Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Already Underway

The war with Iran is already underway. Although not being fought with overt military action, hostile actions are already happening. Direct military conflict is only a matter of time. Although that probably wouldn't happen until after a few things fall in place. They will likely continually weaken Iran while continuing to develop complete spectral dominance. Syria will likely be destabilized until taken out of the equation, possibly attacked. Also it likely wouldn't happen until after the majority of alliance soldiers in Afghanistan are out of harms way. Without major developments it likely won't happen within the year.

The US Air Force, Air and Space Command are nearing the point where they will be able to target and destroy Iran's electrical and computer networks via cyber warfare. While at the same time making the US immune to it. The US is also continuing to step up development of a global missile defense network. Building up defenses in Eastern Europe, Turkey, and Israel who are being integrated into US control. To protect them (and Europe) from Iranian retaliation when Iran is hit. All necessary for complete dominance.

Covert and black ops against Iran are currently being carried out and stepped up by the US, Israel, and UK. Via spies, drones, assassinations, and sabotage. The Iranians have captured quite a few allied spies recently, as well as a US drone. There have also been mysterious deaths of Iranian scientists and some mysterious explosions at Iranian facilities. Explosions occurring in great numbers after many years of never having any problems. They blamed the UK and Israeli Mossad.

In November the US declared that Iran and Hezbollah of Lebanon helped Al Qaeda with the attacks of 9/11. Although all evidence points to other parties. They also found Iran we will for $100 billion in damages. Necessary to pass off Iran at the next necessary in the war on terror. Interestingly a lawsuit against Saudi Arabia for involvement with 9/11 was dropped only short before. Coinciding with the supposed Iranian plot to kill a Saudi ambassador. Which was used by Washington and Saudi Arabia to further build the coalition against Iran. It was used to ratchet up sanctions too.

Aaccusations against Tehran by Washington, Israel and allies, including international organizations, like the United Nation have increased once again. The International Atomic Energy Association (I.A.E.A.) for example released a report manipulated with information from the intelligence services of the U.S. and its allies. Old information that was discarded earlier for being false by the I.A.E.A. and reinvented the very same information as “potentially” or "possible". Language intended to mislead public opinion. Recently appointed Director-General Yukiya Amano, even violated the regulations of the I.A.E.A. in composing the report and its clandestine release to a few I.A.E.A. members. Amano’s report also knowingly released a list of Iranian scientists working on the nuclear energy program, knowing that it would place their lives in danger with assassinations attempts.

The current coalition who are all willing to be involved in open military conflict with Iran if it arises is growing. At the moment it includes the US, Israel, UK, NATO (France, Germany, Canada, Italy, Turkey,, Norway, Denmark, etc.), and the GCC + 2 (Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, the U.A.E., Oman, and Qatar + Egypt and Jordan). Australia and New Zealand would probably also provide assistance.
Russia has recently said they would be on standby (in case involved in the conflict) but would provide technical and logistical support against Iran. The Chinese would stand down like always, instead of conflict. India would also be on standby just in case but not involved.

It appears that if Iran doesn't respond to aggression the excuses used against Afghanistan and Iraq will be combined to justify attacking Iran.

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