is salvation). The anointed (set apart to be special, holy) savior who taught a sure method to reach salvation. The living incarnate of God, same as several previous incarnations before him. We are to be loyal to him and his teachings foremost, not the Church. He is salvation if we have faith, which means doing exactly as his example no excuses. The gospel or good word of Jesus tells us how to do it. That we can be redeemed of all the bad things we've done if we try very very hard to be like him, channel our own inner divinity. The primary lesson and responsibility being universal love, and recognition and love of God with our entirety.

Yehoshua (Joshua) > Yeshua (Jeshua) > Yeshu (Josue) > Iesous (Greek), Iesus (Latin) or Jesus (English)
Gesu (Italian), Hesus (Spanish)
Iesus (old English), Esus or Hesus (Druids or Gaul), Iesu (Welsh), Heus (Celtic), Aesar (Irish), Euzus (Breton)
Eesa (Arabic), Issa Al-Massih
Isa-Masih (Hindu), Krishna (Christ) of Hindostan,

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