Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Nostradamus Now?

Nostradamus foresaw three Antichrists. The first was Napaulon Roy (Napoleon King), the second Hister (Hitler). The third is code named Mabus. He is our contemporary.

Nostradamus, the prophetic giant of the last millennium, said in the mid-1550s that in the future there would be a “black king” involved in the war against the Third Antichrist. This could be interpreted to mean Obama.

6 Q33
Sa main derniere par Alus sanguinaire
Ne se pourra par la mer guarentir:
Entre deux fleuuues craindre main militaire,
Le noir l’ireux le fera repentir.

His power lastly through the bloody Alus [USA]
He will be unable to guarantee himself by sea.
Between two rivers [Mesopotamia–Iraq] fear the military hand,
The black king will make him repent .

Play with it in French and the anagram Alus sanguinaire (Bloody Alus) can become L’USA sanguinere (the bloody USA).
It says that the sea will not guarantee safety.
Iraq is geographically the land between two rivers (the Tigris and Euphrates) originally the Greek Meso (between) potamia (two rivers). To fear military power in Iraq.
Le noir (the black) may be an anagram for le roi n(oir): “the black king” might describe Barack Obama.
The one who repents could either be President Bush or Osama bin Laden. President Bush made to repent his invasion of Iraq by Obama who pulls out combat troops in the first 16 months of his presidency. Usama bin Laden made to repent ordering al-Qaeda to infiltrate Iraq and taking on the US. The black referring to Obama, increasing US forces in Afghanistan and killing Usama in Pakistan incursion. Not being able to protect by sea may refer to terrorists be able to strike the US, or may refer to the burial of bin Laden at sea trying to prevent his martydom and reduce anger at the US not doing anything.

If  “Osama” is Nostradamus’ candidate for Antichrist, you can decode his name thusly, using Nostradamus’ anagramming;
Osama = (correct phonetic pronunciation) Usama. Rearrange the letters to: maaus. Replace the one redundant letter with only one letter missing, which is the b. Thus you get maaus = ma(a)us = mabus.

The story of Mabus, the Third Antichrist does not end but begins with his death. The Mabus prophecy reads:
2 Q62
Mabus puis tost alors mourra, viendra,
De gens & bestes vne horrible defaite:
Puis tout à coup la vengeance on verra,
Cent, main, soif, faim, quand courra la comete.

Mabus very soon then will die, [then] will come,
A horrible undoing of people and animals,
At once one will see vengeance,
One hundred powers, thirst, famine, when the comet will pass.

The death of the Mabus is as sudden and violent as the US Special Forces firefight that killed Usama bin Laden. If he is the true candidate for Mabus, then there will be retribution that in other parts of Nostradamus’ future implies a 25 to 27 year war will follow. There will be a horrible undoing of people and animals, an unraveling of civilization (humans) together with an undoing of the natural balances (animals). This could refer to a time of climate change and ecological crisis at a time of the death of the Antichrist.

The key in this prophecy for the immediate future is “vengeance”. Osama bin Laden has planned for his martyrdom for nearly a decade. There will be vengeance coming in the form of a retaliation.

One hundred nations (powers) initially allied with the US in a war against international terror. The final line implies these events happen in a time not only of ecological stresses like ours but also when food and water are approaching a crisis.

The comet passing could refer to the comet Elenin scheduled to pass the earth on September 9, 2011 or 9-9-11. Nearly on the 10 year anniversary of 9/11 or 9-11-01.

The terrible undoing and destruction of people and animals may also imply the long planned use of a weapon of mass destruction, either radiological, chemical or biological that kills both animals and humans that will be unleashed when Nostradamus’ Antichrist “is annihilated. Could we see big terrorist activity for revenge once again on September 11?

It's nearly 300 million miles away and barreling toward us. The intruder from deep space, called comet Elenin, crosses Earth's orbit on its inbound leg and again on its outbound swing around the sun later this year. Russian astronomer Leonid Elenin discovered the innocuous little comet on Dec. 10, 2010. Presently the comet is a faint smudge of light in deep sky exposures. By late August comet Elenin should be visible to the naked eye as a dim "fuzzy star" with a tail.

A dizzying collection of doomsday predictions have been linked to comet Elenin. The hysteria is inevitable as anxiety grows over the approach of 2012 -- that is supposedly a game-changing year for life on Earth. At least according to some interpretations of the ancient Mayan calendar. Though it's now over twice as far away from Earth than the sun is, comet Elenin has already been blamed for triggering earthquakes and shifting Earth's rotation axis. The comet has also been accused of melting ice on Mars and stirring up a storm on Saturn. It's even been predicted to flip Earth's magnetic field.

In close proximity to the March 15 alignment of Comet Elenin there was an earthquake in China, the big one in Japan, a new late winter storm in Turkey and Greece and yet another volcanic eruption in Indonesia. There was also an X-class solar flare several days before, too. All of these things may be related to the approach of Comet Elenin.

the plasma comet theory of James McCanney about how comets can affect our entire solar system electromagnetically, and how that can dramatically affect our sun and therefore planet Earth. There is an increasing body of evidence that electromagnetic disturbance of our Sun is directly related to earthquakes, volcanism, and weather on our planet. Planetary Alignments and new and full moons can also effect these things too. Combining all three can result in powerful effects.

If there are going to be any discharge related events as described in McCanney's theory, these dates may be important.
On September 27th, another Sun-Earth-Elenin alignment. There will also be a new moon at this time (rather close). this alignment is actually very interesting because Mercury also lines up on the opposite side of the Sun. So it is really a Mercury-Sun-Elenin-Moon-Earth alignment.
On November 23rd, another Sun-Earth-Elenin alignment. The new moon of November comes two days later on the 25th,

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