Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Glass Ceiling

everybody is crazy. The US media and politicians all are calling today a historic day. What is historic about not acting responsible? Once again they are avoiding the real problems. They certainly aren't solving anything. Raising the debt ceiling and reducing the deficit don't do anything but avoid default or spending more than they can manipulate around. Raising the debt ceiling is basically like increasing your line of credit. As if you can go to the bank and tell them I am increasing my credit. It simply allows the government to go further in debt every year without repercussions. Reducing the deficit just slows down the rate at which you go into debt. It is not so fantastic, it is like nobody knows what deficit means. It means that more is being spent than is being made. If nothing else changes the debt ceiling will have to be raised again within two years. it appears to me nothing, a ceiling made out of glass.

Interestingly the US is only one of two countries in the world to have a debt ceiling, the other country is Denmark. Other companies with parliamentary systems vote on limits but it is tied to the budget. Most of these countries have a balanced budget law which basically means they must try to avoid a deficit. Or at least have as small a deficit as possible. It would benefit to US to introduce a balanced budget law. Then it would be much easier to get out of the red and actually into the black.

Although the bill aims to make spending cuts to reduce the deficit is now signed, they know the total they are to cut but haven't decided how much to cut where. A bipartisan committee is to be formed in the next two weeks to figure that out. They are taking of taking a balanced approach. Obama has signaled that he is still going to work on closing corporate loopholes, removing the tax cut for the wealthy. Another word today was fair but that would require everybody (as well as companies who consider themselves an individual) pay the same tax percentage.

Most of the talk today was that now the focus has to be on jobs. Except nobody is saying how they will do that, nothing so far is working. Although what they are trying isn't very big. So much that there is talk of a third stimulus not that the first two did anything. The corporations say they are holding onto it because of economic instability and will hire when things look at the stable. Consumer spending in the US is down and saving is up which tells you the public is also not very confident about the economy.

[caption id="attachment_428" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="double Heliostat solar Tower plant"]double Heliostat solar Tower plant[/caption]
Jobs will increase stability and get the economy going. Some ways to create jobs and revenue would be:
-big investment in infrastructure, repairs, new corridors, rapid transit, R&D
-new stimulus available to all companies as long as it is used to create jobs
-create corporations to provide cheaper housing and vehicles to the public
-reduce the credit card and mortgage rates, property taxes (people spend)
-create energy shift program to give all houses solar shingles, wind turbines, power storage, rain collecting, on demand water heater, and a garden (manufacturing, installation, maintenance)
-big investment in alternative energy R&D, get mostly off oil
-solar power Heliostat towers, solar farms, off shore wind farms, wind turbines on the oil platforms in the Gulf
-make the prisons make products to sell, reduce the population of all who aren't a threat to others (burglary, drugs)
-program to give all houses a monitored security system, $2 a month fee
-flat 20% tax rate (public and corporate) less for small businesses so they grow
-legalize drugs and tax it (jobs, tax revenue, police and prison savings)

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