The Geostationary Satellite System is a system of several satellites permanently located over North America and ground-based elements. Operated by the United States NESDIS, the system provides a continuous stream of environmental data. Every 30 minutes the satellites send back to Earth the data they have gathered. Including a signal that tells them how strong the magnetic field of the earth is. On September 11, 2001 there were two GEOS satellites over North America and they showed that the magnetic field spiked in ways that scientists hadn't ever seen before. It made the scientists ask what was going on. To create such a spike to the magnetic field of the earth which sustains all life.
The scientists noted that the spike appeared at 9 AM Eastern Standard Time. What was roughly 15 minutes after the first plane hit the first tower of the World Trade Center. It took about 15 minutes for the images of what was happening in New York to be carried by the media to all of the world. During that 15 minutes the people of the world, billions of people, had a genuine heart based response. They weren't thinking so much as merely feeling. Some of it was anger, some of it shock, disbelief, etc. but it was purely heart based emotion. The scientists believe it was this combined effect of so many human hearts experiencing such strong emotion at the same time that spiked the field. They didn't tie it all together at first but it wasn't long after 9/11 that they came to this idea.
The key was that in that it took something horrible to bring the people of the earth together. In that moment of outpouring. The question is can we achieve the same effect without having a disaster. The search for the answer has led to a series of studies through the Institute Of Heart Math in northern California. A project that is called the Global Coherence Initiative where they have developed a network of ground-based sensors. Sensors located in many different places throughout the world which are independently measuring the fields and the relationship of human response to these fields. The project is telling us a lot about our relationship to the field. Their research is beginning to change the way mainstream science thinks of our relationship with the world and brings new meaning to the Gaia theory.
The Institute has always studied and taught about the condition of coherence. Specifically heart-brain coherence. The term "coherence" in a broad context describes more ordered mental and emotional processes as well as more ordered and harmonious interactions among various physiological systems. It is the harmonious flow of information, cooperation, and order among the subsystems of a larger system. It allows for the emergence of more complex systemwide functions. This context refers to higher-order cooperation among the physical subsystems (such as the heart, brain, glands, and organs) as well as between the cognitive, emotional, and physical systems, an important aspect of coherence. It is the rhythm of the heart that sets the beat for the entire system. The heart's rhythmic beat influences brain processes that control the autonomic nervous system, cognitive function, and emotions. By changing the rhythm of the heart, system-wide dynamics can be quickly and dramatically changed. The state of coherence supports healing, cooperation and peace.
When we have positive emotions and are calm, our heart rate variability fluctuates smoothly around our average heart rate. For all positive people independent of age, our heart rate variability repeats itself once every 10 sec – or 1 cycle per 10 sec which is 0.1 Hz. When we are negative or even if we are positive but have a long-time pattern of negativity, the heart rate variability has a more chaotic pattern. Their sensors have measured a 0.1 Hz magnetic field fluctuation of the Earth’s magnetic field, like it's heartbeat. When our body is in a state of coherence we are also in coherence with the earth, or in tune with the Earth's rhythm. Therefore if we are in fact part of a even larger system which includes the earth we can also alter the Earth with our bodies.
In 1952 physicist Winfried Otto Schumann mathematically predicted the global electromagnetic resonance phenomenon. Schumann resonances occur because the space between the surface of the Earth and the conductive ionosphere acts as a closed waveguide. The limited dimensions of the Earth cause this waveguide to act as a resonant cavity for electromagnetic waves in the ELF band. The cavity is naturally excited by electric currents in lightning. Schumann resonances are the principal background in the electromagnetic spectrum beginning at 3 Hz and extend to 60 Hz, and appear as distinct peaks at extremely low frequencies (ELF). This lowest-frequency (and highest-intensity) mode of the Schumann resonance occurs at a frequency of approximately 7.83 Hz, but this frequency can vary slightly from a variety of factors.The higher resonance modes are spaced at approximately 6.5 Hz intervals, a characteristic attributed to the atmosphere's spherical geometry.
It was discovered that there is a similarity between the earth resonance and the rhythms of the human brain
waves. The human brain waves also have a similar range.
Delta waves 0.1-4 Hz unconscious, deep sleep
Theta 4-8 dreamy, creative
Alpha 8-14 meditation, relaxation
Beta 14-50, consciously aware, agitated, afraid
Solar activity has the ability to intensify the Earth's resonance frequencies (magnetic and ionosphere) which in turn amplifies human emotion. If you are positive you become more positive, if negative you become more negative. Historical events like war, social unrest, and acts of terrorism can be tied to solar activity influence. As a large system we would be able to therefore affect it by increasing our frequencies.
The science suggests that that when the heart was agitated on 9/11. There was a reduction of the higher mental and system functions producing negative chaotic patterns. The brain went into higher frequency beta waves which raised the electromagnetic resonance of the earth via coherence. The spike happening because of so many people going through the same exact sequence.
In the past, awareness of an interconnectedness between people and people and the earth and its solar system was strong among many shamanic, indigenous and religious traditions. Most of these traditions believe there is a universal consciousness that pervades and connects everything – the planet, rocks, plants, animals and human beings – in subtle and unseen ways. Many in modern science now are beginning to accept that we indeed are all part of a vast web of connections that encompass not only life on this planet but the solar system and beyond. Today, the notion of interconnectedness is being discussed and studied by scientists and many others who have the task of proving that the interconnectedness of life is not merely a spiritual belief, but scientific fact.
Many studies suggest that this interconnectedness exists, but the more challenging task is developing an understanding of what forces mediate such interconnections. When they prove there is interconnectedness and that the human mind is always affecting the world and understand how it works science is going to be thrown on its head.
This idea of global coherence stemming from personal coherence is a very powerful thing. It is especially significant when we look at the context. Here we at the time of the greatest crises of human history in this narrow window of time. Now science that is telling us of the crises is telling us that we have the ability to tip the scales in our favor. It is critical for the global community to take increased responsibility and care for each other and the earth, which is sustaining life and providing its many resources. This planet that we may be more intimately connected than we realize.